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Fluroide studies - Aluminum Interaction (offshoot of: Green Tea, Fluoride & the Thyroid

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I 'forked' this off as it's more about Al and F, than just F and

green tea.

The only problem I see with the green tea argument is that the

chinese have been drinking it for.. how many centurues? Not to be

flipant, but that does make me wonder. Of course, THEY didn't have

aluminim, dioxins, and God-Knows-What-Else floating around. They do

now, and I am aware of the IQ studies that have been done on Chinese

kids in high vs low soil-fluoride areas..

But another thing that bothers me is this (or I just am missing

something - which is more probably): Mercola states that fluoride

enhances the resorption of aluminum, and increases urinary excretion

vs. tap water. First, does this mean that the extra Al being

excreted is coming FROM the tea, meaning that the F did increase

absorption, or is the Al coming from the body, meaning perhaps that F

is acting as some kind of chelating agent "

Second, I found two articles on PubMed - one which stated:

" We studied in rats and mice the interactions between fluoride and

aluminum for their digestive absorption and showed that fluoride

increased the levels of aluminum in plasma .. whereas aluminum

decreased the absorption of fluoride .. could be the consequence [of

F-Al] complexes able to increase the absorption of aluminum and to

decrease the absorption of fluoride. " (1)

This seems to conclude (from the abstract, which is often skewed),

that F an Al are antagonists to each other. The other (a survey

article) said,

" One reported study suggests that relatively high fluoride in

drinking water plays a preventive role in Alzheimer's disease [!!].

The rationale for this is the evidence that aluminum and fluoride

compete for absorption in the gut. However, this study had

methodologic limitations, and no firm conclusion can be drawn.

Further investigation of relatively high fluoride in drinking water

as a preventive measure for Alzheimer's disease should receive high

priority. " (2)

My confusion may be the difference between absorption and

resorption, and of course this only address ONE of the possible

dangers of fluoride. I also found one article, not talking about

fluoride directly, by about the role of Al in Alzheimer's saying that

(this is only part - it was a LONG abstract):

" An understanding of a possible enhanced bioavailability of Al in

[drinking water] exposure, versus other exposures such as antacid

intake or industrial exposure, needs to be considered .. There has

been one promising clinical trial of the treatment of Alzheimer's

disease patients with the Al chelator desferrioxamine (DFO). Furher

studies . The possibility that *iron* might be the offending agent

needs to be considered since *DFO is a very strong iron chelator*. " (3)

This suggests that perhaps it's iron and not aluminum that is the

cause. Another article I found said that it's not clear whether the

metal is the cause of the tangles and plaques, or whether they just

get stuck there. And we're not even sure which comes first - the

joke is that the debate over tau-tanlges vs. beta-amyloid plaques is

the " Taoists vs the Baptists " .. We will have better evidence of that

once the data is published on the Transition Theraputics comound

(currently Phase I/II in humans) that can break up b-amyloid plaques

(and does nothing to the tangels I think) - as to whether it

significantly does anything clinically to the progression of Alzheimers.

I think I might just take in that letter *written by a dentist* to

my dentist, and see what he'd say about that. But it doesn't have

any of the references (boiled down to 'dentist English and not

biochemist English' if that's possible) about the G-protein signaling

FUBARs, TSH mimicry, other hormone mimicry?, possible DNA damage (in

humans as well as other animals - remember we possibly have better

DNA repair systems, but then they stop working as we age..). And of

course I would want good numbers of dental and skeletal fluorosis

incidence. (can fluorosis be DEVELOPED after the main bone growth/

teeth growth is done?)

Confused, either about what to believe, or how to present it to those

who might care,


1. " Enhancement of aluminum digestive absorption by fluoride in

rats. " Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol. 1996; 91(2): 225-31.

Allain P, Gauchard F, Krari N. PMID: 8832914

2. " Aluminum, fluoride and the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. "

Can J Public Health. 1992; 83(2): 97-100. Kraus AS, Forbes WF.

(Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Queen's University,

Ontario.) PMID: 1617567

3. " Can the controversy of the role of aluminum in Alzheimer's

disease be resolved? What are the suggested approaches to this

controversy and methodological issues to be considered? " J Toxicol

Environ Health. 1996; 48(6): 615-35. Savory J et al (Department of

Pathology, University of Virginia)

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