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Re: 10 month old w/ plagio

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Which Cranial Tech would you be going to? Do you have the

measurement for his traditional cranial vault assymetry? My son has

a DOCBand and began at 15 mm of assym and I am happy we banded. At

least in our case, we waited until my son was 16 months old and his

head still hadn't rounded out on its own like all the doctors said

it would. I would say if insurance is going to cover it, and the

expense is not a burden, go for it. I would also ask yourself, if

his head stayed the exact same shape it is now for the rest of his

life, would I be OK with that? If the answer is yes, then don't

band, if it's no, then I would band. Of course we love our children

no matter what, but my biggest concern was how my son would feel

about himself as he grew older, if he was going to be selfconscious

because his forehead bulged or his ears were misaligned. So those

were the deciding factors for me. And he adjusted so well to the

band itself, it hasn't been a hardship for us in any way, so I

couldn't be happier about that.

Good luck with your decision!

Jake-19m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DOCBand 8 weeks)



> We just took my son to Cranial Tech last week. He had flattening


> his left side b/c he favored it when he was younger, my


> said that it would fill out etc. and it did quite a bit but not

> completely. It never really bothered me but my husband pointed out

> how his left ear was closer to his face than his right so I brought

> this up to the pediatrician and she said she felt it wasn't a big


> and would work itself out but gave us a referral to Cranial Tech


> for comfort. We went and the photostudy showed that he had right

> frontal flattening; left occipital flattening; right eye fissure

> narrowed; increased head height on the left; unleveling of the


> They said that he had " moderate " plagio and was an " excellent

> candidate " for the band. We are really torn about this. The


> and afters they showed us didn't look like there were dramatic


> and she even said he would likely only go from moderate to mild and

> his ears would only change slightly. We're wondering if this is


> 4+ months of his life in a band. Anyone have a similar experience?

> Our insurance will likely pay for this so the money isn't an



> Thanks in advance for any advice!!


> Mom to Luke, 10 months


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We are going to the Cranial Tech in ndale, VA (outside of DC). The PT said that the cranial vault asymmetry was 10 mm. Thanks for your advice. I personally don't think that the flatness etc. is that bad but I guess we just need to make the decision fast. I'm just afraid people will react strangely to him when he has the band on. I would just feel bad for him. What are your experiences?

From: Plagiocephaly [mailto:Plagiocephaly ] On Behalf Of Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 10:47 PMPlagiocephaly Subject: Re: 10 month old w/ plagio

Hi-Which Cranial Tech would you be going to? Do you have the measurement for his traditional cranial vault assymetry? My son has a DOCBand and began at 15 mm of assym and I am happy we banded. At least in our case, we waited until my son was 16 months old and his head still hadn't rounded out on its own like all the doctors said it would. I would say if insurance is going to cover it, and the expense is not a burden, go for it. I would also ask yourself, if his head stayed the exact same shape it is now for the rest of his life, would I be OK with that? If the answer is yes, then don't band, if it's no, then I would band. Of course we love our children no matter what, but my biggest concern was how my son would feel about himself as he grew older, if he was going to be selfconscious because his forehead bulged or his ears were misaligned. So those were the deciding factors for me. And he adjusted so well to the band itself, it hasn't been a hardship for us in any way, so I couldn't be happier about that. Good luck with your decision!Jake-19m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DOCBand 8 weeks)Jordan-4>> We just took my son to Cranial Tech last week. He had flattening on> his left side b/c he favored it when he was younger, my pediatrician> said that it would fill out etc. and it did quite a bit but not> completely. It never really bothered me but my husband pointed out> how his left ear was closer to his face than his right so I brought> this up to the pediatrician and she said she felt it wasn't a big deal> and would work itself out but gave us a referral to Cranial Tech just> for comfort. We went and the photostudy showed that he had right> frontal flattening; left occipital flattening; right eye fissure> narrowed; increased head height on the left; unleveling of the ears...> They said that he had "moderate" plagio and was an "excellent> candidate" for the band. We are really torn about this. The before> and afters they showed us didn't look like there were dramatic changes> and she even said he would likely only go from moderate to mild and> his ears would only change slightly. We're wondering if this is worth> 4+ months of his life in a band. Anyone have a similar experience? > Our insurance will likely pay for this so the money isn't an issue... > > Thanks in advance for any advice!!> > Mom to Luke, 10 months>

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Malcolm was 10 months when he was diagnosed and he has improved greatly. I think it's totally worth it, even for a little adjustment.If life doesn't give you a happy ending, make your own. __________________________________________________

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My son also have 10 mm asym. it was a hard decision for us since it is borderline moderate and we don't notice too much. we have made the decision to band given his head did not change much over two months with repo. I too worry about others reaction, but know that there are lots of kids and people with all different issues and this one is temporary. It only matters how we as parents react to them at a young age and if we are happy and smiling, they will not know the difference. It is also a good opportunity to educate others if you are asked "what is wrong". Good luck. I know the decision is very difficult, we struggled for several weeks.

