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Re: Looking for feedback on photos

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le - He's a CUTIE!!!!!

I see right plagio in the birds eye - and it looks like it might be pushing his top, front right side of his skull too.

Is that what you are seeing? Please know I am JUST a mom - It cannot hurt take him in to a prefessional and see what they have to say.

Jen and Luli - 26 months

Left tort - Right Plagio - Hanger Band Grad - CA


Looking for feedback on photos

Hi Everyone,

I have a Drs. appointment Thursday and I wanted to get an opinion on my

son Tristan. I have just uploaded 3 photos of him. (Under Our Plagio

Babies T - but they may show up under new the new photos link).

He is 5.5 months now and I am getting nervous as time goes by. I am

repositioning like crazy.

Does his head warrant me taking further action other than

repositioning? I ask so I can feel confident when speaking with his

Nurse Practitioner about it.

Thank you! le

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Hello Jen (please correct me if that is not your name) - Thank you

for the compliment :)

Yes, at his 4 month his nurse practitioner pointed out that his head

was getting flat - thank goodness she did. I spend so much time with

him I did not notice the small changes. She had us reposition and I

have done so faithfully. However, it seems to me like his head is in

a middle ground of - do I do something about it or do I let his hair

grow in? Thank you for your feedback so I don't feel crazy that there

is really something there. I am really stuck. I will let you know if

the Dr. says another month of repositioning or what.

I might ask " is there any reason not to see a specialist - just for

an evaluation " ? - Is that a good route to take? --- And do I do that

now or do I wait another month?

....This Mom thing is really hard - lol! (first timer)

Thank you so much for your feedback!


> le - He's a CUTIE!!!!!

> I see right plagio in the birds eye - and it looks like it might be

pushing his top, front right side of his skull too.

> Is that what you are seeing?? Please know I am JUST a mom - It

cannot hurt take him in to a prefessional and see what they have to




> ?Jen and Luli - 26 months

> Left tort - Right Plagio - Hanger Band Grad - CA

> http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/jens5th/



> Looking for feedback on photos







> Hi Everyone,


> I have a Drs. appointment Thursday and I wanted to get an opinion

on my

> son Tristan. I have just uploaded 3 photos of him. (Under Our


> Babies T - but they may show up under new the new photos link).


> He is 5.5 months now and I am getting nervous as time goes by. I am

> repositioning like crazy.


> Does his head warrant me taking further action other than

> repositioning? I ask so I can feel confident when speaking with his

> Nurse Practitioner about it.


> Thank you! le









> More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -



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Photos can be deceiving. My kiddo looked pretty OK in his photos. His plagio was hard to capture, but it was definitely there in person. That said, I don't see that much plagio in the photos of your cutie-patootie. In the face shot, there looks like there could be a bit of prominence to the right side of his forehead (his right, not the right side of the pic). It's hard to tell because he is raising his eyebrows and generally being so cute. It certainly can't hurt to have him evaluated and measured so you know where you stand. If it were me, based purely on the photos, I would continue with repositioning and get a consult from CT (if you have one) or another facility. Are his ears even? I can't see them in the pic.


On 2/12/08, le Mulryan <dmulryan88@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone, I have a Drs. appointment Thursday and I wanted to get an opinion on my son Tristan. I have just uploaded 3 photos of him. (Under Our Plagio Babies T - but they may show up under new the new photos link).

He is 5.5 months now and I am getting nervous as time goes by. I am repositioning like crazy. Does his head warrant me taking further action other than repositioning? I ask so I can feel confident when speaking with his

Nurse Practitioner about it.Thank you! le

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Hi Pam,

Thank you very much for feedback. (and for the cuteness compliments)

In terms of evaluated and measured - does our Dr. do the measuring or

do I go to someone else for that?

Also CT is that Cranial Tech? I see we have one about 2.5 hours from

my house.

The flatness is there in person but it is not that dramatic - enough

to be seen for sure. That is why I am somewhat on the fence for what

I should do next if anything. I have definitly learned from all I

have read that time is of the essence.

You are correct in that it is behind his right that the flat spot has

prominence - I will take a look at the eyes again. You may have

picked up on something. I will also take a look at the ears though

I " think " they are in line.

Thank you so much. I will see what the Dr. says tomorrow and most

likely go with that consult at CT. It certainly will not hurt to know

my options.

Thank you again Pam. Any other feedback/answers are greatly



> >

> > Hi Everyone,

> >

> > I have a Drs. appointment Thursday and I wanted to get an opinion

on my

> > son Tristan. I have just uploaded 3 photos of him. (Under Our


> > Babies T - but they may show up under new the new photos link).

> >

> > He is 5.5 months now and I am getting nervous as time goes by. I


> > repositioning like crazy.

> >

> > Does his head warrant me taking further action other than

> > repositioning? I ask so I can feel confident when speaking with


> > Nurse Practitioner about it.

> >

> > Thank you! le

> >

> >

> >


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Yes, I'm Jen. :-)

Take him to see a craniofacial dr - or you can take him to band provider (CT does free evals) to see what the actual measurements are and to see if a band would help. THe sooner you see them the better you will have a base number to work from in a month or 2 when, and if, treatment is needed.

Jen and Luli - 26 months

Left tort - Right Plagio - Hanger Band Grad - CA


Looking for feedback on photos







> Hi Everyone,


> I have a Drs. appointment Thursday and I wanted to get an opinion

on my

> son Tristan. I have just uploaded 3 photos of him. (Under Our


> Babies T - but they may show up under new the new photos link).


> He is 5.5 months now and I am getting nervous as time goes by. I am

> repositioning like crazy.


> Does his head warrant me taking further action other than

> repositioning? I ask so I can feel confident when speaking with his

> Nurse Practitioner about it.


> Thank you! le









> More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -



More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail!

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What a cutie!

I think that it wouldn't hurt to get him evaluated since you are

concerned about it. It's tough being a mom sometimes isn't it. At

least you can get Tristan evaluated and can then make a decision

from that point.


> >

> > le - He's a CUTIE!!!!!

> > I see right plagio in the birds eye - and it looks like it might


> pushing his top, front right side of his skull too.

> > Is that what you are seeing?? Please know I am JUST a mom - It

> cannot hurt take him in to a prefessional and see what they have


> say.

> >

> >

> > ?Jen and Luli - 26 months

> > Left tort - Right Plagio - Hanger Band Grad - CA

> > http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/jens5th/

> >

> >

> > Looking for feedback on photos

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi Everyone,

> >

> > I have a Drs. appointment Thursday and I wanted to get an


> on my

> > son Tristan. I have just uploaded 3 photos of him. (Under Our

> Plagio

> > Babies T - but they may show up under new the new photos link).

> >

> > He is 5.5 months now and I am getting nervous as time goes by. I


> > repositioning like crazy.

> >

> > Does his head warrant me taking further action other than

> > repositioning? I ask so I can feel confident when speaking with


> > Nurse Practitioner about it.

> >

> > Thank you! le

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




> __

> > More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -

> http://webmail.aol.com

> >


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