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Re: new baby...how to prevent plagio?

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Hi -

First, congratulations on your newest family member! (Was his

birthday 2/22? What a great birthday - it's mine too!).

Second, it's great that you're already on top of the repo thing so

hopefully you won't have to go through another banding. I am not an

expert on repo, but I would think it would be good to throw looking

straight ahead into the rotation as well. Maybe others would

disagree, but I think it would help. I think you would be able to

tell whether he didn't have full range of motion yet. My son was

born with tort, and it was evident in the hospital that he wouldn't

look to his left on his own (when the girl came in to take his

photo, she would hold his head straight then let go to take the

picture really quick before it flopped back down to his right). Of

course, I had no idea what tort was and it wasn't diagnosed until he

was 2 months old, but it was obvious he preferred his right that

whole time.

Enjoy your new little one! Good luck with the repo!

Jake-18m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DocBand 2/11/08)



> Hi there,


> My 20 month old son wore a DOC band from 7.5-9.5 months. We just


> our 2nd baby 10 days ago. I am alternating which way I have his


> facing (either right or left) when I lay him down. My question is

> this...should I include looking straight up into my rotation of

how I

> lay him? He seems to have full ROM, but how can you tell this


> Plus, our 20 month old seemed to have full ROM that even the ped.


> he did (but CT said he didn't).


> Any other tips for preventing plagio or brachy would be much

> appreciated.




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Hi ,

Congrats on the new baby! I also noticed my daughter had tort. at

just a few days old. My son was born with it and was not diagnosed

until 4 mo. old so it was obvious right away when dd would only

sleep on one side of her head and look in just one direction. You

could try the Boppy Noggin Nest in the bouncer seat, swing, car

seat, etc. if you're really worried about it but want to have him

looking straight up. I used them with dd until we could get her in

to see the plastic surgeon and I think it helped her not get any

worse than she was.

> >

> > Hi there,

> >

> > My 20 month old son wore a DOC band from 7.5-9.5 months. We


> had

> > our 2nd baby 10 days ago. I am alternating which way I have his

> head

> > facing (either right or left) when I lay him down. My question


> > this...should I include looking straight up into my rotation of

> how I

> > lay him? He seems to have full ROM, but how can you tell this

> early?

> > Plus, our 20 month old seemed to have full ROM that even the


> said

> > he did (but CT said he didn't).

> >

> > Any other tips for preventing plagio or brachy would be much

> > appreciated.

> >

> >

> >


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Congratulations . What is his name (boy right)?

I think looking straight up is probably okay as part of the rotation.

If I remember right the nightform has something like 9 positions that

you rotate through. I don't think you need 9, just vary his postition.

i would think daily would be okay. I'm not sure I would try out the

ROM yet, but I visited CT once and one of the therapist there was

showing an expectant mom how to turn the babies head gently to each

side and just feel how it moves (she was using a doll).

I think another huge way to prevent plagio is to really give him a lot

of tummy time. It will make his neck, chest, torso etc strong sooner.

Also if his head is to one side or the other while he's on his belly

that will stretch the neck in each direction. if you start early you

should be able to build up tummy time so he enjoys it.

Let us know how his head does and how how his big brother is doing.


sydney 2 yrs starband grad


> Hi there,


> My 20 month old son wore a DOC band from 7.5-9.5 months. We just had

> our 2nd baby 10 days ago. I am alternating which way I have his head

> facing (either right or left) when I lay him down. My question is

> this...should I include looking straight up into my rotation of how I

> lay him? He seems to have full ROM, but how can you tell this early?

> Plus, our 20 month old seemed to have full ROM that even the ped. said

> he did (but CT said he didn't).


> Any other tips for preventing plagio or brachy would be much

> appreciated.




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Thanks for the congrats...yes, baby boy. His name is Grant. I'm

confused anout your ROM comment...could you elaborate? What I meant

by he seems to have full ROM is that when he is laying on his back

he looks all different ways. Obviously, I can't try any other way

at this point...is that what you meant?

> >

> > Hi there,

> >

> > My 20 month old son wore a DOC band from 7.5-9.5 months. We

just had

> > our 2nd baby 10 days ago. I am alternating which way I have his


> > facing (either right or left) when I lay him down. My question


> > this...should I include looking straight up into my rotation of

how I

> > lay him? He seems to have full ROM, but how can you tell this


> > Plus, our 20 month old seemed to have full ROM that even the

ped. said

> > he did (but CT said he didn't).

> >

> > Any other tips for preventing plagio or brachy would be much

> > appreciated.

> >

> >

> >


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you can put interesting objects on both sides and see if he turns

towards them (I guess at this age you may be the only thing he's

interested in). But the other thing is to lay him on his back, then

gently turn his head to head side holding it in both hands. Try and

feel if it moves easily to each side (turning his face toward the

shoulder). That is what the therapist was showing Hazel to do. I saw

her do it with a doll, but I'm not sure if I would be comfortable

doing this with a baby. I guess I can't remember 10 days old any

longer :-) So if it seems reasonable try it. If he seems to fragile

then don't. Since you're close to CT and your first one wore a band

I'm sure they would be open to your bringing him in at some point to

and they can look at his ROM for you.


sydney 2 yrs starband grad

> > >

> > > Hi there,

> > >

> > > My 20 month old son wore a DOC band from 7.5-9.5 months. We

> just had

> > > our 2nd baby 10 days ago. I am alternating which way I have his

> head

> > > facing (either right or left) when I lay him down. My question

> is

> > > this...should I include looking straight up into my rotation of

> how I

> > > lay him? He seems to have full ROM, but how can you tell this

> early?

> > > Plus, our 20 month old seemed to have full ROM that even the

> ped. said

> > > he did (but CT said he didn't).

> > >

> > > Any other tips for preventing plagio or brachy would be much

> > > appreciated.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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