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fitting our newly adopted 13m old w/a helmet

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Congratulations on the adoption of your new son. I don't have

experience with banding a 13 month old but I do have experience with

banding. Most babies adjust rather quickly. For our 7.5 month old

at the time, he was back to sleeping through on the 3rd night of

having the band. He was the same, happy little boy the entire time

banded. I think that you could still have great results at 13

months and I think that your son will adjust just fine. This is a

great place to ask questions and to get answers from others that

have gone through the banding process.


> We just brought our newly adopted son home from Guatemala about 5


> ago. I have been concerned about the shape of his head and after

> seeing enough drs, we ended up at the orthodic place today. After

> doing all the measurements, she said he was a 1/2 " off. It's not

> terribly noticeable from the front but from other angles you can

> definately tell. It's flatter on the left front and right rear


> of his head. His head is better than it was when we were there to

> visit last August and September. And it's of course doubtful that


> will improve any more w/o help. The orthodic people suggested we


> to this group for answers to some of our questions.


> Has anyone else fitted their child around this age? What kind of

> results did you get?


> We have two other boys, but I've never had any experience w/this

> before. So I'm really feeling kind of lost....thanks for your help!


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Congratulations on adopting! I'm sorry you have to be dealing with a

plagio situation right out of the gate. My son was banded at 17

months old and I would do it again in a heartbeat. His head is

definitely changing. Although the end result may not be as great as

if we had banded earlier, it's still better than if we hadn't banded

at all. It's definitely worth trying.

Where are you located? What band would you be getting? Let us know

and hopefully someone can chime in with their specific experiences.

Good luck!

Jake-19m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DOCBand 10 weeks)



> We just brought our newly adopted son home from Guatemala about 5


> ago. I have been concerned about the shape of his head and after

> seeing enough drs, we ended up at the orthodic place today. After

> doing all the measurements, she said he was a 1/2 " off. It's not

> terribly noticeable from the front but from other angles you can

> definately tell. It's flatter on the left front and right rear


> of his head. His head is better than it was when we were there to

> visit last August and September. And it's of course doubtful that


> will improve any more w/o help. The orthodic people suggested we


> to this group for answers to some of our questions.


> Has anyone else fitted their child around this age? What kind of

> results did you get?


> We have two other boys, but I've never had any experience w/this

> before. So I'm really feeling kind of lost....thanks for your help!


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Congratulations on your new son!!!

Many have banded at that age and had great success! What type of band are you using?

Please post pics! We'd love to see him!

Jen and Luli - 28 months

Left tort - Right Plagio - Hanger Band Grad - CA


fitting our newly adopted 13m old w/a helmet

We just brought our newly adopted son home from Guatemala about 5 wks

ago. I have been concerned about the shape of his head and after

seeing enough drs, we ended up at the orthodic place today. After

doing all the measurements, she said he was a 1/2" off. It's not

terribly noticeable from the front but from other angles you can

definately tell. It's flatter on the left front and right rear sides

of his head. His head is better than it was when we were there to

visit last August and September. And it's of course doubtful that it

will improve any more w/o help. The orthodic people suggested we come

to this group for answers to some of our questions.

Has anyone else fitted their child around this age? What kind of

results did you get?

We have two other boys, but I've never had any experience w/this

before. So I'm really feeling kind of lost....thanks for your help!

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Congratulations on the adoption. 1/2 inch is about 12 mm, and I would

band at this number. Also I would try to find someone more experienced

with older babies, although 13 mo isn't that old (some band at 18 mo).

At this age you should still see good results and I think it would

definitely be worth it. Make sure your band provider is experienced

and you should see good results. Which orthotic place did you visit?

Many orthos do different treatments including banding and some

specialize in banding, so experience varies. Cranial Tech

(cranialtech.com) doesn't use orthotists, it trains Physical

Therapists and RNs to work with bands. Also they do only banding, so

the staff is well trained. We are got our band in the San Francisco

area and went to a very experience STARband ortho.


sydney 2 yrs starband grad


> We just brought our newly adopted son home from Guatemala about 5 wks

> ago. I have been concerned about the shape of his head and after

> seeing enough drs, we ended up at the orthodic place today. After

> doing all the measurements, she said he was a 1/2 " off. It's not

> terribly noticeable from the front but from other angles you can

> definately tell. It's flatter on the left front and right rear sides

> of his head. His head is better than it was when we were there to

> visit last August and September. And it's of course doubtful that it

> will improve any more w/o help. The orthodic people suggested we come

> to this group for answers to some of our questions.


> Has anyone else fitted their child around this age? What kind of

> results did you get?


> We have two other boys, but I've never had any experience w/this

> before. So I'm really feeling kind of lost....thanks for your help!


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First, THANKS so much for all the Congratulations!! We are very

excited!! And THANKS for the emails. I'm new to message boards.

We are in Kansas, just outside of Wichita. We went to Hanger. And

from looking at the pamphlet, everythng says Hanger Cranial Band, so

that's the only thing I know to call it. It is a helmet though, not a

band. I have done a little research on the internet when I have

time. She thought it would have to be worn about 7 months!?

My husband isn't really interested in doing this at all. I think since

it's very hard to tell when you look at our son (Sander is his name)

from the front that he feels it's not necessary. I think he's a little

worried about going out in public etc, which I'm sure takes a little

getting used to I'm sure, but it's just something you have to do.

