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Re: Back from CT

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Hi Katrin,

I'm glad you guys had a good visit! It helps when the baby is

cooperative, huh? One set of pictures we took with Hannah was a

nightmare, it took probably an hour for just the pictures. I'm glad

you went for the free eval and I hope you're able to get a script from

your ped so you can get the ball rolling faster, esp since the neuro is

antibanding. If your ped won't write it I'd at least change to a

different specialist. At 17mm that would put Elijah in the severe

category, so it's definitely better to get him banded ASAP. He's nice

and young, so you should see some quick correction. Good luck and keep

me posted! I don't always get to check here, so feel free to email me


, mom to DOCgrads Hannah (5yrs) and Jack (12mos)

Cape Cod, Ma



> Elijah and I had a great time this morning at our free eval. Pictures

> and measurements took all of about 10 minutes because he was soooooo

> good.


> Some measurements that I remember??

> Cranial vault deviation is 17mm. 6mm assym with the ears and 4mm asym

> with the eyes. Then he was 2 standard deviations off in another

> measurement that I cannot remember.


> She told me if I wanted to get a script from my pedi I could instead

> of waiting to go to the neurosurgeon. Plus she said the group I will

> go to does not go for banding.


> I think that his measurements warrant banding and the pictures they

> took really opened my hubby's eyes too. Now to wait for the BC/BS lady

> to call for my coverage.


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