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How do you know when you need an adjustment?

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The orthotist that my son is seeing isn't very informative. I've

actually learned more from this group. (Thank you all!) After being

in the helmet for 1 week he told us that everything was great and not

to come back for a month. He's had significant change in his head

shape in the past 2 weeks and his helmet seems looser than it was.

There are no red spot that don't fade but should something be changed?

It seems to loose now. What is your experience when this happens?

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I believe all of the adjustments are based off of the age of the child. The younger they are the more frequent adjustments they have, and the older they are- you can go farther between adjustments. Spencer got his band at 5 months and for the first month or so I was taking him in for adjustments once a week. By the end (he graduated at 7 1/2 months) they stretched out the appointments to every 10 to 14 days. Spencer had a DOC band, so I'm not sure if adjustments are the same with all of the different bands. Hope this helps. Good Luck..


Mom to Spencer & Alizabeth 9 months

Spencer -DOC Band GRAD for Left side Plagio.


How do you know when you need an adjustment?

The orthotist that my son is seeing isn't very informative. I've actually learned more from this group. (Thank you all!) After being in the helmet for 1 week he told us that everything was great and not to come back for a month. He's had significant change in his head shape in the past 2 weeks and his helmet seems looser than it was. There are no red spot that don't fade but should something be changed? It seems to loose now. What is your experience when this happens?

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I'm assuming the band is looser after the adjustment? That is

normal and then as it nears time for an adjustment the band will be

tighter (and red marks may appear). As far as the band being too

loose, no we didn't have that happen...I would call and express your

concerns regarding that. We also had the DOC band and our son

started at 7 1/2 months. He was seen every 2 weeks but if he had

red marks that weren't fading within an hour then I was suppose to

take him back in for an adjustment sooner. A month seems like a

long time to go between adjustments...if you are okay with that then

that's fine but if not then I would ask to me seen sooner.


> I believe all of the adjustments are based off of the age of the

child. The younger they are the more frequent adjustments they have,

and the older they are- you can go farther between adjustments.

Spencer got his band at 5 months and for the first month or so I was

taking him in for adjustments once a week. By the end (he graduated

at 7 1/2 months) they stretched out the appointments to every 10 to

14 days. Spencer had a DOC band, so I'm not sure if adjustments are

the same with all of the different bands. Hope this helps. Good



> Lorie

> Mom to Spencer & Alizabeth 9 months

> Spencer -DOC Band GRAD for Left side Plagio.

> 9/07-12/07

> How do you know when you need an adjustment?



> The orthotist that my son is seeing isn't very informative. I've

> actually learned more from this group. (Thank you all!) After


> in the helmet for 1 week he told us that everything was great

and not

> to come back for a month. He's had significant change in his


> shape in the past 2 weeks and his helmet seems looser than it


> There are no red spot that don't fade but should something be


> It seems to loose now. What is your experience when this happens?




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When my daughter's head grew her band started leaving a slight redness

on her forehead like a sunburn. She had brachy (flat in back) so the

forehead generally got tight first. Usually tighness and redspots are

signs it is time for an adjustment, but if it doesn't seem to fit

properly and seems looser I would go back and get it checked.

My daughter wore a starband and we saw the ortho every 2 to 3 weeks.

What kind of band do you have?


sydney 2 yrs starband grad


> The orthotist that my son is seeing isn't very informative. I've

> actually learned more from this group. (Thank you all!) After being

> in the helmet for 1 week he told us that everything was great and not

> to come back for a month. He's had significant change in his head

> shape in the past 2 weeks and his helmet seems looser than it was.

> There are no red spot that don't fade but should something be changed?

> It seems to loose now. What is your experience when this happens?




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What kind of band is it?

Normally a passive band isn't adjusted.

If it's an active band then there will be adjustments about every 2 weeks. If for nothing else than to check on the wear.

If it is loose - then call the ortho and discuss this with them.

Jen and Luli - 26 months

Left tort - Right Plagio - Hanger Band Grad - CA


How do you know when you need an adjustment?

The orthotist that my son is seeing isn't very informative. I've

actually learned more from this group. (Thank you all!) After being

in the helmet for 1 week he told us that everything was great and not

to come back for a month. He's had significant change in his head

shape in the past 2 weeks and his helmet seems looser than it was.

There are no red spot that don't fade but should something be changed?

It seems to loose now. What is your experience when this happens?

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