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Re: question about assymetry

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I think the most noticable thing is the ears, others may disagree.

My son's head did boss and his eyes were a bit off center but with

my daughter (both had tort from birth, lucky us) the ears are really

the most noticable assymetry. One of her eyes looks like it's more

wide open than the other as well (the one on the side of the flat

spot looks more open). Both kids fell into the severe category.


> I'm taking my son to Cranial Tech on Feb 11th for the eval and

want to

> be prepared if I learn he is very assymemtrical in addition to

having a

> severe flat spot. I am so nervous. He's already 8 months old.

Would I

> be able to tell if he's not " even " ? I've seen posts saying that a


> number such as 3mm is noticable. Is that usually the eyes or ears


> uneven? I'm new here and would like any advice on this subject as


> keep trying to tell myself my son is going to okay. Would I know

if my

> son's forehead is bossing? (He has plagio but no tort or any other

> problems to the best of my knowledge.) Thanks a ton!!!


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First off, band or no band (if not necessary), your son will be just

fine! :) To the untrained eye, you may not be able to tell that

your son is " uneven " or if the forehead is bossing. When my son was

banded, he had 8mm assymetry. My pediatrician pointed it out to us

at 2 months and at 3 months we took him to CT for prefering to look

left. At 3 months and then when we went back 6.5 months, his head

measured 8mm assymetrical. When our ped. pointed out the flatness

on the left side, I had a hard time seeing it. I don't know if I

didn't want to see it or that I wasn't trained to see it or what.

When he graduated he had 3mm assymetry and I could see that but I

had also been scrutinizing his head for the previous 7 months (ie.

2months-7.5 (when we banded) is repositioning working? NO Then 7.5-

9.5 months...is the band working? YES Then 9.5 months to even now 19

monhts...is his head regressing? NO). I think the people that

notice 3mm assymetry probably notice it if they've

already " corrected most of the plagio. " I think a child that starts

with 3mm wouldn't be seen. Besides, they won't band at 3mm unless

there is eye misalignment, ear misalignment, etc.

Good luck in figuring out what to do. The band may be a little

incovenient but in the long run it is so worth it.

> >

> > I'm taking my son to Cranial Tech on Feb 11th for the eval and

> want to

> > be prepared if I learn he is very assymemtrical in addition to

> having a

> > severe flat spot. I am so nervous. He's already 8 months old.

> Would I

> > be able to tell if he's not " even " ? I've seen posts saying that


> small

> > number such as 3mm is noticable. Is that usually the eyes or


> being

> > uneven? I'm new here and would like any advice on this subject


> I

> > keep trying to tell myself my son is going to okay. Would I know

> if my

> > son's forehead is bossing? (He has plagio but no tort or any


> > problems to the best of my knowledge.) Thanks a ton!!!

> >


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I think you would notice a moderate-severe amount of forehead

bossing, but maybe not a mild amount. Not every baby with a flat

spot has forehead bossing, from what I've seen in photos (but I

could be wrong, though I'm pretty obsessed with that part of the

head and study every picture I see). And both the forehead bossing

and ear assymetry is most likely only really noticeable from a

bird's eye view (looking down on the head) and you really have to

get their head lined up straight to see it (if it's crooked, the

forehead and ears could look even). My son's assymetry (both head

and ears) measured 15mm, and that didn't surprise me one bit. (It's

considered high moderate, but I would say that 9 people out of 10

don't notice anything " wrong " with him unless I point it out). They

basically measure from one temple to the opposite back of the head

on boths sides (so right temple to back left, then left temple to

back right). The difference in those numbers is the assymetry. They

do the same thing for the ears. I'm not sure if ear assymetry goes

along with every flat spot as well. I can only speak from my

experience that both are very noticeable to me, although I have been

staring at his head every free moment since he was 2 months old

basically. Straight on though, the forehead bossing doesn't jump out

at you. I think it's noticeable because my son's hair line kind of

grows around it, which accents it a little, but still most people

don't notice until I point it out. I also see one eye looking more

open than the other and a kind of lazy look to the whole eye brow

area (of the " closed " eye). But no one else sees that but me and the

orthotist and therapist (we saw both and they both pointed it out

without me saying anything, so they are obviously trained to look

for it). And for me, the flat spot is third on my list of concerns,

first is the forehead bossing and second are the ears.

What CT will you be going to? We are getting our DOCBand on Monday

in Charlotte. Regardless, I'm sure you'll be in good hands. They

should honestly let you know if you should band or not. Once you get

the measurements you could post them here and see what other moms

have experienced in that range. Oh, and they take photos of the baby

from every angle and then give them to you in a PhotoStudy that

really helps point out the areas that need to be improved.

Good luck! And keep us posted!

in Raleigh

Jake-17m (tort resolved/plagio) DOCBand 2/11/08



> I'm taking my son to Cranial Tech on Feb 11th for the eval and

want to

> be prepared if I learn he is very assymemtrical in addition to

having a

> severe flat spot. I am so nervous. He's already 8 months old.

Would I

> be able to tell if he's not " even " ? I've seen posts saying that a


> number such as 3mm is noticable. Is that usually the eyes or ears


> uneven? I'm new here and would like any advice on this subject as


> keep trying to tell myself my son is going to okay. Would I know

if my

> son's forehead is bossing? (He has plagio but no tort or any other

> problems to the best of my knowledge.) Thanks a ton!!!


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