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need advice!

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You will see the best results by letting this be your free day and

eating clean on your regular free day. BFL is pretty unforgiving to

cheating with the food. If you cheat on a workout the results won't

be as devastating as they would if you cheated on the food. Hope

this helps.


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Well why do you live with a roommate with such disregard for her

health? She sould respect your decision to eat healthy and not throw

it in your face. I mean really.

But in all honesty pop tarts are not food, they come from no food

group that I know of. And French toast it well is yummy. I love it

on home made bread. With store purchased bread yuck, out of a box

yuck. Okay you can see I am a baker here.

I would have killed my husband if he weren't so perfect this

morning. He fed the kids the home made bread I made last night.

Wheat berry, by making it you guessed it, french toast. Ugh. I

didn't make fresh bread to be made into french toast. You are

supposta use stale bread. Didn't he learn the rules? OY...

At any rate, stuff like pizza and pop tarts do not really taste

good. As one of my friends thought everytime she wanted to eat

something horribly off plan she thought " this is poisin, this is

poisin " ... I think it was peeps, or girl scout cookies. Can't

remember. But I tried it once with some holloween candy and it

worked. Or in the case of pizza think of it in terms of " oil, or

fat " . This is fat, pure and simple fat, this is fat, this is fat.. "

Keep repeating until your brain sends the message to your stomach

that it is actually yuck...

Me and my big mouth will shut up now.


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  • 2 years later...

A Pediatric Immunologist or a Pediatric Rheumatologist are BOTH qualified.

Neither is better.

The ONLY time one is better than the other is IF one is actually familiar

with treating and diagnosing Periodic Fever Disorders.

We have a pretty equal mix here on the group as to which follows.

I would DEFINITELY NOT see an adult care giver of these specialties for the

most part.

I would contact the doctors office and have the DOCTOR call you back as a

courtesy and ask the doctor how many children has he had to find an accurate

diagnosis who had Periodic Fevers....

Also.... post where you live and ask here and see if there is a doctor who

is assisting with a diagnosis now. Network the group too.

God Bless


Fran A Bulone

Mom to ph 6 yrs old

Waxhaw, NC

Owner & Moderator Group

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Our son has what, from we can tell from the messages

on this board, a mild case of , and it has been

diagnosed and managed well with a Pediatric

immunologist. Perhaps an immunologist might not be

the best for a child with joint involvement (or other

symptoms), but in our case, with just fever, she has

been great. Happy to make a reco if you need one.


Father to Max, , 21 mos.

--- youngolewife5 <youngolewife5@...> wrote:

> My son, Luke is five years old. He is now starting

> to space out his

> fever, which is great. We have recently seen a

> rhuematologist. He did

> was not pediactric, but he was less than four hours

> away, so we decided

> to start with him to get the ball running.

> Well...he is convinced that

> it is RA or compromised immune system. Even though

> I told him about

> , he is not listening to me!! [X-(] Now, he

> recommends us seeing

> an Immunologist. Does it seem to be better to see

> an Immunologist, or a

> Pediactric Rhuematologist? He will refer me to

> whomever I prefer, but I

> am not sure which way to go. Thanks in advance for

> any insight! [;;)]



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



W. Newlon


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Thank You for your reply. I live in Northeast Mississippi. There

would possibly be a doctor in ,Mississippi; but, that is four

hours away from me. I have tried to make contact with the doctors

there, but they have not been willing to talk to me yet. It may be

that the rhuematologist that we did see would be able to get me a

phone consult. I will have to just try. There just are not many

here. I could travel to Mempis, Tn. It would only be about three

hours for me. Another possibility would be Birmingham, Ala. It is

about 3 hours away. Thanks to anyone that has any info. I may also

try to look online for a doctor. It gets so fustrating when keep

getting the same reponse.....nobody I have spoken to yet has heard

of this!! Oh well, I know I am not the first to deal with this!! I

appreciate your help!

