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Re: confused after visit with orthotist -- also, please help with measurements

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My daughter wore a starband for severe brachy (97%+). She wore her

band for 5 mo, starting at age 5 mo. I would say given the age or your

baby and the severity you will be done sooner than that - but it is

just a guess. Even the ortho is really only guessing since babies

don't all grow at the same rate. Some try to give you the worst case.

Our ortho scheduled appt every 2 weeks until age 6 mo, then every 3

weeks. However we rarely lasted 3 weeks, and usually had to go in a

few days early because the band was getting small.


sydney 2 yrs starband grad


> I met with an orthotist today who said my almost-5-mo. old should

> get the Starband. He said that we would come in for once-per-month

> check-ups/adjustments. Is that often enough? He also said he

> estimated 6 months wih the helmet which seems like a long time to me.


> Also, I don't understand how the measurements work. My son's right-

> anterior to left-posterior is 14.8 and his left-anterior to right-

> posterior is 14. His side-to-side (ear-to-ear) is 13.3 and front-to-

> back is 14.2. Circumference is 45.2. Can you guys please explain

> what the significance of these numbers is? I understand that the .8

> difference between the first two numbers needs to decrease, but

> that's about it. Also, does it sound like it should take 6 months

> of wearing the helmet to correct this?


> Thank you!


> Shana

> (Queens, NY)


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You have a lot of real concerns, and I am rather surprised the

orthotist did not take the time to explain it to you. Based on the

measurements it should not be close to that long. Then again, I am

not a doctor.

There is a great orthotist in Brooklyn which I had used for my

son and she sat down and explained everything in detail. I had it

finished in two months, and it worked perfectly. Especially while

you child is five months old, this is the time that they really grow.

There is a lot of information out there, and it could be

overwhelming at times, but you should find someone who puts in the

time to make you feel comfortable with it. I got my starband at Kidi

Splint (www.KidiSplint.com) and it was a great experience.

Just hang in there, and don't let anyone talk you into something

that does not make sense to you, or you don't feel comfortable

about. Good Luck.


> I met with an orthotist today who said my almost-5-mo. old should

> get the Starband. He said that we would come in for once-per-


> check-ups/adjustments. Is that often enough? He also said he

> estimated 6 months wih the helmet which seems like a long time to



> Also, I don't understand how the measurements work. My son's


> anterior to left-posterior is 14.8 and his left-anterior to right-

> posterior is 14. His side-to-side (ear-to-ear) is 13.3 and front-


> back is 14.2. Circumference is 45.2. Can you guys please explain

> what the significance of these numbers is? I understand that

the .8

> difference between the first two numbers needs to decrease, but

> that's about it. Also, does it sound like it should take 6 months

> of wearing the helmet to correct this?


> Thank you!


> Shana

> (Queens, NY)


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Hey, thanks, everyone! I went to CT in Paramus today and we are

going to go with them. They do their adjustments/checks every week

for babies younger than 7 mos. and they anticipated 2 to 2-1/2

months of treatment. Plus, I found the office to be very

professional and everyone took the time to explain everything to

me. Our insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield) doesn't have a contract

with CT, but I think we'll be able to work out some reimbursement.

I'll keep you updated!


> I met with an orthotist today who said my almost-5-mo. old should

> get the Starband. He said that we would come in for once-per-


> check-ups/adjustments. Is that often enough? He also said he

> estimated 6 months wih the helmet which seems like a long time to



> Also, I don't understand how the measurements work. My son's


> anterior to left-posterior is 14.8 and his left-anterior to right-

> posterior is 14. His side-to-side (ear-to-ear) is 13.3 and front-


> back is 14.2. Circumference is 45.2. Can you guys please explain

> what the significance of these numbers is? I understand that

the .8

> difference between the first two numbers needs to decrease, but

> that's about it. Also, does it sound like it should take 6 months

> of wearing the helmet to correct this?


> Thank you!


> Shana

> (Queens, NY)


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Hi Shana,

I saw your new post and I thought I had to comment. There is a couple

of inconsistencies with what you ortho had told you. For starters, a

growth spurt can happen a anywhere between a day and 2 weeks, but you

should definitely be checking up at least every two weeks.

As explained by Molly from California the goal of the helmet is to

get the right anterior to left posterior and the left anterior to

right posterior, within three millimeters. For five months old this

is not disastrous, yet I don't think it should take more than three


You should shop around a little more and wait till you find someone

that you truly feel comfortable with, and someone that can answer

your every concern. Best of luck.


> I met with an orthotist today who said my almost-5-mo. old should

> get the Starband. He said that we would come in for once-per-month

> check-ups/adjustments. Is that often enough? He also said he

> estimated 6 months wih the helmet which seems like a long time to



> Also, I don't understand how the measurements work. My son's right-

> anterior to left-posterior is 14.8 and his left-anterior to right-

> posterior is 14. His side-to-side (ear-to-ear) is 13.3 and front-


> back is 14.2. Circumference is 45.2. Can you guys please explain

> what the significance of these numbers is? I understand that

the .8

> difference between the first two numbers needs to decrease, but

> that's about it. Also, does it sound like it should take 6 months

> of wearing the helmet to correct this?


> Thank you!


> Shana

> (Queens, NY)


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