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Re: Re: Disney vacation

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Wow!! That's such great news about Tim. Our family also had a

tremendously wonderful experience at Disney this past April, but I did

use the Special Pass. With regards to the restaurants, I can't say

enough good things. I got to speak to all the chefs in the different

restaurants and Devin had his gfcf meals. I even took my own Crispy

Coating Mix to the Coral Reef Restaurant at Epcot and the chef fried(in

fresh oil) a delicious piece of flounder for Devin.

We can't wait to go back.


Anne wrote:


> Hi Barb -


> Not sure what you are referring to when you say neg vs pos. Is it in

> reference to the child at the park or Disney itself? For whatever it is

> worth, our experience with both was great.


> This trip was a real 'benchmark' for us. We went last year at the same time

> - May - and Tim's behavior was off the wall. He was crying, kicking,

> screaming - basically melting down all over the place. And when he wasn't

> doing that, he was negative and agitated and acting out. Our experience at

> Disney last year was the clincher for us in terms of having him evaluated.

> It was just so bad that we knew all was not write in Timmyland and I made

> appts with the hospitals child development team when we returned. Dx a month

> or so later of Asperger's.


> Fastforward up to now. We go again in May of this year when he has been GFCF

> since end of March. I think I have shared that we have seen dramatic results

> from going GFCF. I had also incidentally met with a nutritionist the day

> before we went who went over his RAST test with me and told me that he was

> allergic to 5 other things and I needed to pull these offending foods out

> also and put him on a rotation diet. I put together the rotation diet stuff

> on the plane on the way down.


> We had a glorious week. He was like a totally different kid. NOT ONE

> MELTDOWN. NOT. ONE. And I think we did more this year - in five consecutive

> days - than we did last year. He was pleasant and fun - it was a totally

> different ballgame. I figure that only other parents going thru this can

> fully appreciate the significance (and gratitude) around this. We did not

> get one of those special passes - we waited on lines like everyone else and

> he was fine. He was talking to people and other times entertained himself.

> At one point it was 2 in the afternoon and the parade was at 3 and I asked

> if he wanted to either go on rides til then or go sit down now to get a good

> seat; he picked to go sit down and we sat there for a full hour with NOT an

> issue. In fact at the parade the next nite, other parents were pointing Tim

> out to their kids as an example of good behavior while waiting. Again, I

> figure only another parent in my shoes can appreciate the significance

> around that.


> I owe it ALL to this diet - it has made such a difference for him.


> We ate at the Crystal Palace in the Magic Kingdom one night - that's where

> you do a character dinner with Pooh and friends. I met with the chef 2

> nights before and they were SOOOOOOO accomodating about his diet

> restrictions. I told them he was on a rotation diet and the chef asked what

> Tim should be eating that night and I told him 'beef and broccoli' and he

> said no problem. He served him Prime Rib and broccoli that had been steamed

> and sauteed in garlic and olive oil with rice on the side. They gave him

> Rice Dream ice cream for dessert which posed no problem (Tim would have had

> a major reaction if it had any offending ingredients in it.) The chef also

> mentioned to me that he was going to clean off the grill, etc before he used

> it because he understood that there could be concerns re cross-contamination

> (I hadn't even got to that with him yet. In essence, he was very familar

> with what all this would require.)Obviously, I was impressed and grateful.

> It made for a very pleasant visit for Tim.


> I have gone on and on here - hope this answered some of your questions.


> We had one great time...Ann


> >From: BarbStrate@...

> >Reply-To: Mosaic-List (AT) e

> >To: Mosaic-List (AT) e

> >Subject: Re: Re: Disney vacation

> >Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 14:41:43 EDT

> >

> >Ann-

> > How was the trip itself? I've just heard a very negative trip report

> >from Disney and a very positive one. Both of those trips took place within

> >two weeks of each other (late April and early May) so it would be

> >interesting

> >to hear of your experience.

> >Barb

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ><<

> >For anyone interested - we just came back from Disney where Tim - age

> >4 - was on a GFCF rotation diet. We stayed at a place that had a

> >kitchen in it and we just packed his lunch and snacks every day (put

> >it in an insulated bag with a strap that I picked up at Lechters -

> >you barely notice that you're carrying it.) This went fine - no

> >problem. There is a chain of Health Food stores down there called

> >Chamberlains that are 'pretty good'. (I would expect to be able to

> >get the basics as they sometimes seemed to be low on stuff BUT they

> >did have the bread, nut butters, flours, juices, etc. A GOOD vitamin

> >section altho the vitamins seemed to be more expensive than they are

> >up here). Also there is a grocery store called Goodings that has SOME

> >health food items (I felt it was more than the typical grocery store

> >around here but less than a health food store.) They also carry a lot

> >of free-range meats (our nutritionist recommended that we use these.)

> >

> >Hope that's helpful for someone.

> >

> >Ann >>

> >

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.

> >Remember the good 'ol days

> >http://click.egroups.com/1/4053/3/_/_/_/960230570/

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

> >

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I just love the positive stories from Disney because we have so much

invested into our trips. My family had a not so great time in 97, a fabulous

time last year and we are really looking forward to our trip this August.

But, what made your post really special was the way you could compare

your child's progress over the year from one trip to the other. I do

understand and can appreciate the significance of standing in a boring tight

line and waiting! I have to admit that we did start to use the pass around

the 4th day though. Standing on line became quite exhausting for the


I remember marveling to myself on " Its a Small World " ( and I went

on this ride so many times that I would use the time to clean my backpack)

that I didn't have to worry that she'd jump in the water. just loved

watching those dolls and I could tell that she could see them, the glazed

look in her eyes from two years before was gone. was able to sit

because of ABA and she was able to " see " because of the diet. Don't get me

wrong, we still, on occasion see that glazed look even now but there was

something about those moments at Disney, watching my daughter watching those

dolls that gave us hope. She looked so normal!

And I thought it was quite an accomplishment to continue the diet while

on vacation. We let Disney do all our cooking and all went well till the

last night at the Coral Reef when I made the mistake of giving their

speical drink of Sprite and red syrup. She had to work that drink off for a


I too was impressed with Disney and I would recommend a trip there to

everyone (as the older Mosaic Moms are sick of hearing). I'm glad you had a

great trip and great memories. Will you be planning another? I was ready to

go again when we got back last year!


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<< I even took my own Crispy

Coating Mix to the Coral Reef Restaurant at Epcot and the chef fried(in

fresh oil) a delicious piece of flounder for Devin. >>

What a great idea Carmen!


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