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Re: Steller Prosthetics

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He'll probably be sweaty for the first week or so, but then adust. The

band does get stinky, but it is less after a few weeks, and you'll get

used to it :-) some people use fruity smelling shampoo to cover the

smell, but my daughter's head was pretty sensitive so we stayed away

from those. 3-4 mo is pretty normal. It will really depend on your

son's severity, and how fast he grows.

You may get a few funny looks, but most people are very nice, and just


Good luck & let us know how he does.


sydney 2 yrs starband grad


> Hello,


> My son is being sized tomorrow for his helmet by Stellar

> Prosthetics in Pasadena CA. He'll be 7 months on Sunday and they

> think he'll wear it 3-4 months. Does this sound reasonable?


> I'm concerned about how this will effect his sleeping and also hear a

> lot about sweating, smells, etc. Any advice? i'm sure we'll get the

> looks/questions too which i'm not prepared for.


> thanks,



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It also depends on his assymetry going in to the band. 3-4 months

sounds reasonable but if his plagio is really severe then I would

think it may take longer. It really depends though on your baby. As

for sleeping, sweating, etc. It is not that bad. Dress your baby

lighter than usual, maybe try memory foam (we didn't...our son was

back to sleeping 12 hours after 2 nights in the band), maybe use a

scented shampoo, use the 91% alcohol for cleaning the band, cool off

the car prior to getting in, from baby dagny you can order a cool

seat thing for the car. Those are all the tips I can think of at

this point. Good luck.



> From: mjovadia <mjovadia (DOT) com>

> Subject: Steller Prosthetics

> Plagiocephaly

> Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 9:49 PM



> Hello,


> My son is being sized tomorrow for his helmet by Stellar

> Prosthetics in Pasadena CA. He'll be 7 months on Sunday and they

> think he'll wear it 3-4 months. Does this sound reasonable?


> I'm concerned about how this will effect his sleeping and also

hear a

> lot about sweating, smells, etc. Any advice? i'm sure we'll get


> looks/questions too which i'm not prepared for.


> thanks,








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