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Checking measurements and photos half way through????

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Hi, my son has been in his band for 6 weeks and he has a check up on Friday which is almost 7 weeks. Cranial Technologies said they predicted that he would be in his band for 2.5 to 3 months. I asked if at the half way point we could take measurements and more pictures so that I could see the progress. My son started at 7.5 months old in his DOCband and is now 9 months old. I can really see progress but am worried if I don't see it in the measurements and photos I may get frustrated. I will of course still continue with treatment until I get the best correction I can but am almost nervous to see the results so far.

Anyone else have this experience or feeling? What do you think about noting the progress at the halfway point? They said at CT that they usually wait until the end because that is when you see the most progress but I am curious to see how he's coming along.

Comments welcome.


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Even with half-way point photos and measurements it may or may not be

indicative of how your son is progressing so far. What I mean is that

you could not see the progress you want but then next week you have a

major growth spurt. We didn't do half-way point pictures or

measurments. If you think you may get frustrated then I'd probably

wait till the end.

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Hi Sybil, I can see not doing the photos until the end, since that

sounds like more work. However I would think they can do measurements

for you pretty easily. I would ask for those.

We had a starband and my daughter got scanned at almost every visit.

It helped the ortho see where growth was to adjust the band, but also

helped us see her progress. It was nice. I also took my own pics every

week or two for myself (our ortho didn't take any pics).


sydney 2 yrs starband grad

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Hi Sybil-

I'm not sure photos would really be necessary at the midway point, I

think they're more dramatic as before and afters. But I don't think

there's anything wrong with asking for at least measurements. That

wouldn't be as much effort for them and maybe they would give in to

the request. My son passed up his midway point and he hasn't been

measured at all since the beginning. I know CT does this regularly,

other orthos measure periodically. I like measurements but I think

they're a catch 22. They can either validate the improvement or make

you wonder why his head looks better than the numbers show, which

could lead to unnecessary stress. I think at the end of treatment

for my son, my thought process after hearing the ending numbers is

going to be one of 3 things:

1) The numbers really line up with the amount of improvement I see.

2) He finished at Xmm but I think his head looks better than the

number reflects.

3) I still don't think his head looks great, but his numbers say he

got 9+mm of improvement.

I'm hoping it's either 1 or 2, but we'll see! If it means a lot to

you, ask them for the measurements, but don't discount what you're

also seeing with your eyes.

If you do get the measurements, please share them with us! Good luck!

Jake-19m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DOCBand 11 weeks)


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