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Now what do I do? Band or not? (long)

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Sorry for the repeat post for those of you on both plagio message


We just saw a craniofacial surgeon today for my son Jake, 16.5

months. After asking questions and examining him, the surgeon said

he would not band him, that there has been improvement (from his 4m

CT scan) and it will continue to improve over time. But then he

asked me what I wanted to do, and I said that I would band him

because at least I could say I tried (totally in tears too, of

course. So embarassing). So he went ahead and wrote the prescription

and said he would defer to the orthotic department on whether they

think it will be worth it or not. He was really nice, and I felt

like he took his time and really talked to us about it (A vast

improvement from my experience with a neurosurgeon a year ago).

So we went to the " brace shop " in the same hospital and spoke to two

orhtotists. They measured his assymetry to be 11/16 of an inch,

which they described as moderate (not sure what that comes out to in

millimeters). They both said they were willing to treat him but with

the realistic approach that we may not see a huge improvement due to

his age, if any at all. They use the StarBand. We have another

consultation at Cranial Tech in Charlotte on Thursday. My husband

doesn't think we should band, but he said it was up to me, because

he knows this has been bothering me so much, way more than him. And

of course, the surgeon today just validated his opinion (now my

husband can say TWO highly qualified pediatric surgeons have said he

doesn't need banded).

So now the weight of this decision is solely on me. What should I

do? Should we even go ahead with the banding? I worry whether it

will be worth it at this late stage, and I worry that either the

band/process itself and/or the debt we incur over it, could put a

wedge between my husband and I. He's not adamently opposed to it,

but it's obvious he doesn't think we should do it. My mom thinks I

should 100% go through with it. Should I make a decision based on

cost (one's in-network and one isn't) and proximity (35 minutes or 3

hours each way), if I'm not going to see huge results anyway? Or

shoudl I just forget the whole thing? Does anyone else have an

opinion? I'm open to them all! Thanks!

(mom to Jordan-4 today!, and Jake 16.5m)

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Okay, if I did the math right 11/16 in = 17.5 mm (1 in = 2.54 cm). I

would band. I would probably also go with CT because I think they have

more experience with older babies, and your Starband ortho doesn't

sound very confident about their ability to help. If you can swing the

cost and travel go with CT. If you absolutely can't, go with the

starband. The plagio is significant and this is your last chance to

get some improvement. Of course it might improve some as he gets

older, but this will be out of your control.

Good luck with your decision.


sydney 2 yrs starband grad



> Sorry for the repeat post for those of you on both plagio message

> boards...


> We just saw a craniofacial surgeon today for my son Jake, 16.5

> months. After asking questions and examining him, the surgeon said

> he would not band him, that there has been improvement (from his 4m

> CT scan) and it will continue to improve over time. But then he

> asked me what I wanted to do, and I said that I would band him

> because at least I could say I tried (totally in tears too, of

> course. So embarassing). So he went ahead and wrote the prescription

> and said he would defer to the orthotic department on whether they

> think it will be worth it or not. He was really nice, and I felt

> like he took his time and really talked to us about it (A vast

> improvement from my experience with a neurosurgeon a year ago).


> So we went to the " brace shop " in the same hospital and spoke to two

> orhtotists. They measured his assymetry to be 11/16 of an inch,

> which they described as moderate (not sure what that comes out to in

> millimeters). They both said they were willing to treat him but with

> the realistic approach that we may not see a huge improvement due to

> his age, if any at all. They use the StarBand. We have another

> consultation at Cranial Tech in Charlotte on Thursday. My husband

> doesn't think we should band, but he said it was up to me, because

> he knows this has been bothering me so much, way more than him. And

> of course, the surgeon today just validated his opinion (now my

> husband can say TWO highly qualified pediatric surgeons have said he

> doesn't need banded).


> So now the weight of this decision is solely on me. What should I

> do? Should we even go ahead with the banding? I worry whether it

> will be worth it at this late stage, and I worry that either the

> band/process itself and/or the debt we incur over it, could put a

> wedge between my husband and I. He's not adamently opposed to it,

> but it's obvious he doesn't think we should do it. My mom thinks I

> should 100% go through with it. Should I make a decision based on

> cost (one's in-network and one isn't) and proximity (35 minutes or 3

> hours each way), if I'm not going to see huge results anyway? Or

> shoudl I just forget the whole thing? Does anyone else have an

> opinion? I'm open to them all! Thanks!



> (mom to Jordan-4 today!, and Jake 16.5m)


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