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I took a look at your blog and I cant believe all of

the different themse you did. very cute! do you take

the paint off each time? or just paint over it? if so

does that make it lumpy??? I like your ideas.. makes

it fun!


--- Durocher <funwith4@...> wrote:

> Never would have thought that something so plain got

> such a big reception.

> I had been theming 's helmet with stickers,

> putting like scenes on it.

> Well 2 wks ago I was out of stickers for the change

> so asked dh what he

> wanted, of course his answer was again Camo. Then I

> remember I bought the

> napkins to decoupage it with. So I decoupaged his

> helmet in Camo (napkin)

> and it was a huge hit, so many ppl commented on it,

> everyone loved it.

> noone could believe I did it much less that it was a

> napkin. They loved it

> so much I may redo it after his bday.


> But for now I had to take it off and get his band

> ready for Halloween. So I

> painted it Black, I did 3 coats to get a good black.

> I used Creamcoat brand

> this time on the recommendation of an avid painter

> who was shopping at the

> same time as I was and a couple days later I saw it

> recommended on here and

> what a big difference it makes, easier to work with,

> less lines and better

> coverage. It only costs liek an extra $1 but makes

> so much of a

> difference. For the yellow stripes (Pittsburgh

> Steelers football helmet) I

> used Avery sticker paper for the printer. I created

> a yellow page by going

> to the pittsburgh steelers website, saving the logo

> to my computer, opening

> in paintshop and using the dropper to get the color

> from the official logo.

> I couldnt find the clear avery sticker paper but I

> knew the paper would peel

> fine over paint and mod podge. However it did NOT

> stick well at all. I

> ended up sticking it down, having to smooth it a

> LOT, then put a layer of

> mod podge over, smooth it again and then another

> layer. Then it really

> stuck well and got rid of the wrinkles. However the

> edges were still

> peeling a bit and taking the paint with them so I

> stuckl some mod podge

> under the peeling edges and mod podged over it again

> and it seems to be

> doing well now. I may have to do maintanance

> though, we will see. My

> suggestion would be for anyone trying it to try the

> clear instead if you can

> find it. Then I have a sticker of the logo on the

> side. Walmart sells near

> the football themed bday stuff in the party section

> a sticker pack that

> includes logos from all 260 teams. They are fairly

> small so I may print one

> out and replace the walmart one with a printed one,

> but the walmart one

> stuck well so we will see. all the decals you can

> buy were just too big for

> their tiny bands.


> I put pics up on his blog again, you can see the

> camo and the helmet on

> there and if anyone has any questions on using

> sticker paper or decoupaging

> let me know. I have also decoupaged with tissue

> paper (disaster, too thin)

> and wrapping paper (I just used parts I cut out to

> use like stickers worked

> awesome) and will try with fabric after his bday

> (the steelers helmet is for

> halloween and his football themed bday party)

> http://www.joeysmanicmelon.blogspot.com/


> --

> SC SAHM to , , and


> www.joeysmanicmelon.blogspot.com

> www.midscbwers.blogspot.com


> " We worry about what a child will become tomorrow,

> yet we forget that he is

> someone today. " ~Stacia Tauscher


><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><>


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Thanks, I am a scrapbooker, I like hands on stuff but I havent done paper scrapping since my 3rd was born, just havenmt had the time to get it all out and then have to clean up so I have been doing digital scrapping so when he got his helmet I have gone wild buying stickers and stuff I havent been able to use lol.

To answer your question, if yuo use acrylic paint and mod podge as opposed to airbrushing, spray painting or whatever. The acrylic paint peels right off so thats what i do then i wipe it clean w/ the alcohol. very easy. that way i can also do the themes w/ the plain band background too that you see. those are easier to clean the outside of the band b/c i just run alcohol over the stickers too. alcohol cant be used (well can for spot cleaning very sparingly) on the paint/mod podge. it makes the mod podge tacky (until it dries again) so it will stick to everything and pick up lint, etc and if it gets through to the acrylic it will just eat the paint away. so if i need to spot clean the band when painted (like yesterday when he got oatmeal on it) i lightly use a wipie or damp cloth. i still carefully clean the inside w/ alcohol though.

would you believe when i peeled off the camo napkin it peeled off all in 1 piece, now i have a template lol if i ever want to use it