In , " Fran Bulone " <fbulone@...> wrote:


> A Pediatric Immunologist or a Pediatric Rheumatologist are BOTH


> Neither is better.


> The ONLY time one is better than the other is IF one is actually


> with treating and diagnosing Periodic Fever Disorders.


> We have a pretty equal mix here on the group as to which follows.


> I would DEFINITELY NOT see an adult care giver of these

specialties for the

> most part.


> I would contact the doctors office and have the DOCTOR call you

back as a

> courtesy and ask the doctor how many children has he had to find

an accurate

> diagnosis who had Periodic Fevers....


> Also.... post where you live and ask here and see if there is a

doctor who

> is assisting with a diagnosis now. Network the group too.


> God Bless

> Fran


> Fran A Bulone

> Mom to ph 6 yrs old

> Waxhaw, NC

> Owner & Moderator Group






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I too had to travel far... about 5 hours to Gainesville Fl from Boynton

Bch when ph was about 10 months old until he was 3.... It was worth

the trip and we made the trips monthly for 3 days each month until he

was at least 2!! Then it was about every 3 months.

Now we are in NC and we only see our ped and go NIH as often as

needed... by plane a n hour and half and car ... 6-7 hrs.

Fran A Bulone

Mom to ph 6 yrs old NOMID

Waxhaw, NC

Owner & Moderator Group

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  • 1 year later...

Dear need advice; Hi I am the mother of a 12 yr old who was diagoned at 6.. He has adhd Odd and Aspergers, Some advice that i can offer is keep the teacher up to date and communicate with her. Christian had a teacher this year that thought christian was "faking it" as you know this disease is real. Just keep this teacher up to date and pull out all the stops. Dont let them pick on your child or label him or her... It will follow them always laurieMAMI24ANGELS@... wrote: im writting in today to ask other mothers for advice. my 5yo son has autism and he just started kindergarden this yr. well we had just moved so hes in a diff district and he doesn't have an iep yet. we r waiting on a meeting still. well anyway his teacher has no idea about autism and what to do with him. she says he has "tantrums" everyday there and she dunno how to deal with them. today the principle called me and had me pick him up early cuz he was crying most of the day. this will prolly teach him if he jus crys he'll get to go home. i sent in a book to his teacher in the beginning of the yr so she can read about autism n better help my son n understand his "tantrums" that's all i can think of to do. shes an older lady so shes prolly never even heard of it so shes not helping probably making him freak out in school. is there anything i can do? should i mayb switch schools? teachers? please help

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I have a 5 yr. old soon who's in kindergarten too, he, most probably

has aspergers. His weakness right now is social, rather than

intellectual. I think your son probably needs 1-1 aid and needs an iep

done immediatly. Rember that as a parent you can get things done in

your school if you are persistent and yell loud enough. if the

school's teacher and principle are not cooperating i would go to the

superintendant, school psychologist, and director of special needs

services. Get a directory of school district personel and start making

calls. Good Luck, Darren


> im writting in today to ask other mothers for advice. my 5yo son

has autism

> and he just started kindergarden this yr. well we had just moved so

hes in a

> diff district and he doesn't have an iep yet. we r waiting on a


> still. well anyway his teacher has no idea about autism and what to

do with him.

> she says he has " tantrums " everyday there and she dunno how to deal

with them.

> today the principle called me and had me pick him up early cuz he

was crying

> most of the day. this will prolly teach him if he jus crys he'll

get to go

> home. i sent in a book to his teacher in the beginning of the yr so

she can

> read about autism n better help my son n understand his " tantrums "

that's all i

> can think of to do. shes an older lady so shes prolly never even

heard of it

> so shes not helping probably making him freak out in school. is there

> anything i can do? should i mayb switch schools? teachers? please

help me!




