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RE: Re: to push ped or not -SF Bay recommendation

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We saw Dr. Menard as well and thought he was great. However, since he is

Kaiser he might not be of any help if you don't have Kaiser insurance. I'll

add SF Bay to the subject line to see if anyone else has any good

recommendations of who you can see near SF.

If your paediatrician won't give you a referral to a specialist you can

still take your daughter to the local band provider, CIRS, and they can do

an evaluation for you. If the evaluation shows that a band is needed you

can take it back to your ped and sometimes that will be enough to convince

him to either write the prescription for the band or send you to a


Here is the contact info for CIRS:

Center for Independent Rehabilitative Services, Inc.

Bob Paterson, CO

Amy , CPO

3260 Ash Street

Palo Alto, CA 94306

650-462-0102, FAX 650-462-0107

Email: amynfoster@...

Email: bobco1238@...

Trish , CO

430 40th Street

Oakland, CA 94609


Email: tcollins22@...


Novato, California

Nicolas, 2.5, tort & plagio, STARband (CIRS Oakland) 4/24/06-9/12/06,


, 5

, 8.5

Re: to push ped or not

Push, push, push. My daughter was diagnosed at 4 mo and in a band at 5

mo and I'm so glad we went ahead with it. We had Kaiser insurance (we

were in Redwood City) and saw Dr Menard at the Santa Clara facility

(we got a referral from our ped). We got my daughter's band at CIRS in

Palo Alto. They also have an office in Oakland.

I would say treatment is very effective the first year, and can be

less so after that. However, the head grows fastest while the baby is

young, so starting early means less time in a band.


sydney 2 yrs starband grad


> My daughter was four months old when they told me she has

> plagiocephaly, five weeks has passed and I see no change. We have

> her sitting, tummy time, and we have her sleeping on her side. What

> more should I do? I am tempted to push her pediatrician to give us a

> referral for a specialist. I rather not wait, I read somewhere after

> a certain amount the treatments are less effective. Anyone have a

> doctor they used in the San Francisco area???



For more plagio info

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That happened to us. Our ped, wasn't convinced that my son needed a Band . We took the baby to CT and went back to the doctor with the photos and evaluation and he gave us the prescription immediately. "Foley, Molly" <mafoley@...> wrote: We saw Dr. Menard as well and thought he was great. However, since he isKaiser he might not be of any help if you don't have Kaiser insurance. I'lladd SF Bay to the subject line to see if anyone else has any goodrecommendations of who you can see near SF.If

your paediatrician won't give you a referral to a specialist you canstill take your daughter to the local band provider, CIRS, and they can doan evaluation for you. If the evaluation shows that a band is needed youcan take it back to your ped and sometimes that will be enough to convincehim to either write the prescription for the band or send you to aspecialist.Here is the contact info for CIRS:Center for Independent Rehabilitative Services, Inc.Bob Paterson, COAmy , CPO 3260 Ash Street Palo Alto, CA 94306650-462-0102, FAX 650-462-0107Email: amynfostergmailEmail: bobco1238aol Trish , CO430 40th Street Oakland, CA 94609510-653-9834Email: tcollins22gmail MollyNovato, CaliforniaNicolas, 2.5, tort &

plagio, STARband (CIRS Oakland) 4/24/06-9/12/06,Graduate!, 5, 8.5-----Original Message-----From: Plagiocephaly [mailto:Plagiocephaly ]On Behalf Of christineashokSent: 20 April 2008 10:41Plagiocephaly Subject: Re: to push ped or notPush, push, push. My daughter was diagnosed at 4 mo and in a band at 5mo and I'm so glad we went ahead with it. We had Kaiser insurance (wewere in Redwood City) and saw Dr Menard at the Santa Clara facility(we got a referral from our ped). We got my daughter's band at CIRS inPalo Alto. They also have an office in Oakland.I would say treatment is very effective the first year, and can beless so after that.

However, the head grows fastest while the baby isyoung, so starting early means less time in a band.-christinesydney 2 yrs starband grad>> My daughter was four months old when they told me she has> plagiocephaly, five weeks has passed and I see no change. We have> her sitting, tummy time, and we have her sleeping on her side. What> more should I do? I am tempted to push her pediatrician to give us a> referral for a specialist. I rather not wait, I read somewhere after> a certain amount the treatments are less effective. Anyone have a> doctor they used in the San Francisco area???>------------------------------------For more plagio info

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