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Re: Eye question - FREE EYE EXAM - InfantSEE

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is a public health program designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes

an integral part of infant wellness care to improve a child's quality of life.

Under this program member optometrists will provide a comprehensive infant eye

assessment within the first year of life as a no cost public health service.


American Optometric Association encourages parents to include a trip to the

optometrist in the list of well-baby check-ups. Assessments at six to twelve

months of age can determine healthy development of vision. Early detection of

eye conditions is the best way to ensure your child has healthy vision for

successful development—now and in the future.


find a doctor near you visit their website:



Novato, California

Nicolas, 2, tort & plagio, STARband (CIRS Oakland)

4/24/06-9/12/06, Graduate!

, 5

, 8

From: Plagiocephaly

[mailto:Plagiocephaly ] On Behalf Of stevensc81

Sent: 3 March 2008 03:06


Subject: [sPAM] Re: Eye question

hello. my dauughter's right eye also looks a

little lazy and is

smaller than the left, ahe has mod to sever right plagio and left

tort. i noticed a couple weeks ago that her right eye also looks

like it is pulling in where the tear duct is if that makes sence. i

plan on talking to my ped and asking if she needs to see a ped

opthomitrist(sp?) also i have heard that tort can cause eye problems

and can also be cused by eye problems



> hi! I am glad that you asked that question...because my daughter's

right eye has been bothering me...it seems smaller than her left

one...she is mainly flat in back with some flatness of the left side

(but its her right one that seems smaller) and I never knew if they

were related either.



> Plagiocephaly@...: kelly.soder@...: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 18:43:57

+0000Subject: Eye question





> My son's head is flat mostly in the back. He has some bulging on

the front left side as well. His ears line up and his face looks

symmetrical. But, I was just looking at some photos and noticed that

his left eye looks a little strange. Almost like he has a very

slight lazy eye. Has anyone else noticed something like this with

their child? Just wondering if the two might be connected, or if

this is something new all together.







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