> ************************************** See what's new at



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Have you thought about Homeschooling him? A great book is


Read this book first we went through this with my son he hated being

in school but loved to learn! We use K12 and while yes it is hard I

know that this is the best thing for him.

My name is Barbara and I can be reached at valet_4u@...


> im writting in today to ask other mothers for advice. my 5yo son

has autism

> and he just started kindergarden this yr. well we had just moved

so hes in a

> diff district and he doesn't have an iep yet. we r waiting on a


> still. well anyway his teacher has no idea about autism and what

to do with him.

> she says he has " tantrums " everyday there and she dunno how to

deal with them.

> today the principle called me and had me pick him up early cuz he

was crying

> most of the day. this will prolly teach him if he jus crys he'll

get to go

> home. i sent in a book to his teacher in the beginning of the yr

so she can

> read about autism n better help my son n understand his " tantrums "

that's all i

> can think of to do. shes an older lady so shes prolly never even

heard of it

> so shes not helping probably making him freak out in school. is


> anything i can do? should i mayb switch schools? teachers? please

help me!




> ************************************** See what's new at



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In a message dated 10/10/2007 12:50:59 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, valet_4u@... writes:

Have you thought about Homeschooling him? A great book is HOMESCHOOLING THE CHILD WITH ASPERGERS BY LISE PYLES.Read this book first we went through this with my son he hated being in school but loved to learn! We use K12 and while yes it is hard I know that this is the best thing for him.My name is Barbara and I can be reached at valet_4u

ty so much for this advice. i was seriously thinking about it cause he loves to learn but cant handle school. i was wondering where to start. im going to look for this book now..again thanks!!See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Get the OASIS guide book, it has a letter that you can talior to your child to give helpfull information on how to deal with tantrums, sensory issues, all kinds of things,  here is the link  http://www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger/it is a Asperger site but I hope you find it helpfull, it also has letters for insurance, IEP ect...hthGretaOn Oct 5, 2007, at 2:22 PM, MAMI24ANGELS@... wrote:? please help me!,_._,___

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In a message dated 10/22/2007 11:32:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, blankra@... writes:

it is a Asperger site but I hope you find it helpfull, it also has letters for insurance, IEP ect...

ty so much!!!See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Everyone,

I suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly. He

likes to sleep on his left side, and always turn to

his left side when he is not sleeping. I have talked

to our pediatrician since he was born, but she thinks

he is fine. We have tried neck exercises & rotating

his sleeping position according to the doctor's

advice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I still

don't see any improvement.

I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate if any

of you can give me some advice. By the way, I live in

San , if you can recommend a good doctor, that

would be great! Thanks so much!






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Hello - Since you are concerned I would say that you should get him checked out. You wrote that he will only look to one side...or prefers it, does he have full range of motion of his neck? If not he could have Torticolis, which can lead to Plagiocephaly. If it were me I would probably get him checked out just to be sure.


Plagiocephaly From: sykuek@...Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 22:15:53 -0800Subject: need advice!

Hi Everyone,I suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly. Helikes to sleep on his left side, and always turn tohis left side when he is not sleeping. I have talkedto our pediatrician since he was born, but she thinkshe is fine. We have tried neck exercises & rotatinghis sleeping position according to the doctor'sadvice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I stilldon't see any improvement. I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate if anyof you can give me some advice. By the way, I live inSan , if you can recommend a good doctor, thatwould be great! Thanks so much!Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?i=4622Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?i=4625Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?i=4626Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?i=4624Sue Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser! Learn more.

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I had the same thoughts as (that his head reminds me of

Greta's) and that if he prefers looking left then why would the

right be flat too. I would definitely get it checked out.

> >

> > Hi Everyone,

> > I suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly. He

> > likes to sleep on his left side, and always turn to

> > his left side when he is not sleeping. I have talked

> > to our pediatrician since he was born, but she thinks

> > he is fine. We have tried neck exercises & rotating

> > his sleeping position according to the doctor's

> > advice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I still

> > don't see any improvement.

