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Re: New and Unsure

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Hello and welcome to the group. My daughter wore a starband starting

at 5 mo for severe brachy (flat in back). I know for plagio our doc

(cranial facial plastic surgeon) recommends banding at 10 mm of

asymmetry or more - not sure how that matches with your daughter. Some

parents in this group have banded at lower numbers. Maybe you can

posts pics of her here to let us see how she looks.

If you do want to band her, I think you'll find it is easier than you

anticipate. There is an adjustment period, but it quickly becomes part

of your routine, and it is definitely effective.

Best of luck with a tough decision.


sydney 2 yrs starband grad


> I would appreciate any advise.

> I have an almost 5 month old daughter--at two months I noticed some

> flattening to the back of the right side of her head and that her

> ears were asymmetrical. I brought it to my pediatrician's attention--

> and he was mostly just concerned that her head was continuing to grow

> bigger and that she didn't have premature fusing. We went back one

> month later to check head circumference and her head was growing

> properly so his recommendation was that she would grow out of her

> flattening with time, no worries. But I continued to worry and got a

> second opinion from another pediatrician. The second pediatrician

> said toricollis and gave neck exercises instructions with a referral

> to cranial technologies--she told me I could go to cranial

> technololgies not because my daughter needs a band, but to get more

> specific stretching exercises. At Cranial Technologies she was rated

> as a low to moderate case--they didn't think torticollis was an

> issue,left the option to band up to me saying I could continue to

> keep placing her on her left side (keep her off of the flat side) or

> I could band for probably 8 weeks and get good results. I don't know

> what to do... Of course, I want to do what's best for my daughter.

> Also, they wont band her unless a pediatrician writes a rx for it,

> and we don't have a pediatrician who thinks its a good idea. My

> husband says I am pushing a non-issue. Should case be more severe

> for banding? Will she just grow out of this? I look at her now and

> I do think I see improvements, but at the same time I'm scared of

> giving it too much time and not being within the optimum banding

> window. I would be SO grateful for any helpful advise.


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I am in Texas and struggled as you did. My ped noticed her plagio and

tort at 2 months and I started agressive repositioning (I was not given

exercises which CT gave me - wished I'd seen them at this time and will

ask my ped for a referral at this point if my next child has

symptoms). At 4 months, ped encouraged me to make appt with CT. I'm

glad I banded at this point! The helmet is basically made of styrofoam

with light plastic over it and after only 10 days it made improvement

which I could see and feel. Because the younger they are the softer

their head and the faster it grows, the less time they generally have

to wear it. My daughter has adjusted well and I would really encourage

you to do the free consult with CT and get the measurements and then

make a decision. I also know my SIL didn't band and my nephew is 4

years old and they regret it. It did get a little better but it's


Dallas, TX

Daughter is 5.5 months - Doc Band for a month

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