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Proper fit of DOC Band

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My 9-month old twins have been in their bands 5 weeks. There seems to

be a lot of open " space " behind their ears on the velcro side (over an

inch). They also have lumps above their ears on that side which they

are saying is fluid ridging. The " sideburn " portion actually seems a

little bit over their ears on that side. Is this normal? Is their

anything I should be watching for? They didn't mention possible

complications other than skin breakdown.


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Today is my ds's 6th week in the doc band, and he has the space behind the ear on the opening, and the fluid ridging just like you little ones, from this list it seems that the fluid retention is very common, and should go away after the helmet is off. But, I wouldl have them check out the sideburn on the ear. I dont think that should be happening. Kami Keenan 6 months 6 weeks doc bandhollijay2000 <hollijay2000@...> wrote: My 9-month old twins have been in their bands 5 weeks. There seems tobe a lot of open

"space" behind their ears on the velcro side (over aninch). They also have lumps above their ears on that side which theyare saying is fluid ridging. The "sideburn" portion actually seems alittle bit over their ears on that side. Is this normal? Is theiranything I should be watching for? They didn't mention possiblecomplications other than skin breakdown.Thanks,

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When my boys were in their bands I noticed one always shifting over.

The ear on one side was almost covered and the other side had lots of

room behind...They also told me this was ok and that the band didn't

have to be tight to work...As for the ridges they did mention the

possibility of fluid retention there, but we never experienced that...


Katy, TX


> My 9-month old twins have been in their bands 5 weeks. There seems to

> be a lot of open " space " behind their ears on the velcro side (over an

> inch). They also have lumps above their ears on that side which they

> are saying is fluid ridging. The " sideburn " portion actually seems a

> little bit over their ears on that side. Is this normal? Is their

> anything I should be watching for? They didn't mention possible

> complications other than skin breakdown.


> Thanks,



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