> >

> > I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate if any

> > of you can give me some advice. By the way, I live in

> > San , if you can recommend a good doctor, that

> > would be great! Thanks so much!

> >

> >


> i=4622

> >

> >


> i=4625

> >

> >


> i=4626

> >

> >


> i=4624

> >

> >

> > Sue

> >


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Hey guys! I just uploaded a picture of Greta taken the other day, you can already see her head is filling out in the flat spots...Its still funny looking--but better! Fyi, she sleeps on her belly and has been since 6 weeks...She also isnt in a car seat for more than an hr or in a swing for more than an hr...

Also, I saw the pictures of "Sue's" 6 month old son, but didnt see the resemblance between him and Greta...it seemed that the one side was bulgier than the other?? I dont know...maybe its me...Greta had two flat sides and one bulge in the middle of the back part of her head...

The neurosurgeon told me she has the opposite of plagio...

Good luck with everything,Marcy

Greta 2mos prominent occiput

Re: need advice!

Welcome-Does he have flat spots on both sides of his head? It seems that way in the photos, but I could be seeing things wrong. His head shape reminds me of one of our other member's daughter (Marcy/Greta) :http://health. ph.groups. / group/Plagioceph aly/photos/ view/8cda?b=48She can chime in on what she thinks, but it looks similar to me. She had her daughter evaluated for craniosynostis (premature fusing of the skull sutures) and it turned out not to be. But I think it would be worth getting checked out. Just based on what you said, that he looks to his left a lot, I'd be confused why there is also a flat spot on his right side. Unless my eyes are totally playing tricks on me. (I just woke up!) Anyway, I'm sure Marcy will respond and give her opinion on that.As

far as his preference to look one way, has be been evaluated by a physical therapist yet and/or officially diagnosed with torticollis? What kind of neck exercises are you doing? Are they helping with his range of motion? I don't know why, but I get a little leary when pediatricians start giving advice on stretching techniques. I would feel much more comfortable with a pediatric PT that is specially trained. My son was in PT for 2.5 months and did great. Of course, his flat spot never improved, but at least his neck did. Good luck!Jake-18m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DocBand 2/11/08)Jordan-4>> Hi Everyone,> I suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly. He> likes to

sleep on his left side, and always turn to> his left side when he is not sleeping. I have talked> to our pediatrician since he was born, but she thinks> he is fine. We have tried neck exercises & rotating> his sleeping position according to the doctor's> advice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I still> don't see any improvement. > > I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate if any> of you can give me some advice. By the way, I live in> San , if you can recommend a good doctor, that> would be great! Thanks so much!> > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/ e3ac?i=4622> > http://health.

groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/ e3ac?i=4625> > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/ e3ac?i=4626> > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/ e3ac?i=4624> > > Sue>

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Hey !

This is a picture of a little girl on a band??


Re: need advice!

Marcy-Did you see this photo? http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/ e3ac?i=4625I swear he looks just like Greta did (flat on both sides and prominent in the middle). BTW, the new photo of Greta looks great! I can really see a difference already. Congrats!Jake-18m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DocBand 2/11/08)Jordan-4> >> > Hi Everyone,> > I

suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly. He> > likes to sleep on his left side, and always turn to> > his left side when he is not sleeping. I have talked> > to our pediatrician since he was born, but she thinks> > he is fine. We have tried neck exercises & rotating> > his sleeping position according to the doctor's> > advice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I still> > don't see any improvement. > > > > I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate if any> > of you can give me some advice. By the way, I live in> > San , if you can recommend a good doctor, that> > would be great! Thanks so much!> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/ e3ac?> i=4622> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/ e3ac?> i=4625> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/ e3ac?> i=4626> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/ e3ac?> i=4624> > > > > > Sue> >> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ ___> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www.. com/r/hs>

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Hey ,

yes, i see what you are saying, although, he does seem to have a "flatter side", as opposed to Greta's both sides are the same...The neurosurgeon said that neither of her sides were flat? I was stumped. He said, its just the appearance of the prominent occiput that makes it look like the sides are flat...Its so confusing!

