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Thanks heather

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heather, thanks for your response. I'm glad to hear i'm not alone in

the cranky baby department. All my friends have 'perfect happy

babies' so i'm always worried that maybe it's me. But i think you're

right as far as just doing the banding now while she's already

unhappy. I just don't want to have any regrets or for her to ask me

if there was anything i could have done. how would i ever explain

that she was just too cranky?? thanks again!

In Plagiocephaly , Langston

<heatherlangston83@...> wrote:


> Bless your heart.  I totally understand about cranky babies.  I too

am a stay at home mom and my eight month old hasn't stopped crying

since I brought him home from the hospital.  I know what it's like to

think if it gets any worse I absolutely can not take it.  Getting the

helmet (2 1/2 weeks ago) was tough.  The first couple of days and

nights were hard, but it is gradually getting better.  I live in

Eastern NC so it gets really hot and humid here in the summer so the

heat is one of my major concerns too.  But I'm totally sure/confident

that it will be worth it in the end.  If she's already fussy, like

, you may not even notice it that much!  Hang in there.  Once

the helmet was fitting good and he'd had some time to get used to it

I turned the baby monitor off and got some sleep.  I can't deal with

all the fussing (not to mention I have a two year old who's

discovered the terrible twos) with no sleep.  Don't feel bad if you

have to

> let her cry.  Do you have an ipod or something?  Go for a walk and

crank up the volume!  Speaking of crying, parker's breaking down

now!  11:20est.   go back to sleep parker!  Don't worry!  The helmet

is not that bad.  I think we'll survive.  We're going to try to

anyway!  ~ 



> new here, would like some advice! (sorry so long)



> Hello everyone, my daughter will be 5 months old on May 13th. She


> toricollis and positional plagio. we have been in physical therapy


> 2 1/2 months. there has been no change in the shape of her head.


> ped and our therapist sent us to hanger orthotics for a hanger band


> a star band. the orthotist wouldn't give us a yes i would or no i

> wouldn't opinion. he said we should wait to see what our insurance

> would cover and discuss it further. we found out today they will


> 80%. i want to do whatever is best for my daughter, but i have


> concerns. first is the orthotist said the summer is a tough time to

> wear the band, and my daughter is always hot anyway. is that going


> be pure torture for her?? also, she is a very colicky, fussy, needy

> baby. she cries a lot and doesn't sleep well. she takes almost no

> naps during the day which only adds to her crankiness. some days i

> wonder how i made it through the day (i'm a stay at home mom). i am

> terrified that her mood will only be worse if she gets the band and


> not sure i can handle it! (the crankiness, not the banding!). but


> bottom line is i want what is best for her. any opinions?? thanks


> advance!








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