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Re: Should we band?

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I was in your position about 5 months ago. My husband and I struggled with the decision to band our daughter. I was afraid she would have problems sleeping, she wouldn't be happy, etc. The first day we got her band, she was fine. She didn't like it at first, but she easily took a nap that very first day. She barely noticed it was on the second day and was just as smiley and easy going as she was before we banded her. I know it's a hard decision to make, but just think about the end results. I know a lot of people on here put it like this...will you be happy with your baby's headshape if you don't band? If your child needed braces for their teeth, wouldn't you do it?

It's really not as bad as it seems. Go with your gut...I know we are glad we did. Our daughter looks even more beautiful than she did before, and I actually missed her band for the first couple of weeks after she graduated!! It was one of the best decisions we ever made. This group helped me so much with information and support, it is awesome!

Best of luck to you and your baby!


Mom to Amelia, 1 yr. old, DOC Band Graduate 2/22/08

Should we band?

I have a 7 month old with moderate to severe plagio. My husband and I are trying to decide whether to band him or not. Every time I think about it I could just cry. I have heard and read horror stories about the whole process. My son is such a happy baby now, and I have heard that the banding thing will make him miserable, no more smiles for me in the morning because he is so aggravated with the helmet. And I have heard/read that the one time sleeping through the night infant no longer sleeps through the night because he/she are so uncomfortable. I am just so confused and I hope that I don't sound too pathetic! I would appreciate any words of wisdom. (We have a couple weeks to make a decision)

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I would band and not delay any longer. You may suffer a bit in the short term but your child would rather that then have a flat back, side or bossing on his head when he is a teen! I banded my son at 4 months moderate to severe and we received almost complete correction in 8 weeks. Do not delay any longer. The sooner it is on the quicker it is off. He will get used to it. It will take a few days, however, I saw some of the biggest smiles and have some of the best photos of my baby boy in his band. He wore a DOC band and I would go to a Cranial Tech if you have one nearby to get a free consult. They will help you also with the insurance issues if money issues are also a concern. We went for the consult, got a script from a nuerologist and went for it. I could not have lived with myself if I didnt do it. I just felt it was the right

thing for us. Make a nuerology appointment as well if you do not have one while you are deciding. You can always cancel but some good doctors have months until you can get in. Dont delay, your son will be fine and you will love what you have done to help him.. If it is bothering you now, it will bother you later. Just my tough love aproach, good luck, Tammy

From: lisa.stach <lisa.stach@...>Subject: Should we band?Plagiocephaly Date: Monday, April 14, 2008, 8:13 PM

I have a 7 month old with moderate to severe plagio. My husband and I are trying to decide whether to band him or not. Every time I think about it I could just cry. I have heard and read horror stories about the whole process. My son is such a happy baby now, and I have heard that the banding thing will make him miserable, no more smiles for me in the morning because he is so aggravated with the helmet. And I have heard/read that the one time sleeping through the night infant no longer sleeps through the night because he/she are so uncomfortable. I am just so confused and I hope that I don't sound too pathetic! I would appreciate any words of wisdom. (We have a couple weeks to make a decision)

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Hello ,

I just want to share - my now 7 month year old son had an extremely murky medical start, our first born...anyhow, when we found out at 5 months he had torticollis and plagiocephaly I thought it couldnt get worse. To think he was going to wear a helmet for 23 hours a day was horrifying. Long story short, we decided to use the helmet since he is a boy and most likely will wear his hair short( he has facial and ear asymetry). It was a painful decision. He cried through the scan and I went back and forth about putting the helmet on after our insurance decided to cover it...yes it was covered and I was still not certain I was going to go through with it. Well, after a couple of days of wearing the helmet and adjustments being made by the orthotist, I realized that I was having a much harder time with it then my son. He has now worn it for 2

weeks, and I wont lie he isnt sleeping through the night and hates when we take it off and put back on each day for the hour. But overall, we have already seen correction and I dont even notice it anymore, and yes it has only been two weeks. My advice, if your son needs correction, in the long run he will thank you for it...and in the big scheme of life what is 3-6 months(average time frame a helmet is worn)? I would highly suggest correcting a moderate to severe kido. Good luck and continue posting your thoughts and questions. -

Should we band?