Re: need advice!

I guess it didn't copy and paste right. I was trying to point out the 4th photo of C. under the New Photos section. Sorry!> > >> > > Hi Everyone,> > > I suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly. He> > > likes to sleep on his left side, and always turn to> > > his left side when he is not sleeping. I have talked> > > to our pediatrician since he was born, but she thinks> > > he is fine. We have tried neck exercises & rotating> > > his sleeping position according to the doctor's> > > advice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I still> > > don't see any improvement. > > > > > > I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate if any> > > of you can give me some advice. By the way, I live in> > > San , if you can recommend a good doctor, that> > > would be great! Thanks so much!> > > > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ > spnew/view/ e3ac?> > i=4622> > > > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ > spnew/view/ e3ac?> > i=4625> > > > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ > spnew/view/ e3ac?> > i=4626> > > > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ > spnew/view/ e3ac?> > i=4624> > > > > > > > > Sue> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> ____________

___> > Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > > http://www.. com/r/hs> >> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ ___> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www.. com/r/hs>

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Hey Marcy-

I get it now. I didn't realize that Greta's " flat spots " were

even/symmetrical on both sides. So by opposite of plagio, he just

means that rather than pressure flattening those two sides, her

skull is just growing outward in the center (the prominent occiput),

making the sides appear flat. It's all becoming clear now! Thanks

again for clarifying. Her head really is looking great!

> > > >

> > > > Hi Everyone,

> > > > I suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly. He

> > > > likes to sleep on his left side, and always turn to

> > > > his left side when he is not sleeping. I have talked

> > > > to our pediatrician since he was born, but she thinks

> > > > he is fine. We have tried neck exercises & rotating

> > > > his sleeping position according to the doctor's

> > > > advice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I still

> > > > don't see any improvement.

> > > >

> > > > I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate if any

> > > > of you can give me some advice. By the way, I live in

> > > > San , if you can recommend a good doctor, that

> > > > would be great! Thanks so much!

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/

> > spnew/view/ e3ac?

> > > i=4622

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/

> > spnew/view/ e3ac?

> > > i=4625

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/

> > spnew/view/ e3ac?

> > > i=4626

> > > >

> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/

> > spnew/view/ e3ac?

> > > i=4624

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sue

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > ____________ ___

> > > Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> > > http://www.. com/r/hs

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> ____________ ___

> > Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> > http://www.. com/r/hs

> >









> Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> http://www./r/hs


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Hey ,

Yes. That is what he means, although sometimes her head seems to be flatter on one side, but he said, no it isnt...?

I dunno...as long as it gets better- I dont care what its called!!!

Have great day, Marcy

Re: need advice!

Hey Marcy-I get it now. I didn't realize that Greta's "flat spots" were even/symmetrical on both sides. So by opposite of plagio, he just means that rather than pressure flattening those two sides, her skull is just growing outward in the center (the prominent occiput), making the sides appear flat. It's all becoming clear now! Thanks again for clarifying. Her head really is looking great! > > > >> > > > Hi Everyone,> > > > I suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly. He>

> > > likes to sleep on his left side, and always turn to> > > > his left side when he is not sleeping. I have talked> > > > to our pediatrician since he was born, but she thinks> > > > he is fine. We have tried neck exercises & rotating> > > > his sleeping position according to the doctor's> > > > advice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I still> > > > don't see any improvement. > > > > > > > > I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate if any> > > > of you can give me some advice. By the way, I live in> > > > San , if you can recommend a good doctor, that> > > > would be great! Thanks so much!> > > > > > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ >

> spnew/view/ e3ac?> > > i=4622> > > > > > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ > > spnew/view/ e3ac?> > > i=4625> > > > > > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ > > spnew/view/ e3ac?> > > i=4626> > > > > > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ > > spnew/view/ e3ac?> > > i=4624> > > > > > > > > > > > Sue> > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _> > ____________ ___> > > Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > > > http://www.. com/r/hs> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> ____________ ___> > Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > > http://www.. com/r/hs> >> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ ___> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www.. com/r/hs>

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Hey ,

I have no idea if she has scaphocephaly, the ped nor both neurosurgeons even mentioned that word, nor any other term except, prominent occiput...