On 10/17/07, Tricia Nicol <trishnic8@...> wrote:

I took a look at your blog and I cant believe all ofthe different themse you did. very cute! do you takethe paint off each time? or just paint over it? if sodoes that make it lumpy??? I like your ideas.. makes

it fun!Tricia --- Durocher <funwith4@...> wrote:

> Never would have thought that something so plain got> such a big reception.> I had been theming 's helmet with stickers,> putting like scenes on it.> Well 2 wks ago I was out of stickers for the change

> so asked dh what he> wanted, of course his answer was again Camo. Then I> remember I bought the> napkins to decoupage it with. So I decoupaged his> helmet in Camo (napkin)> and it was a huge hit, so many ppl commented on it,

> everyone loved it.> noone could believe I did it much less that it was a> napkin. They loved it> so much I may redo it after his bday.> > But for now I had to take it off and get his band

> ready for Halloween. So I> painted it Black, I did 3 coats to get a good black.> I used Creamcoat brand> this time on the recommendation of an avid painter> who was shopping at the

> same time as I was and a couple days later I saw it> recommended on here and> what a big difference it makes, easier to work with,> less lines and better> coverage. It only costs liek an extra $1 but makes

> so much of a> difference. For the yellow stripes (Pittsburgh> Steelers football helmet) I> used Avery sticker paper for the printer. I created> a yellow page by going> to the pittsburgh steelers website, saving the logo

> to my computer, opening> in paintshop and using the dropper to get the color> from the official logo.> I couldnt find the clear avery sticker paper but I> knew the paper would peel

> fine over paint and mod podge. However it did NOT> stick well at all. I> ended up sticking it down, having to smooth it a> LOT, then put a layer of> mod podge over, smooth it again and then another

> layer. Then it really> stuck well and got rid of the wrinkles. However the> edges were still> peeling a bit and taking the paint with them so I> stuckl some mod podge> under the peeling edges and mod podged over it again

> and it seems to be> doing well now. I may have to do maintanance> though, we will see. My> suggestion would be for anyone trying it to try the> clear instead if you can> find it. Then I have a sticker of the logo on the

> side. Walmart sells near> the football themed bday stuff in the party section> a sticker pack that> includes logos from all 260 teams. They are fairly> small so I may print one> out and replace the walmart one with a printed one,

> but the walmart one> stuck well so we will see. all the decals you can> buy were just too big for> their tiny bands.> > I put pics up on his blog again, you can see the> camo and the helmet on

> there and if anyone has any questions on using> sticker paper or decoupaging> let me know. I have also decoupaged with tissue> paper (disaster, too thin)> and wrapping paper (I just used parts I cut out to

> use like stickers worked> awesome) and will try with fabric after his bday> (the steelers helmet is for> halloween and his football themed bday party)>

http://www.joeysmanicmelon.blogspot.com/> > -- > SC SAHM to , , and > > www.joeysmanicmelon.blogspot.com

> www.midscbwers.blogspot.com> > " We worry about what a child will become tomorrow,> yet we forget that he is> someone today. " ~Stacia Tauscher

> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><>


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  • 3 months later...

The website about the beds and sids was at healthychild.com not org. If you go there beds and info pop up automatically so you dont need to search for the sids info. I ordered one of these crib mattresses for my son who recently graduated his band. He loves it. I also feel safer using it. Never reuse a crib mattress is the key they claim and be wary of the fire retardents in the mattresses getting in contact with babies sweat and urine as they somehow create a small toxic gas. Read it , I found it facinating and eye opening Healthychild.com Tammyholmanmichelle <nietert2003@...> wrote: We decorated Sophia's helmet about every two weeks just b/c I enjoyed it and the stickers lasted fine for that long. I put her name on the front which was great when we were out in public since she is a very social baby. I used Christmas in Dec, pastels January 1st, and Silver glitter butterflies for her finale as she graduates next Wed :)6 M old daughter - Dallas DocBand> > >> > > > > > My daughter Brooklyn was cast for her Starband today…what a> > > traumatic 30 min L! We choose the solid pink because many of the> > > transfers appeared distorted or stretched in pictures.

