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Sanitizing spray reccomended by my orthotist

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Did he mean it for the inside? I'm not trying to be glib. I'm just trying to understand from the different "daily anywhere" products out there by clorex which one you are speaking of. One is for hand sanitizing, and is bleach free -- it's 71% ethyl alcohol. It specifically has "hand" in the title. http://www.cloroxprofessional.com/products/anywherehand.shtml But the other one, for hard surfaces, is specifically for non-porus items, and more importantly, the safety information specifically states that long term exposure such as wearing clothing after it's been contaminated, etc. should not occur, and I would venture that repeatedly spraying foam with it, no matter what kind of foam it was, or how long it dried, would build up the chemical in the foam.

http://www.thecloroxcompany.com/products/msds/anywhere/cloroxanywherehardsurfacedailysanitizingstainremover01-08.pdf CVS sells it without the words Hard Surface in the title on their website, which was another reason I was confused.

Clorox Anywhere Daily Sanitizing Spray22 OZhttp://www.cvs.com/CVSApp/cvs/gateway/detail?prodid=341079If you were speaking of the hand sanitizer, which is bleach free, I certainly appologize for speaking out. I'm not trying to alarm anyone needlessly, just trying to err on the side of caution.tracy>------- Original Message ------->From : irishtwinsandmypremie[mailto:brendjul@...]>Sent : 3/2/2008 9:16:21 PM>To : Plagiocephaly >Cc : >Subject : RE: Sanitizing spray reccomended by my orthotist>>,I uderstand your caution and concern. My Orthosist actually told me about the s

anitizing spray. For more plagio info

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