I have a 7 month old with moderate to severe plagio. My husband and I are trying to decide whether to band him or not. Every time I think about it I could just cry. I have heard and read horror stories about the whole process. My son is such a happy baby now, and I have heard that the banding thing will make him miserable, no more smiles for me in the morning because he is so aggravated with the helmet. And I have heard/read that the one time sleeping through the night infant no longer sleeps through the night because he/she are so uncomfortable. I am just so confused and I hope that I don't sound too pathetic! I would appreciate any words of wisdom. (We have a couple weeks to make a decision)

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I was also very apprehensive about banding our son at six months. I thought he would be so miserable and unhappy. We decided to get that band and the entire process has gone very well. He adjusted quickly...within a few days. He acts like the band is not even there. It's amazing how quickly they settle in to them. He started with severe plagio and after 3 months it improved to mild/moderate. Since he had such an easy time with the first DOC band, we went ahead and had him cast for a second band. Our therapist recommended a second because she felt he could improve to very mild, possibly better. He's been wearing his second for a month and we've already noticed quite a bit of improvement in his ears and head shape. I'm so glad with our decision to band both times. It really does go by fast. Good luck with your decision. Go with whatever your gut feeling is. ..we did and couldn't be happier. It really is not bad at all...not to mention my son has escaped several bumps on the forehead since the band acts as protection since he is learning to walk! :)

Staci Hyde

Louden...12 months...DOC band 2

-----Original Message-----From: Plagiocephaly [mailto:Plagiocephaly ]On Behalf Of lisa.stachSent: Monday, April 14, 2008 4:13 PMPlagiocephaly Subject: Should we band?

I have a 7 month old with moderate to severe plagio. My husband and I are trying to decide whether to band him or not. Every time I think about it I could just cry. I have heard and read horror stories about the whole process. My son is such a happy baby now, and I have heard that the banding thing will make him miserable, no more smiles for me in the morning because he is so aggravated with the helmet. And I have heard/read that the one time sleeping through the night infant no longer sleeps through the night because he/she are so uncomfortable. I am just so confused and I hope that I don't sound too pathetic! I would appreciate any words of wisdom. (We have a couple weeks to make a decision)

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Hi there,

From our experience, I would band again in a heartbeat if I need

to. My son started at 7.5 months. The first 2 nights were rough

but the days were never a problem whatsoever. He was the same happy

baby the entire time banded. I think the first 2 nights were due to

not knowing what type of pajamas to have him sleep in...we had to

change his pjs 3-4x before we figured out the right combo to keep

him a comfortable temperature. If you aren't happy with the

headshape, then I would strongly encourage you to band. THere are

several parents here that had great experiences as well.

Good luck in your decision.

PS: The good news is you found out about it before it was too late

and the only option left is surgery or potential medical issues (ie.

TMJ, headaches, etc.) or cosmetic issues (i.e. sunglasses not

fitting, etc.)


> Hello ,

> I just want to share - my now 7 month year old son had an

extremely murky medical start, our first born...anyhow, when we

found out at 5 months he had torticollis and plagiocephaly I thought

it couldnt get worse. To think he was going to wear a helmet for 23

hours a day was horrifying. Long story short, we decided to use the

helmet since he is a boy and most likely will wear his hair short(

he has facial and ear asymetry). It was a painful decision. He

cried through the scan and I went back and forth about putting the

helmet on after our insurance decided to cover it...yes it was

covered and I was still not certain I was going to go through with

it. Well, after a couple of days of wearing the helmet and

adjustments being made by the orthotist, I realized that I was

having a much harder time with it then my son. He has now worn it

for 2 weeks, and I wont lie he isnt sleeping through the night and

hates when we take it off and put back on each day

> for the hour. But overall, we have already seen correction and I

dont even notice it anymore, and yes it has only been two weeks. My

advice, if your son needs correction, in the long run he will thank

you for it...and in the big scheme of life what is 3-6 months

(average time frame a helmet is worn)? I would highly suggest

correcting a moderate to severe kido. Good luck and continue

posting your thoughts and questions. -





> Should we band?


