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RE: Good MOrning

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, How the heck are you this morning? I've been up since 4am. Still

have nothing done.LOL How are you feeling today? Hope you have a great

weekend and a wonderful Christmas.

I hope you can just sit back and relax today. I'm up to my eyeball in

wrapping. I dread the long trip on Monday. 4 hours each way and we have to

come back the same day. I think I need that Limo you had this summer.LOL

Know I'm thinking of you and your family and best wishes for a joyous

Christmas. Are you going somewhere or staying home?


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Well, I for one feel good... the throat pressure is less and only seems to

strain a little when I talk alot, so I just won't talk that's all...LOL...

I'm still taking the minocin, so far, so good.

I have 4 days off work, only go back on Wed, then work 3 days, then off 4

days again and go back to work on Jan 3rd....I plan to rest a lot and sleep,

eat and watch videos, maybe take a walk if the weather isn't too bad.... and

I have no gifts to wrap (yay!!), our family is a little informal with gift

giving, I buy gifts when I find mom or sis needs something... it works for

us... LOL

please have a safe trip and don't overdo it ok? Can't wait to hear of all

the wonderful prezzies everyone got...LOL

take care everyone

luv ya



>From: RCColloran@...

>Reply-To: Rpolychondritis (AT) e

>To: Rpolychondritis (AT) e

>Subject: Good MOrning

>Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 09:23:02 EST


>Good morning all. HOpe today finds everyone well, stress and pain free.


>For all those that are traveling, I wish you a safe trip. Please hurry


>to us.


>For those of you staying home, relax, and don't worry about what doesn't


>done. No body will ever know the difference. It always seems to go by so

>fast anyway.


>I wish you all a safe and healthy Christmas.


>For me, I will be wrapping all day. Will put on some music and just wrap


>I can't do it anymore.LOL Tomorrow I will be going to my cousins which I

>haven't seen in years. And Monday we are going to Rich's sisters 4 hours

>away. Will make the trip in one day as everyone has to be back to work on

>Tuesday (except me) I plan to sleep all day Tues.LOL


>Know I'm thinking of all of you and keeping you close to my heart at this

>special time of year.


>Have a great weekend and Christmas




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Good Morning and all,

OK, so it's almost 6 PM now, who's counting. LOL

I won't be on much for a while as most of us won't be I guess, so I'm taking

this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you a wonderful Holiday


May our new year be our best year and most healthiest too.

Love you all so very much and thank you all for being such wonderful




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> For those of you staying home, relax, and don't worry about what doesn't


> done. No body will ever know the difference. It always seems to go by so

> fast anyway

Now it's talking li' dat! (you know, the one who tells us every day

how much she doesn't get done!) J/K LOL


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Oh Carmela it's so great to hear you're having a good spot! Let's see if we

can extend it to the whole next year. Howlong has it been since you started

back on the Flonase and stuff?


Re: Good MOrning

> Hi


> Well, I for one feel good... the throat pressure is less and only seems to

> strain a little when I talk alot, so I just won't talk that's all...LOL...

> I'm still taking the minocin, so far, so good.


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Hi Carmela!

I'd be surprised if the RP were the same every day. There's just too many

variables -- where the inflammation is, did it spread to a funnyb little

place, etc, etc. When you have other things (sore back, cold, etc) it's

not the same is it.

The Nsal cort or flonase will keep getting better.

average time for it to START getting better is 1-2 weeks (altho some people

are lucky and it seems to start the first two days).. But again, it's a long

term med and it takes a long time for the full effect -- which is good for

you because hopefully the nasal congestion and postnasal drip will get

better and we can sort out how much of the problem that was. Are you doing

the nasal salilne irrigations too?

So, Iguess we're still getting better together. And here I thought you were

so far ahead of me already!



Re: Good MOrning

> Hi Carolyn


> My good days are on and off at the moment... had a really bad 2 nights ..

> pressure on the throat was bad, and couldn't sleep lying down... sat up


> night on the couch with my feet up. Was the same today.... but this could

> either be the Minocin doing it's thing, or the pred, who knows?....and


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When I had my first ear flare, the outside of my ear swoll up and went back

down a bit then swoll up again, for five weeks until it finally went away. I

don't know why it did that but it did. I hope you are feeling well soon and

that you had a happy holiday season. Take care and be well,


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Hi ya Carolyn

Yep, still taking the Nasacort faithfully every day. However, not doing the

nose irrigation thingy everyday. Some days it's ok, some days it's worse,

however, I find that gargling is helping more to clear stuff in the

mornings, that's the worse time for me for PND

We'll get better together Carolyn, we just have to. I'm anxious to hear all

about your appt's and what the doctors say.... I'm sure you will be helped

and in turn help all of us out too, armed with more info etc...

Please keep us posted with any changes to your health.

take care





>Reply-To: Rpolychondritis (AT) e

>To: Rpolychondritis (AT) e>

>Subject: Re: Good MOrning

>Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 15:50:23 -1000


>Hi Carmela!

>I'd be surprised if the RP were the same every day. There's just too many

>variables -- where the inflammation is, did it spread to a funnyb little

>place, etc, etc. When you have other things (sore back, cold, etc) it's

>not the same is it.


>The Nsal cort or flonase will keep getting better.

>average time for it to START getting better is 1-2 weeks (altho some people

>are lucky and it seems to start the first two days).. But again, it's a


>term med and it takes a long time for the full effect -- which is good for

>you because hopefully the nasal congestion and postnasal drip will get

>better and we can sort out how much of the problem that was. Are you doing

>the nasal salilne irrigations too?


>So, Iguess we're still getting better together. And here I thought you


>so far ahead of me already!





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