I asked the doc point blank, when people ask me what she has, what do I say, and the one neurosurgeon said, she has a prominent occiput.


And I agree with you, I feel that Sue's little boy doesnt look like Greta...I think her bulge is int he lower back center of her head, and his is more to one side...

Her head is looking a bit better-thanks!


Re: need advice!

I'm assuming what he means by "the opposite of plagio" is that she hasa scaphocephaly headshape. In this case the head is much longer frontto back than normal. The normal head has a cranial index of about 78%(width/length) . With scapho the number would be lower than this (Iforget exactly how much) and with brachy it is much higher (mydaughter started at around 97%).I don't really think Gretas head does look like the other baby becausehe has a prominent bulge on one side. It is the asymmetry of the headthat makes it "plagio". As for Greta's pic, it does look like her flat area is filling in some.-christine> >> > Hi Everyone,> > I suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly. He> > likes to sleep on his left side, and always turn to> > his left side when he is not sleeping. I have talked> > to our pediatrician since he was born, but she thinks> > he is fine. We have tried neck exercises & rotating> > his sleeping position according to the doctor's> > advice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I still> > don't see any improvement. > > > > I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate if any> > of you can give me some advice. By the way, I live in> > San , if you can recommend a good doctor, that> > would be great! Thanks so much!> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/e3ac?> i=4622> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/e3ac?> i=4625> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/e3ac?> i=4626> > > > http://health. groups.. com/group/ Plagiocephaly/ spnew/view/e3ac?> i=4624> > > > > > Sue> >> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www.. com/r/hs>

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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My son had positional plagio. He wore 2 bands. Our peditritation

basically said he didn't think my son needed the band but he refered

me to Cranial Tech anyway for consult. I will have to say that we as

mothers generally know our children better than the doctors do! I

took in the before and after photos to our ped and both he and his

nurse where like WOW we didn't think he needed it but he certainly

did...the peds comment was 'We (the doctors) are supposed to catch

those things not the parents'

The moral of the story...trust your gut and see the specialist...it

cannot hurt. See two if you don't like what the first one said and

then work from there. Use YOUR common sense and not the

doctors...they are not always right.


> Hi Everyone,

> I suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly. He

> likes to sleep on his left side, and always turn to

> his left side when he is not sleeping. I have talked

> to our pediatrician since he was born, but she thinks

> he is fine. We have tried neck exercises & rotating

> his sleeping position according to the doctor's

> advice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I still

> don't see any improvement.


> I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate if any

> of you can give me some advice. By the way, I live in

> San , if you can recommend a good doctor, that

> would be great! Thanks so much!


> Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?



> Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?



> Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?



> Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?




> Sue


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My pediatrician also said my son's head was borderline and it was really up to us. She said he looked fine and that her son also had positional plagio with about the same degree of flattening and they decided against the band. She still gave us a referral to see CT. I went in to the appt thinking we wouldn't band. After I had his measurements, I started doing some research on this site as well as others. As it turns out, his asymmetry was 20mm (15 + is considered severe) and of course we banded. He is now on his second band and down to 9 mm of asymmetry with a few months to go. I'm so thankful we saw the specialists. Even if you are unsure or borderline, it's free and well worth the time...definitely one of the best decisions we ever made. His before and after pictures from the first band are under plagio babies "Louden". They speak for themselves.

Goodluck to you!