> I have a 7 month old with moderate to severe plagio. My husband

and I

> are trying to decide whether to band him or not. Every time I


> about it I could just cry. I have heard and read horror stories


> the whole process. My son is such a happy baby now, and I have


> that the banding thing will make him miserable, no more smiles for


> in the morning because he is so aggravated with the helmet. And I


> heard/read that the one time sleeping through the night infant no

> longer sleeps through the night because he/she are so

uncomfortable. I

> am just so confused and I hope that I don't sound too pathetic! I

> would appreciate any words of wisdom. (We have a couple weeks to


> a decision)









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It's not so bad. In fact, I was actually sad to see the helmet go. He looks so adorable in it. I never thought I'd say that!! My son also had moderate to servere. My son was not miserable at all. He always slept through the night. My sister's kid had to do the casting but I went to hanger and they had the laser to measure the head. Call now and get precertified. My sister didn't and they definitely won't pay b/c of that. If the cost is covered then it's a no brainer. You can always quit if you need to but I bet you will get used to it. Keep things in perspective. It's a temporary thing. Time goes by so fast. You do get a 1 or 2 hr break during the day - so it's not like you'll never see their head. My advice is to do it soon before the really hot weather begins. I'm glad we did it.

Plagiocephaly From: lisa.stach@...Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 20:13:02 +0000Subject: Should we band?

I have a 7 month old with moderate to severe plagio. My husband and I are trying to decide whether to band him or not. Every time I think about it I could just cry. I have heard and read horror stories about the whole process. My son is such a happy baby now, and I have heard that the banding thing will make him miserable, no more smiles for me in the morning because he is so aggravated with the helmet. And I have heard/read that the one time sleeping through the night infant no longer sleeps through the night because he/she are so uncomfortable. I am just so confused and I hope that I don't sound too pathetic! I would appreciate any words of wisdom. (We have a couple weeks to make a decision) Get in touch in an instant. Get Windows Live Messenger now.

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Depending on insurance, you may be able to get the script from your

pediatrician. We did...we had UHC.

> >

> > Hello ,

> > I just want to share - my now 7 month year old son had an

> extremely murky medical start, our first born...anyhow, when we

> found out at 5 months he had torticollis and plagiocephaly I


> it couldnt get worse. To think he was going to wear a helmet for


> hours a day was horrifying. Long story short, we decided to use


> helmet since he is a boy and most likely will wear his hair short(

> he has facial and ear asymetry). It was a painful decision. He

> cried through the scan and I went back and forth about putting the

> helmet on after our insurance decided to cover it...yes it was

> covered and I was still not certain I was going to go through with

> it. Well, after a couple of days of wearing the helmet and

> adjustments being made by the orthotist, I realized that I was

> having a much harder time with it then my son. He has now worn it

> for 2 weeks, and I wont lie he isnt sleeping through the night and

> hates when we take it off and put back on each day

> > for the hour. But overall, we have already seen correction and


> dont even notice it anymore, and yes it has only been two weeks.


> advice, if your son needs correction, in the long run he will


> you for it...and in the big scheme of life what is 3-6 months

> (average time frame a helmet is worn)? I would highly suggest

> correcting a moderate to severe kido. Good luck and continue

> posting your thoughts and questions. -

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Should we band?