Re: 10 month old w/ plagio

Hi-Which Cranial Tech would you be going to? Do you have the measurement for his traditional cranial vault assymetry? My son has a DOCBand and began at 15 mm of assym and I am happy we banded. At least in our case, we waited until my son was 16 months old and his head still hadn't rounded out on its own like all the doctors said it would. I would say if insurance is going to cover it, and the expense is not a burden, go for it. I would also ask yourself, if his head stayed the exact same shape it is now for the rest of his life, would I be OK with that? If the answer is yes, then don't band, if it's no, then I would band. Of course we love our children no matter what, but my biggest concern was how my son would feel about himself as he grew older, if he was going to be selfconscious because his forehead bulged or his ears were misaligned. So those were the deciding factors for me. And he adjusted

so well to the band itself, it hasn't been a hardship for us in any way, so I couldn't be happier about that. Good luck with your decision!Jake-19m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DOCBand 8 weeks)Jordan-4>> We just took my son to Cranial Tech last week. He had flattening on> his left side b/c he favored it when he was younger, my pediatrician> said that it would fill out etc. and it did quite a bit but not> completely. It never really bothered me but my husband pointed out> how his left ear was closer to his face than his right so I brought> this up to the pediatrician and she said she felt it wasn't a big deal> and would work itself out

but gave us a referral to Cranial Tech just> for comfort. We went and the photostudy showed that he had right> frontal flattening; left occipital flattening; right eye fissure> narrowed; increased head height on the left; unleveling of the ears...> They said that he had "moderate" plagio and was an "excellent> candidate" for the band. We are really torn about this. The before> and afters they showed us didn't look like there were dramatic changes> and she even said he would likely only go from moderate to mild and> his ears would only change slightly. We're wondering if this is worth> 4+ months of his life in a band. Anyone have a similar experience? > Our insurance will likely pay for this so the money isn't an issue... > > Thanks in advance for any advice!!> > Mom to Luke, 10


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Hi! I def think it is well worth it esp if your insurance will pay!

My son is 11 months and just got his band but we should have gotten

it early cuz the drs had said something when he was born but never

reffered us. His case is moderate to. He has had it for about a week

now and i can kinda see some changes but its nothing dramatic. If

your insurance will pay for it I would do it. Our insurance wouldnt

pay for it which is sad cuz its the military insurance and their moto

is " whatever it takes " amd they say they are there to help the

families. But def would do it.

in Arizona

Logan 11 months old ni band for a week


> We just took my son to Cranial Tech last week. He had flattening on

> his left side b/c he favored it when he was younger, my pediatrician

> said that it would fill out etc. and it did quite a bit but not

> completely. It never really bothered me but my husband pointed out

> how his left ear was closer to his face than his right so I brought

> this up to the pediatrician and she said she felt it wasn't a big


> and would work itself out but gave us a referral to Cranial Tech


> for comfort. We went and the photostudy showed that he had right

> frontal flattening; left occipital flattening; right eye fissure

> narrowed; increased head height on the left; unleveling of the


> They said that he had " moderate " plagio and was an " excellent

> candidate " for the band. We are really torn about this. The before

> and afters they showed us didn't look like there were dramatic


> and she even said he would likely only go from moderate to mild and

> his ears would only change slightly. We're wondering if this is


> 4+ months of his life in a band. Anyone have a similar experience?

> Our insurance will likely pay for this so the money isn't an



> Thanks in advance for any advice!!


> Mom to Luke, 10 months


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  • 5 years later...
Guest Venus024

Hi, please help ASAP!!! What results did Jake have starting so late?


Which Cranial Tech would you be going to? Do you have the

measurement for his traditional cranial vault assymetry? My son has

a DOCBand and began at 15 mm of assym and I am happy we banded. At

least in our case, we waited until my son was 16 months old and his

head still hadn't rounded out on its own like all the doctors said

it would. I would say if insurance is going to cover it, and the

expense is not a burden, go for it. I would also ask yourself, if

his head stayed the exact same shape it is now for the rest of his

life, would I be OK with that? If the answer is yes, then don't

band, if it's no, then I would band. Of course we love our children

no matter what, but my biggest concern was how my son would feel

about himself as he grew older, if he was going to be selfconscious

because his forehead bulged or his ears were misaligned. So those

were the deciding factors for me. And he adjusted so well to the

band itself, it hasn't been a hardship for us in any way, so I

couldn't be happier about that.

Good luck with your decision!

Jake-19m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DOCBand 8 weeks)



> We just took my son to Cranial Tech last week. He had flattening


> his left side b/c he favored it when he was younger, my


> said that it would fill out etc. and it did quite a bit but not

> completely. It never really bothered me but my husband pointed out

> how his left ear was closer to his face than his right so I brought

> this up to the pediatrician and she said she felt it wasn't a big


> and would work itself out but gave us a referral to Cranial Tech


> for comfort. We went and the photostudy showed that he had right

> frontal flattening; left occipital flattening; right eye fissure

> narrowed; increased head height on the left; unleveling of the


> They said that he had " moderate " plagio and was an " excellent

> candidate " for the band. We are really torn about this. The


> and afters they showed us didn't look like there were dramatic


> and she even said he would likely only go from moderate to mild and

> his ears would only change slightly. We're wondering if this is


> 4+ months of his life in a band. Anyone have a similar experience?

> Our insurance will likely pay for this so the money isn't an



> Thanks in advance for any advice!!


> Mom to Luke, 10 months


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