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Top 10 *flouride* book recommendations

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Okay, to continue this discussion: What do people recommend?

The books I'm want to get are the *good* books about fluoride (well,

not 'good' good, but..). By this I mean well referenced (prefereably

with the newer studies as doctors/dentists/etc don't seem to care

about 'old' research), studies about the biochemical effects AND

dental effects/non-effects, about how to 'de-bunk' the 'positive'

dental studies (what was wrong with them), not written in over-the-

top style, not too many exclamation points, REALLY solid references

(as much as this is posisble) for 'conspiracy theory ideas'.

And books that (if they exist) adress to some degree BOTH sides of

the issue - meaning they will take a point of view, but will address

what is wrong with the opposing POV, not just give reasons for their

own. You can't tear down someone else's castle by just building your

own.. (Or something like that - sounds like a Chinese proverb)

I have " Fluoride Deception " on order (my parents will go nuts -

but then, they will never see it probably..)


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Bernard, S et al ---- Autism: A Unique Type of Mercury Poisoning -- ARC


April 3, 2000 http://www.autism.com/ari/mercurylong.html

Aposhian, H.V et al. ---- " Urinary Mercury after Administration of 2, 3-


acid: Correlation with Dental Amalgam Score " Federation of American Societies


Experimental biology Journal. 6: 2472-2476; (1992).

Lorscheider, FL et al. ----Mercury exposure from silver tooth fillings: emerging


questions a traditional

dental paradigm -- FASEB Journal Apr 1995

ADA ---- When your patients ask about mercury in amalgam

Journal of the American Dental Association vol 120 p 395 April, 1990

Krauss, P MD ---- Field study on the mercury content of saliva University of




Basciano, M DDS ---- Lecture: IAOMT convention, San Diego 1994


O'Shea, T ---- Autism and Vaccines ICA Review Sep 00

Vimy, MJ et al. ---- Maternal-fetal distribution of mercury 203 released from


amalgam fillings

Journal of American Physiology Apr 1990

WHO ---- Environmental Health Criteria 118 Inorganic Mercury, Geneva

Switzerland, 1991.

Ziff, S ---- Dentistry Without Mercury Bio-Probe Inc. 2000.

Boyd, N.D. et al----. " Mercury From Dental " Silver " Tooth Fillings Impairs

Sheep Kidney

Function " , Am.J. Physiol. 261, Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 30:



Frustaci A, et al. ---- Department of Cardiology, Catholic University, Rome,

Italy. " Marked

elevation of myocardial trace elements in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy


with secondary cardiac dysfunction. " J Am Coll Cardiol 1999 May;33(6):1578-83

Summers, A.O, et al. ---- " Mercury Released from Dental " Silver " Fillings

Provokes an

Increase in Mercury and Antibiotic - Resistant Bacteria in Oral and Intestinal

Flora of

Primates " Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy April 1993 p 825 - 834.

NIDR ---- Workshop: biocompatibility of metals in dentistry Journal of the

American Dental Association

Vol109(3) p469, 1984.

Editorial ---- New England Journal of Medicine 18 Oct 90

Griffiths, J and Bryson, C ---- Fluoride, Teeth, and the A-bomb

Earth Island Journal Winter 1997-98 p. 38

Burton, D Rep ---- Office of Government Reform -- Washington, DC (202) 225- 2276

Videotape available from c-span.org 6 April 00

House of Representatives Conference on Autism and Vaccines

Burton, D ---- Mercury in medicine are we taking unnecessary risks?

Government Reform Committee hearing 18 July 00

Silberod, R ---- A comparison of mental health of multiple sclerosis patients


silver/mercury dental fillings

Psychological Reports 70:1139-51 1992.

Sehnert K, MD ---- Is mercury toxicity an autoimmune disorder? Townsend Letter

for Doctors Oct 1995 p134

DAMS Inc ----- Mercury Free and Healthy: The Dental Amalgam Issue

Prepared July 2000 Consumers for Dental Choice A Project of the National

Institute for

Science, Law and Public Policy 1424 16th Street, NW Suite 105 Washington, D.C.


UK Amalgam page ---- http://www.amalgam.ukgo.com/Homepage.htm

Wynn R PhD ---- Drug Information Handbook for Dentists Lex-Comp Inc 1997.

ADA ---- ADA Guide to Dental Therapeutics

ADA Publishing Company Chicago 1998




Yiamouyiannis, J PhD ---- Fluoride the Aging Factor Health Action Press 1993.

Tye L ---- The Father of Spin: L. Bernays & the Birth of Public

Relations "

Hansen, R DDS ---- The Key to Ultimate Health ------ 2000


> Okay, to continue this discussion: What do people recommend?

> The books I'm want to get are the *good* books about fluoride (well,

> not 'good' good, but..). By this I mean well referenced (prefereably

> with the newer studies as doctors/dentists/etc don't seem to care

> about 'old' research), studies about the biochemical effects AND

> dental effects/non-effects, about how to 'de-bunk' the 'positive'

> dental studies (what was wrong with them), not written in over-the-

> top style, not too many exclamation points, REALLY solid references

> (as much as this is posisble) for 'conspiracy theory ideas'.


> And books that (if they exist) adress to some degree BOTH sides of

> the issue - meaning they will take a point of view, but will address

> what is wrong with the opposing POV, not just give reasons for their

> own. You can't tear down someone else's castle by just building your

> own.. (Or something like that - sounds like a Chinese proverb)


> I have " Fluoride Deception " on order (my parents will go nuts -

> but then, they will never see it probably..)


> Jim


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