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Re: Repositional Therapy after 5 months

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Maybe, maybe not. If you are having good success so far then I'd

continue for say another month but if by 6 months there is still

assymetry then I would go to CT or another banding facility for an

evaluation and possibly move forward with the band. Are you taking

pictures to document the improvement? If not, that would be helpful.

We repoed from 2 months until our son got his band at 7.5 months and

his headshape didn't improve or get worse during that time. Good luck.


> Will repositional therapy work after 5 months of age for not a


> case?


> Some of what I read says it is not effective - but many times they

> mention that is because it is harder to control how the baby sleeps


> his head. I am having good luck with it so far so I want to know if


> will continue seeing improvement if I am able to be this aggresive


> it?


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I think, repo definitely help, at least tp prevent further plagio.

We repo our son from 2 month until he get his DOC band at 6 month. We

manage to improve his right-side plagio (CVA only 4mm, Mid-face is 3mm

and Skull-base is 1mm)so much that, he is only banded due to Brachy.

Keep it up and you will see the results. But, if you still feel that

the assym is there, do consider banding. Hope this help.

, banded since Jan 21 08.


> Will repositional therapy work after 5 months of age for not a severe

> case?


> Some of what I read says it is not effective - but many times they

> mention that is because it is harder to control how the baby sleeps on

> his head. I am having good luck with it so far so I want to know if I

> will continue seeing improvement if I am able to be this aggresive with

> it?


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I started agressive repo with my dd when she was 4.5 months old, and we

have seen great results, though I didn't do repo alone, she is also

getting cranial sacral therapy, chiropractic, and is treated


Jen D.


> Will repositional therapy work after 5 months of age for not a severe

> case?


> Some of what I read says it is not effective - but many times they

> mention that is because it is harder to control how the baby sleeps


> his head. I am having good luck with it so far so I want to know if I

> will continue seeing improvement if I am able to be this aggresive


> it?


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My son has 13mm assymetry and is 7 months old. Can repositioning help

even at this stage?

> >

> > Will repositional therapy work after 5 months of age for not a


> > case?

> >

> > Some of what I read says it is not effective - but many times


> > mention that is because it is harder to control how the baby

sleeps on

> > his head. I am having good luck with it so far so I want to know

if I

> > will continue seeing improvement if I am able to be this

aggresive with

> > it?

> >


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I did repo with my dd from three months to six months. My

pediatrician is still amazed at the symmetry we achieved. She's 15

months now, and her head is perfect. Our cranial specialist told us

that it's effective up to six months usually. After that, if we

weren't satisfied then we would have gotten a helmet for sure. We had

a tort-plagio situ so we did very very very aggressive repo with PT

and cranial sacral therapy. I'm not too sure about the cranial sacral

part, but the repo worked 100% for us. Having said that...we were

obsessed. We would wake up four times a night to check her position.

If she had moved the wrong way, we'd risk waking her up to correct

her. Also, in the car, we'd pull over if her head moved the wrong way

and correct her. No strollers, no swings, etc. We lived repositioning

for three months, and it paid off big time.

Best of luck....check out the Nightform mattress it was a lifesaver

for us.

> >

> > Will repositional therapy work after 5 months of age for not a


> > case?

> >

> > Some of what I read says it is not effective - but many times


> > mention that is because it is harder to control how the baby


> on

> > his head. I am having good luck with it so far so I want to know

if I

> > will continue seeing improvement if I am able to be this


> with

> > it?

> >


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Hi ,

Thank you. When people talk about asymmetry, are they talking about

the whole head or just asymmetry of facial features? (thanks, I am


Also, can you go to a banding facility for an evaluation without your

doctors direct recomendation? So far they have been very laid back

about his head, we have an appointment this Thursday and I am not

sure what to say if they try to assure me his head is fine. If you

want to voice your opinion, I have put up 3 photos of him under

Plagio T's - but it might be under new photos too. His name is


I started taking photos last week but should have done it a lot

sooner. I stopped listening to all the " it is fine " talk but have

aggresivly repositioned him sine his 4 month.

Thank you very much if you have any other suggestions of opinions on

my sons head. I just might be too sensitive about it. I don't know?

Thank you! le

> >

> > Will repositional therapy work after 5 months of age for not a

> severe

> > case?

> >

> > Some of what I read says it is not effective - but many times


> > mention that is because it is harder to control how the baby


> on

> > his head. I am having good luck with it so far so I want to know


> I

> > will continue seeing improvement if I am able to be this


> with

> > it?

> >


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Usually, I think people are referring to the whole head. My son

didn't have any facial assymetry. If I remember correctly the

cranial vault is the assymetry that most people quote which I forget

what exactly that is measuring. In the pictures, I am having a hard

time seeing the plagio. I would recommend going to a banding

facilitiy to get measurements and their opinions since you aren't

sure. Yes, you can go get an evaluation without the prescription;

however, you can't get the band without a prescription. We went to

Cranial Tech. and had them fax over their findings to our

pediatrician. I called our pediatrician that day and told him that

I wanted to band our son. He faxed over the script and we were on

our way. Due to our son's age at banding (7.5 mos.) we chose to pay

out of pocket and appeal later. We did end up getting reimbursed

80% (which is what we expected from our plan). Keep us posted.

> > >

> > > Will repositional therapy work after 5 months of age for not a

> > severe

> > > case?

> > >

> > > Some of what I read says it is not effective - but many times

> they

> > > mention that is because it is harder to control how the baby

> sleeps

> > on

> > > his head. I am having good luck with it so far so I want to


> if

> > I

> > > will continue seeing improvement if I am able to be this

> aggresive

> > with

> > > it?

> > >

> >


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I tried at 4 months, but found it was almost impossible. He broke through almost


contraption we could think of. Funny enough, the helmet was easier in that

regard. Repo

always made me feel guilty and anxious. Plus I woke him up trying to turn his

head. Once we

got the helmet, we didn't have to worry anymore. Just something to think about!


> Will repositional therapy work after 5 months of age for not a severe

> case?


> Some of what I read says it is not effective - but many times they

> mention that is because it is harder to control how the baby sleeps on

> his head. I am having good luck with it so far so I want to know if I

> will continue seeing improvement if I am able to be this aggresive with

> it?


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