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Re: regression after removal

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Our son started wearing the DOC band at 7.5 months. He wore it till

he outgrew it at 9.5 months. I took him back at 13 months as I thought

he regressed which fortunately he didn't. We were told to just STOP

wearing it when he graduated. Regression is rare. I have heard of

some orthosists saying to keep it on until a certain age opposed to

until the desired correction is achieved. If you google " Hannah's

Noggin " you will read about her regression (with no known cause). But

again this very rare.

Good luck.


> Hello - my son got his 2nd helmet from Hanger yesterday, it is a


> better fit and bigger so he can grow into it. we have seen

> improvement already, minor, but improvement! anyhow, my orthotist

> said he sees a lot of parents eager to take the helmet off and then

> regression occurs. from what I have read on postings there isnt

> anyone who has experienced regression, or is there? my son is 7

> months with moderate plagio, my orthotist is suggesting he wear it


> the way up to a year, my husband and I were hoping 8 - 12 weeks


> he is growing so fast and improving each check up. but on the other

> hand we dont want to see regression either. has anyone experience

> mild to significant regression after removing the helmet? Thanks!


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