The way the orthotist talked she has done older children, but I would

have to ask again. Sander's little head is flatter on left front and

right rear. I appreciate all the " Go for it's ! "

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Does anyone know...is it necessary to go to a neurosurgeon, or is it

sometimes common for the pediatrician to just send us straight to

Hanger? I had assumed we would be referred to a neurosurgeon but were

not. This pediatrician (he is not our regular pediatrician) did tell

us that if we do go through w/this to come back and see him so he can

do a head xray.


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My pediatrician wasn't familiar with plagio so he wasn't comfortable writing the script. But many members have received the script from the pediatricians,


fitting our newly adopted 13m old w/a helmet

Does anyone know...is it necessary to go to a neurosurgeon, or is it sometimes common for the pediatrician to just send us straight to Hanger? I had assumed we would be referred to a neurosurgeon but were not. This pediatrician (he is not our regular pediatrician) did tell us that if we do go through w/this to come back and see him so he can do a head xray. Thanks!

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--CONGRATS!!! We Just started our 11 1/2 month old daughter from

China in a helmet. SHe tolerates it very well, no trouble sleeping

at all! She has been in it for over a week, and hope to see

results. I have done some research also and have found that other

people are seeing results with children over 1 year. Good Luck

- In Plagiocephaly , " littlefly3015 "

<littlefly3015@...> wrote:


> We just brought our newly adopted son home from Guatemala about 5


> ago. I have been concerned about the shape of his head and after

> seeing enough drs, we ended up at the orthodic place today. After

> doing all the measurements, she said he was a 1/2 " off. It's not

> terribly noticeable from the front but from other angles you can

> definately tell. It's flatter on the left front and right rear


> of his head. His head is better than it was when we were there to

> visit last August and September. And it's of course doubtful that


> will improve any more w/o help. The orthodic people suggested we


> to this group for answers to some of our questions.


> Has anyone else fitted their child around this age? What kind of

> results did you get?


> We have two other boys, but I've never had any experience w/this

> before. So I'm really feeling kind of lost....thanks for your help!


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I would go to a neurologist to get the script. They are specialists in the area. Also , do a great deal of research on your Hanger ortho and location, too many bad stories for me, go to Cranial if you can. Tammy

From: littlefly3015 <littlefly3015@...>Subject: fitting our newly adopted 13m old w/a helmetPlagiocephaly Date: Thursday, April 24, 2008, 6:10 PM

Does anyone know...is it necessary to go to a neurosurgeon, or is it sometimes common for the pediatrician to just send us straight to Hanger? I had assumed we would be referred to a neurosurgeon but were not. This pediatrician (he is not our regular pediatrician) did tell us that if we do go through w/this to come back and see him so he can do a head xray. Thanks!

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It sounds like he wants the band provider to do an evaluation of the

severity (he probably isn't familiar with taking these measurements).

Then if your're going ahead with the band he'll do the xray to rule

out cranio. We saw a cranio facial plastic surgeon who did the

measurements, recommended banding, and was able to tell us that he

wasn't worried about cranio. You don't need to see a neuro, it just

depends if cranio is a posiblity or not. Most asymmetry is just plagio

but certain head shapes in particular are an indication of cranio.

Did you get a referral for a consultation with Hanger, or did you get

a script (Rx) for the band too? If you don't have the script yet

you'll have to go back to the ped, and then I guess that is when he

would order the xray. There are multiple band providers, so you might

want to check out the options in your area before deciding where to

go. I didn't know this when we started, but we ended up with a very

experienced provider.


sydney starband grad 2 yrs


> Does anyone know...is it necessary to go to a neurosurgeon, or is it

> sometimes common for the pediatrician to just send us straight to

> Hanger? I had assumed we would be referred to a neurosurgeon but were

> not. This pediatrician (he is not our regular pediatrician) did tell

> us that if we do go through w/this to come back and see him so he can

> do a head xray.


> Thanks!


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We went to CT and got the script from our pediatrician. We did not

see a neurosurgeon or any other doctor. But it does depend on the

doctor. Why is your ped. wanting to do a head xray? If he thinks

that your son has craniosyntosis then surgery may be required prior to

banding and you would definitely want to rule out cranio if there is a

possibility of it.


> Does anyone know...is it necessary to go to a neurosurgeon, or is it

> sometimes common for the pediatrician to just send us straight to

> Hanger? I had assumed we would be referred to a neurosurgeon but


> not. This pediatrician (he is not our regular pediatrician) did


> us that if we do go through w/this to come back and see him so he


> do a head xray.


> Thanks!


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Peds can write the script, neuros can write the script, we had a Carniofacial dr write the script. It all depends on your dr, your ins.

The x-ray would be to rule out cranio.

Jen and Luli - 28 months

Left tort - Right Plagio - Hanger Band Grad - CA


fitting our newly adopted 13m old w/a helmet

Does anyone know...is it necessary to go to a neurosurgeon, or is it

sometimes common for the pediatrician to just send us straight to

Hanger? I had assumed we would be referred to a neurosurgeon but were

not. This pediatrician (he is not our regular pediatrician) did tell

us that if we do go through w/this to come back and see him so he can

do a head xray.


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