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Re: Brissy Bandsters.

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From: Lois Jervis loislane@...

Hi everyone,

I haven't written for a while. I have been a little depressed and even

though I lost weight at first 13.5kg(about 29 pounds), I gained back 2.5kg

(about 5 pounds) still eating and drinking all the right things. While I am

very pleased at the initial loss, my op was on the 14 December 1998, nothing

has passed my lips that shouldn't and I gained weight. Needless to say that

the past 2 days I have been eating a lot more(not all the right things).

I'm really trying hard today to get back to normal.

Jo, I also live in the Brisbane area, Caboolture to be exact and would like

to get together now and then.

Bye for now and even though I don't write very often I do enjoy reading what

everyone writes.

Thanks ,


Brissy Bandsters.



>Hi all again.


>I live in Brisbane, Australia. I am hoping that there is a couple of

>bandsters close enough to get together with every now and then. Could you

>let me know if you are around.


>Thank you all who posted about both of my problems, lack of loss and deadly

>gas pain, the support was great.


>I hope your doing well Aly, only 3 days post-op.


> Jo





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to other bandster, we all have a story, we all have to make choices. a year

ago i chose to have the band put in place and be a real researcher...i wasnt

in a hurry for the weight to come off so i didnot diet or exercise, i wanted

to SEE what the band would really do and i was prepared to diet and exercise

in year two so i opted to get only 2 adjustments and go on my happy and fat

way the year ended i have lost 35 lbs it was kudos for the band i am now

anxious to help the band in my second year and see a much greater loss do i

believe in that window of opportunity? windows get broken all the time so if

there is one, i will get through it lol unfortunately some of us in our group

have lost our home base for adjustments but thnx to the tireless efforts of

one homebound bander arrangements are complete and we are on our way to gettin

tightened i expect there will be alot less of me by the summer good luck to

you and me

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Hi all!

Had my appointment with my GP and I'm not sure if it was good or not. He wants

to call Dr. Fiennes and check him out on Monday and let me know if I will be

referred. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Secondly, I know this is a very touchy subject with alot of you, but I can see

it is the cause of alot of depression and hopelessness. I guess you have to

decide which you want more the love affair or the depression and that is with

the SCALE. Maybe I used the wrong word, love affair, but it can be thought of

that way. Gotta have it. Keep it close. As I said before, I got rid of mine a

long time ago. If I get the surgery, I plan to use my routine visits to the

doctor as my weigh in times, and my clothes to be my judge of weight loss.

But.... that's me.

Hugs to all! Keep the faith!


Lois wrote:



> From: Lois Jervis loislane@...


> Hi everyone,

> I haven't written for a while. I have been a little depressed and even

> though I lost weight at first 13.5kg(about 29 pounds), I gained back 2.5kg

> (about 5 pounds) still eating and drinking all the right things. While I am

> very pleased at the initial loss, my op was on the 14 December 1998, nothing

> has passed my lips that shouldn't and I gained weight. Needless to say that

> the past 2 days I have been eating a lot more(not all the right things).

> I'm really trying hard today to get back to normal.

> Jo, I also live in the Brisbane area, Caboolture to be exact and would like

> to get together now and then.

> Bye for now and even though I don't write very often I do enjoy reading what

> everyone writes.

> Thanks ,

> Lois

> Brissy Bandsters.


> >

> >

> >Hi all again.

> >

> >I live in Brisbane, Australia. I am hoping that there is a couple of

> >bandsters close enough to get together with every now and then. Could you

> >let me know if you are around.

> >

> >Thank you all who posted about both of my problems, lack of loss and deadly

> >gas pain, the support was great.

> >

> >I hope your doing well Aly, only 3 days post-op.

> >

> > Jo

> >

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

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I had my operation four months ago now and have weighed myself only 3 times

at doctors visits. I thoroughly recommend this. As you say, it is not what

the scale says...it is how you FEEL and how loose your clothes become etc. I

remember pre-op I used to put on clothes that seemed suddenly to have become

tighter, and I would say to myself " oh it must have shrunk in the

dryer " ...now when I put on my clothes I'm surprised and thinking " did this

stretch in the spinner? " No, it's just me that's shrinking for once. This

makes me happier than any scale ever could. (Although the odd weigh-in

always makes me feel pretty good too.)


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dear grace, i had my surgery one year ago, i am still very happy that i did

it. i am the bioenterics dream...i chose not to diet or exercise and let the

band do its thing...one year later i have lost 35 lbs. not earth shattering

but PERMANENT now i am ready to use the band as an aid and blast forward. i

have given it alot of thought and i do not believe there is a 2 yr window of

effectiveness, if there is i haven't opened it yet lol i have had only 2 very

small adjustments so off i go now. unfortunately my site is the one causing

all the hub bub on the web so i must travel quite far...which is why i chose

where i originally went. does anyone else out there feel bioenterics owes us


im all ears



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Dear Jo,

I live in Brisbane too and am on the list but have been away on holidays for

the past two weeks. I am scheduled for my op on Monday Jan 25 by Dr

Fielding? When was yours? Was it by Doctor Fielding? Are you happy. I,m

nervous but so excited at the same time. would love to get together sometime

with a few of you. a support group would be great!

Regards, Grace

Brissy Bandsters.



>Hi all again.


>I live in Brisbane, Australia. I am hoping that there is a couple of

>bandsters close enough to get together with every now and then. Could you

>let me know if you are around.


>Thank you all who posted about both of my problems, lack of loss and deadly

>gas pain, the support was great.


>I hope your doing well Aly, only 3 days post-op.


> Jo





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