> >

> > I have a 7 month old with moderate to severe plagio. My husband

> and I

> > are trying to decide whether to band him or not. Every time I

> think

> > about it I could just cry. I have heard and read horror stories

> about

> > the whole process. My son is such a happy baby now, and I have

> heard

> > that the banding thing will make him miserable, no more smiles


> me

> > in the morning because he is so aggravated with the helmet. And


> have

> > heard/read that the one time sleeping through the night infant


> > longer sleeps through the night because he/she are so

> uncomfortable. I

> > am just so confused and I hope that I don't sound too pathetic!


> > would appreciate any words of wisdom. (We have a couple weeks to

> make

> > a decision)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> _______________

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and

> > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

> http://mobile./;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

> >


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I don't normally write in, but I thought I would this time. My son was banded at 6.5 months. He was and still is a happy baby. He figited with it for a few seconds. But, then went about his normal day. He has slept through the night that first night and every other night since then. I thought he would mind it, but not at all. I don't if this is everyone, but it seems that if you're baby is normally pretty happy and laid back... then you won't have a problem. Well, it seems that way with most people. I also think that sometimes the pulling and the figiting might be teething. My son pulls on his ears when he is starting to teethe. Instead, now he messes with his helmet. So, I just give him a cold rag or some aspirin. He is on his merry way after that.

I got a starband and he was scanned in. It wasn't a big deal. Maybe if your child was cast it would be. But, its only for a few minutes. Its definitely worth the time it takes.

Also, get him banded asap. You are coming up and out of the crucial period. I was afraid my son was too far along. Now, that doesn't mean you won't get results. Its just a time when growth is at its highest. My son hasn't grown too much since being banded. But, you can definitely tell a difference. He has brachy and the back of his head is now rounded out. He is still a little flat at the end of the roundness, but he looks completely normal from the side. Timing is everything with this. The earlier the better.

I didn't get precertified. Although, I did call ahead and they told me that they had very good luck with the two insurances we had at the time. I still haven't heard back, but hopefully, someone will pay for some of it! :) But, its well worth the 2400 that I might have to pay. I was worried about his future... you know trying to buy a hat or something like that. :)

This group is awesome. You get so much good information and someone has always been through what you are going through. I think you will be amazed at the results. Go for it!



Should we band?

I have a 7 month old with moderate to severe plagio. My husband and I are trying to decide whether to band him or not. Every time I think about it I could just cry. I have heard and read horror stories about the whole process. My son is such a happy baby now, and I have heard that the banding thing will make him miserable, no more smiles for me in the morning because he is so aggravated with the helmet. And I have heard/read that the one time sleeping through the night infant no longer sleeps through the night because he/she are so uncomfortable. I am just so confused and I hope that I don't sound too pathetic! I would appreciate any words of wisdom. (We have a couple weeks to make a decision)

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I know its not my business but I didn't think children were suppose

to have Aspirin because it can cause Reyes syndrome. I'm sure

you've talked to his pediatrician about giving aspirin for teething

so maybe its okay but if not, it may be worth looking at.

Even the cast isn't that bad...even if your child cries the entire

time (it is only about 10 minutes and then they get a bath).


> Hi,

> I don't normally write in, but I thought I would this time. My

son was

> banded at 6.5 months. He was and still is a happy baby. He

figited with it

> for a few seconds. But, then went about his normal day. He has


> through the night that first night and every other night since

then. I

> thought he would mind it, but not at all. I don't if this is

everyone, but

> it seems that if you're baby is normally pretty happy and laid

back... then

> you won't have a problem. Well, it seems that way with most

people. I also

> think that sometimes the pulling and the figiting might be

teething. My son

> pulls on his ears when he is starting to teethe. Instead, now he


> with his helmet. So, I just give him a cold rag or some aspirin.

He is on

> his merry way after that.


> I got a starband and he was scanned in. It wasn't a big deal.

Maybe if

> your child was cast it would be. But, its only for a few

minutes. Its

> definitely worth the time it takes.


> Also, get him banded asap. You are coming up and out of the

crucial period.

