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Re: First Night in Band...

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Cary How old is yor baby? My baby got his helmet yesterday too. He also woke up like three times. Today He doesn't look uncomfortable at all .He is 4 Months old. When they tried the helmet first yesterday it also kept tilting forward over his eyes but they adjusted it so the band does'nt cover his eyebrows. I think every day is going to be easier for the babies to sleep. Right now my baby is slepping :). Good luck! warner_cary <warner_cary@...> wrote: So we got

through our first night ok - he was up about 4 times. One of the issues was that the helmet kept tilting forward over his eyes and i'm sure he was scared when he woke up and couldn't see anything. Cranial Technologies said the helmet has to be a little loose b/c he's going to start growing into it immediately. Any suggestions for keeping the band from covering his eyes when he's shifting around in his crib?Also, we turned the AC way up last night and we were freezing, I think he was ok. What temperature do you keep your house at when the weather outside is around 90 degrees? We did buy a fan for his room to keep it extra cool. Any other suggestions for helping him sleep through the night (or at least having less wake ups) would be so helpful to two exhausted parents. Thanks!!!Cary

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hi -- our baby is 9 months old. He used to be a great sleeper until he started

teething (a

few weeks ago) And now we've added the band we're having some rough nights.


he's napping ok, it's just the nightime sleep. But I think that is partially

b/c of the band

over his eyes. I think i'll call Cranial Technologies monday and ask them to

adjust it

further so it can't slide over his eyes. Thanks.

> So we got through our first night ok - he was up about 4 times. One

of the issues

was that

> the helmet kept tilting forward over his eyes and i'm sure he was scared when

he woke


> and couldn't see anything. Cranial Technologies said the helmet has to be a

little loose


> he's going to start growing into it immediately. Any suggestions for keeping

the band


> covering his eyes when he's shifting around in his crib?


> Also, we turned the AC way up last night and we were freezing, I think he was

ok. What

> temperature do you keep your house at when the weather outside is around 90



> did buy a fan for his room to keep it extra cool.


> Any other suggestions for helping him sleep through the night (or at least

having less


> ups) would be so helpful to two exhausted parents. Thanks!!!


> Cary







> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it



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