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Re: New Here! Looking for a GREAT sleep positioner...

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Hi Shelby,

welcome to the group. I don't know much about sleep positioners. Our

doc recommended NightForm, but I didn't try it (by then we had already

decided to band). there are several successful repo moms here, and

some tips in the files section if you haven't already seen them. Are

you taking pics of baby A's head? It is a good way to monitor your

progress. Since the babies are only 2 mo old you should have a good

chance of avoiding a band. I wish I had know about repo at 2 mo. Whe

we asked our doc about our daughters flat head all we got was " don't

worry " .

take care. -christine

sydney 2 yrs starband grad


> Hi there! I'm the proud mother of 2 month old twin boys. Seth (Baby

> A) was head down the entire time I was pregnant and has had plagio

> since birth because of pressure from his head on my pelvis. We've

> been very fortunte and he has been treated since birth with

> manipulations every couple of weeks. He has not developed tort.


> We're hopeful that if we're aggressive in repositioning him the

> problem will correct itself in the coming months. We're trying all

> sorts of things to keep him sleeping on the rounded part of his head

> to keep pressure off the flat spot. He's pretty sqirmy and wriggles

> off of any rolled up towel or blanket we place under his shoulders

> and head, so we're looking for a good sleep positioner that will help

> him stay in place.


> I was researching plagio on the website plagiosupport.org and saw

> what looks like a terrific sleep positioner on the repositioning

> page, but can't find it anywhere to buy it. Does anyone know where I

> can buy it? It looks like it will be perfect because he can still

> sleep on his back, but it will prevent him from rolling his head over

> to the flat spot.


> Any help would be very much appreciated. I look forward to getting

> to know everyone and learning a great deal here.


> Shelby


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I think a few of the sleep positioners are at Babies R US. I know

several people recommended Night Form (which is what my sister got)

but when I posted questions about it there were several moms that

said they didn't like it. This one came highly recommended but I

haven't used it... http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?

productId=424758 & cmSource=Search

Good luck.

> >

> > Hi there! I'm the proud mother of 2 month old twin boys. Seth


> > A) was head down the entire time I was pregnant and has had


> > since birth because of pressure from his head on my pelvis.


> > been very fortunte and he has been treated since birth with

> > manipulations every couple of weeks. He has not developed


> >

> > We're hopeful that if we're aggressive in repositioning him the

> > problem will correct itself in the coming months. We're trying


> > sorts of things to keep him sleeping on the rounded part of his


> > to keep pressure off the flat spot. He's pretty sqirmy and


> > off of any rolled up towel or blanket we place under his


> > and head, so we're looking for a good sleep positioner that will


> > him stay in place.

> >

> > I was researching plagio on the website plagiosupport.org and


> > what looks like a terrific sleep positioner on the repositioning

> > page, but can't find it anywhere to buy it. Does anyone know

where I

> > can buy it? It looks like it will be perfect because he can


> > sleep on his back, but it will prevent him from rolling his head


> > to the flat spot.

> >

> > Any help would be very much appreciated. I look forward to


> > to know everyone and learning a great deal here.

> >

> > Shelby

> >


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