-----Original Message-----From: Plagiocephaly [mailto:Plagiocephaly ]On Behalf Of vlwoodsonSent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 4:25 PMPlagiocephaly Subject: Re: need advice!

My son had positional plagio. He wore 2 bands. Our peditritation basically said he didn't think my son needed the band but he refered me to Cranial Tech anyway for consult. I will have to say that we as mothers generally know our children better than the doctors do! I took in the before and after photos to our ped and both he and his nurse where like WOW we didn't think he needed it but he certainly did...the peds comment was 'We (the doctors) are supposed to catch those things not the parents'The moral of the story...trust your gut and see the specialist...it cannot hurt. See two if you don't like what the first one said and then work from there. Use YOUR common sense and not the doctors...they are not always right.>> Hi Everyone,> I suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly. He> likes to sleep on his left side, and always turn to> his left side when he is not sleeping. I have talked> to our pediatrician since he was born, but she thinks> he is fine. We have tried neck exercises & rotating> his sleeping position according to the doctor's> advice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I still> don't see any improvement. > > I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate if any> of you can give me some advice. By the way, I live in> San , if you can recommend a good doctor, that> would be great! Thanks so much!> > Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?i=4622> > Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?i=4625> > Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?i=4626> > Plagiocephaly/spnew/view/e3ac?i=4624> > > Sue>

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Hi ladies,

thanks so much for sharing your stories! We finally

switched to a new pediatrician and our son was

diagnosed with tort and plagio. We will be going to

CT and PT this week.

Again, thanks everyone for your advice and support!!


--- Staci Hyde <shyde@...> wrote:

> My pediatrician also said my son's head was

> borderline and it was really up

> to us. She said he looked fine and that her son also

> had positional plagio

> with about the same degree of flattening and they

> decided against the band.

> She still gave us a referral to see CT. I went in to

> the appt thinking we

> wouldn't band. After I had his measurements, I

> started doing some research

> on this site as well as others. As it turns out, his

> asymmetry was 20mm (15

> + is considered severe) and of course we banded. He

> is now on his second

> band and down to 9 mm of asymmetry with a few months

> to go. I'm so thankful

> we saw the specialists. Even if you are unsure or

> borderline, it's free and

> well worth the time...definitely one of the best

> decisions we ever made. His

> before and after pictures from the first band are

> under plagio babies

> " Louden " . They speak for themselves.


> Goodluck to you!

> Re: need advice!



> My son had positional plagio. He wore 2 bands. Our

> peditritation

> basically said he didn't think my son needed the

> band but he refered

> me to Cranial Tech anyway for consult. I will have

> to say that we as

> mothers generally know our children better than

> the doctors do! I

> took in the before and after photos to our ped and

> both he and his

> nurse where like WOW we didn't think he needed it

> but he certainly

> did...the peds comment was 'We (the doctors) are

> supposed to catch

> those things not the parents'


> The moral of the story...trust your gut and see

> the specialist...it

> cannot hurt. See two if you don't like what the

> first one said and

> then work from there. Use YOUR common sense and

> not the

> doctors...they are not always right.



> >

> > Hi Everyone,

> > I suspect my 6 months old son has plagiocephaly.

> He

> > likes to sleep on his left side, and always turn

> to

> > his left side when he is not sleeping. I have

> talked

> > to our pediatrician since he was born, but she

> thinks

> > he is fine. We have tried neck exercises &

> rotating

> > his sleeping position according to the doctor's

> > advice. Now that he is 6 months old, and I still

> > don't see any improvement.

> >

> > I have uploaded his pictures, would appreciate

> if any

> > of you can give me some advice. By the way, I

> live in

> > San , if you can recommend a good doctor,

> that

> > would be great! Thanks so much!

> >

> >



> i=4622

> >

> >



> i=4625

> >

> >



> i=4626

> >

> >



> i=4624

> >

> >

> > Sue

> >






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