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Re: mercury rt3 antibodies and resistance

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Hi Chantal,

Thanks for sharing your experience! I am VERY weary to try chelating, especially

after your experience! And I am also SO scared to have my amalgams out, but I

have managed to find a dentist who will " hopefully " take them out in the right

way...so hopefully I can void any negative effects. All very stressful this is!!

Take care!


> I'm late in responding to the posts on metals and other things that

> cause thyroid resistance but I thought

> I would give my experience anyway.

> First of all mercury is a major factor in reverse T3 and all thyroid

> problems, and testing for mercury is a crap shoot.

> The thyroid is a target organ for mercury.

> I've had several mercury tests and some showed high some showed none.If

> you are doing a hair test and mercury

> does not show up,look at the calcium and lithium levels.If they are

> elevated in the absence of mercury,this is

> an indicator of mercury ala Cutler.My hair tests always show the above

> with no mercury.However urine and blood

> has showed mercury.The thing about mercury is that it is very

> illusive.Have you ever tried to grab a glob of mercury

> from a broken thermometer...........this is what you are dealing with.

> I had been on 2 gr Armour for years and did really well till I had

> several large amalgams taken out without proper

> protocol.I got weaker and weaker ,depressed,fibro etc about 3 months

> after the removal...... according to Cutler,

> the body will start dumping mercury about 3 months after amalgams are

> removed.

> I got up to 8 gr Armour and was better but still had problems.I finally

> contacted Ray Peat who initially diagnosed my

> original thyroid problem 30 yrs ago and he told me to try straight T3

> and it worked really well.

> My second point is once I found that I had elevated mercury I tried to

> detox and my thyroid antibodies went off the

> charts into the thousands and I never had elevated antibodies before.It

> also caused elevated liver enzymes which took over

> 9 yrs to get back down.This was caused by lots of mercury entering my

> system via the chelator.I no longer have antibodies nor do I have RT3

> My biggest problem has been that whenever I try to detox mercuy,my

> resistance gets worse,so I assume

> that by mobilizing mercury it either further damages receptors,blocks

> them ............or who knows but I have backed

> off any type of detox out of fear that my thyroid resistance will get so

> bad I won't be able to medicate it.I am on 125 mcg

> now and I am a petite person.

> My next point is in reference to Mark Starr's book Hypothyroidism Type 2

> he basically says if you have amalgam

> fillings.............you have mercury and it is effecting your thyroid.

> He also covers several pages of chemicals that interfere with thyroid

> function

> As my dr would say.......... " anything can cause anything "

> A very common chemical that interferes with thyroid is fire

> retardant.Animals are especially prone because they

> spend a lot of time in close proximity to rugs,and upholstered

> furniture.Fire retardant is in everything in our homes.

> I've never had any reverse T3 but have a lot of resistance and for me I

> believe it is caused by mercury because right after removal was when

> things got really bad for me.

> People think that mercury is not an issue but it is implicated in so

> many modern diseases that the facts are getting harder to ignore.Anyone

> living in a home heated by coal is exposed to mercury,living near coal

> fired power plants,vaccines,

> amalgam fillings and those crazy energy efficient bulbs along with all

> other fluorescent bulbs.

> Although I think toxins of any kind are important to our thyroid issues

> I realize the moderators may not want to continue with this topic so if

> anyone wants additional info you can email me privately.

> Chantal


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