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Excessive Sweating??

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My son just got his cranial band yesterday. He has done very well with

it so far and really doesn't seem to mind having it on. I have noticed

that while wearing the band for his " weaning " phase, he has been

sweating excessively. It is dripping from his forehead and the collar

of his shirt is very wet. Is this normal??

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Sweating is very normal. I would think it just depends on the child as

to how much they sweat. I expected my son to be very sweaty, but he

ended up not being as sweaty as I thought. The sweatiest he has been

was the day I picked him up from preschool (he's 17m and in a toddler

program two days a week). He had been playing so hard and running

around outside, and his head was soaked. It wasn't dripping into his

eyes or collar though. The therapist at CT said I should take his band

off every couple of hours and just dry his hair and the band with a

towel. So I do that when I notice his hair is wet around the edges

(it's long enough that it curls out around the edges). Like that day

at school, I took it off for the ride home and just let his hair and

the band dry before I put it back on.

The other key is to dress them a season lighter than you normally

would. I'm dressing him like it's fall, rather than winter. Short

sleeves whenever possible, a light coat, and at night, he sleeps in

short-sleeved and shorts pajamas. Last night I only had a long

sleeved/pants set clean, so I just let him sleep in the shirt, no

pants. He was comfortbale and in the morning he was still a little

sweaty. He's only in his first week so I can't say for sure, but

everyone else has said they adjust eventually. I'm not sure if that

means the sweat stops all together, or if it just becomes more

managable, but it does improve.

Good luck!

Jake-17m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DocBand 2/11/08)


P.S. Just a thought...does your son have a lot of hair yet? Maybe

that's why you're experiencing the dripping, because it has nowhere

else to go? Maybe someone else can chime in on that, but I'm thinking

that my son's sweat is collecting mostly in his hair, that's why I'm

not dealing with dripping. But who knows!


> My son just got his cranial band yesterday. He has done very well


> it so far and really doesn't seem to mind having it on. I have


> that while wearing the band for his " weaning " phase, he has been

> sweating excessively. It is dripping from his forehead and the


> of his shirt is very wet. Is this normal??


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We never had that much sweat even though our son tends to run hot

like my husband. I would just wipe the sweat periodically

throughout the day with a dry cloth and like said dress your

child cooler than you normally would. Our son was banded Feb.-April

in Phoenix, AZ. I had him wearing shorts and t-shirts while out, no

socks. At night, he was wearing light weight sleepers and we had

the AC on at that point! Good luck...just play around with

different clothing articles and the temp. of your house till your

son seems comfortable but regardless he may still sweat.


> >

> > My son just got his cranial band yesterday. He has done very


> with

> > it so far and really doesn't seem to mind having it on. I have

> noticed

> > that while wearing the band for his " weaning " phase, he has been

> > sweating excessively. It is dripping from his forehead and the

> collar

> > of his shirt is very wet. Is this normal??

> >


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Hi.. My son has the Hanger Cranial Band and has alot of hair. He does

sweat and we were told to use Caldescene talc powder and it does help.

I would recommend calling the orthotic place and asking them what to


Hope this helps..


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Hi. My daughter is very hot natured and frequently gets overheated

in her CT band. It got so bad that she started to develop a heat

rash on her forehead. So, our therapist at CT told us to take the

band off several times a day (especially after naps) and dry her hair

and the inside of the band. We typically leave the band off for

about 10 minutes to give her a chance to cool down. It's helped a

lot. I guess we do this 5-6 times a day.

Good Luck!


> My son just got his cranial band yesterday. He has done very well


> it so far and really doesn't seem to mind having it on. I have


> that while wearing the band for his " weaning " phase, he has been

> sweating excessively. It is dripping from his forehead and the


> of his shirt is very wet. Is this normal??


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