> I was afraid my son was too far along. Now, that doesn't mean you

won't get

> results. Its just a time when growth is at its highest. My son


> grown too much since being banded. But, you can definitely tell a

> difference. He has brachy and the back of his head is now rounded

out. He

> is still a little flat at the end of the roundness, but he looks


> normal from the side. Timing is everything with this. The

earlier the

> better.


> I didn't get precertified. Although, I did call ahead and they

told me that

> they had very good luck with the two insurances we had at the

time. I still

> haven't heard back, but hopefully, someone will pay for some of

it! :) But,

> its well worth the 2400 that I might have to pay. I was worried

about his

> future... you know trying to buy a hat or something like that. :)


> This group is awesome. You get so much good information and

someone has

> always been through what you are going through. I think you will

be amazed

> at the results. Go for it!

> :)

> Kim



> Should we band?



> I have a 7 month old with moderate to severe plagio. My

husband and I

> are trying to decide whether to band him or not. Every time I


> about it I could just cry. I have heard and read horror

stories about

> the whole process. My son is such a happy baby now, and I have


> that the banding thing will make him miserable, no more smiles

for me

> in the morning because he is so aggravated with the helmet.

And I have

> heard/read that the one time sleeping through the night infant


> longer sleeps through the night because he/she are so

uncomfortable. I

> am just so confused and I hope that I don't sound too

pathetic! I

> would appreciate any words of wisdom. (We have a couple weeks

to make

> a decision)






> -------------------------------------------------------------------


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Sorry! I give him children's tylenol. :) We just switched him to the motrin this week. I always say asprin, especially when I mean tylenol or motrin. I'm glad you asked though!




Should we band?> > > I have a 7 month old with moderate to severe plagio. My husband and I> are trying to decide whether to band him or not. Every time I think> about it I could just cry. I have heard and read horror stories about> the whole process. My son is such a happy baby now, and I have heard> that the banding thing will make him miserable, no more smiles for me> in the morning because he is so aggravated with the helmet. And I have> heard/read that the one time sleeping through the night infant no> longer sleeps through the night because he/she are so uncomfortable. I> am just so confused and I hope that I don't sound too pathetic! I> would appreciate any words of wisdom. (We have a couple weeks to make> a decision)> > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------> --> Get in touch in an instant. Get Windows Live Messenger now.>

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

I don't know if you have already decided or not but I would recommend banding. My son was banded at 7.5 months and he's been in his band almost 6 weeks now. He is still the happiest little guy, nothing about his personality has changed since he's gotten the band. In fact, he doesn't even seem to know the band is on his head most of the time. Also, it has come in handy since he is pulling up and trying to let go to stand on his own now. Whenever he has the band off for the one hour at night and bonks his head he gets a reality check. Anyway, don't believe the horror stories, if you read through the board messages, you will see that the band is not that bad at all. Everyone worries it will be bad but it really isn't and after a week, it just becomes part of the routine and you barely even notice it anymore.

Good luck with your decision but I recommend to band, there's nothing to loose only correction to gain. Oh, and I've seen great results so far. I'm really happy we decided to go ahead with it even though it was a hard decision for us as well.


Son Adam, 9 months, DOCband 6 weeks, Cranial Tech in NJ

From: lisa.stach <lisa.stach@...>Subject: Should we band?Plagiocephaly Date: Monday, April 14, 2008, 8:13 PM

I have a 7 month old with moderate to severe plagio. My husband and I are trying to decide whether to band him or not. Every time I think about it I could just cry. I have heard and read horror stories about the whole process. My son is such a happy baby now, and I have heard that the banding thing will make him miserable, no more smiles for me in the morning because he is so aggravated with the helmet. And I have heard/read that the one time sleeping through the night infant no longer sleeps through the night because he/she are so uncomfortable. I am just so confused and I hope that I don't sound too pathetic! I would appreciate any words of wisdom. (We have a couple weeks to make a decision)

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