I've > > browsed> > > the adorable photo gallery and see that many of you personally > > decorate> > > your child's helmet. I'm looking for tips and suggestions as to> > > the best method to decorate. Do stickers stay on while sleeping > > etc.? > > > Also if I wanted to peel them off and change "themes" is that> > > hard to do, will it leave a sticky residue? What about the few > I > > saw> > > with rhinestones…do they fall off? Painting? Thanks for the > help!> > > > > > , Brooklyn's mommy> > > > > > WI> > >> >> > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I have heard a lot of you say that you put your baby's actual name on their helmet and I think it is a great idea but my husband doesnt. He says he doesnt like the idea b/c of the fact that so many babies are being kidnapped that is they were to kidnap him they would then know his name. I dont know i like the idea but then I dont. What is your guys opion?

Mom to Brdley 8 3/4 months - Starband

Re: Decorating

We decorated Sophia's helmet about every two weeks just b/c I enjoyed it and the stickers lasted fine for that long. I put her name on the front which was great when we were out in public since she is a very social baby. I used Christmas in Dec, pastels January 1st, and Silver glitter butterflies for her finale as she graduates next Wed :)6 M old daughter - Dallas DocBand> > >> > > > > > My daughter Brooklyn was cast for her Starband today…what a> > > traumatic 30 min L! We

choose the solid pink because many of the> > > transfers appeared distorted or stretched in pictures. I've > > browsed> > > the adorable photo gallery and see that many of you personally > > decorate> > > your child's helmet. I'm looking for tips and suggestions as to> > > the best method to decorate. Do stickers stay on while sleeping > > etc.? > > > Also if I wanted to peel them off and change "themes" is that> > > hard to do, will it leave a sticky residue? What about the few > I > > saw> > > with rhinestones…do they fall off? Painting? Thanks for the > help!> > > > > > , Brooklyn's mommy> > > > > > WI> > >> >> > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---> Be a

better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.>

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I too did not have my sons name on the helmet for similar reasons. Strangers do not need to know his name. I would go with other stickers or a cute slogan such as champ or trouble. Your husband and I are over protective but in this crazy world we have to be. Tammy Gardner <tinkmommyof3@...> wrote: I have heard a lot of you say that you put your baby's

actual name on their helmet and I think it is a great idea but my husband doesnt. He says he doesnt like the idea b/c of the fact that so many babies are being kidnapped that is they were to kidnap him they would then know his name. I dont know i like the idea but then I dont. What is your guys opion? Mom to Brdley 8 3/4 months - Starband Re: Decorating We decorated Sophia's helmet about every two weeks just b/c I enjoyed

it and the stickers lasted fine for that long. I put her name on the front which was great when we were out in public since she is a very social baby. I used Christmas in Dec, pastels January 1st, and Silver glitter butterflies for her finale as she graduates next Wed :)6 M old daughter - Dallas DocBand> > >> > > > > > My daughter Brooklyn was cast for her Starband today…what a> > > traumatic 30 min L! We choose the solid pink because many of the> > > transfers appeared distorted or stretched in pictures. I've > > browsed> > > the

adorable photo gallery and see that many of you personally > > decorate> > > your child's helmet. I'm looking for tips and suggestions as to> > > the best method to decorate. Do stickers stay on while sleeping > > etc.? > > > Also if I wanted to peel them off and change "themes" is that> > > hard to do, will it leave a sticky residue? What about the few > I > > saw> > > with rhinestones…do they fall off? Painting? Thanks for the > help!> > > > > > , Brooklyn's mommy> > > > > > WI> > >> >> > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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I put my sons name on his helmet. I understand your husbands fear though. My thought was that my son is NEVER out of arms length from me in public, ever, so I'm really not that concerned about that happening. He's not walking or crawling yet, so I don't have to worry about him wandering off. Plus having his name on there really was a good icebreaker with the general public who otherwise would just stare at him. I had more people talk to me and ask me about his helmet when his name was on it than right after we got it when I didn't have his name on it. , mom to 7 1/2 months Brachy, Hanger helmet for 3 1/2 months Gardner <tinkmommyof3@...> wrote: I have heard a lot of you say that you put your baby's actual name on their helmet and I think it is a great idea but my husband doesnt. He says he doesnt like the idea b/c of the fact that so many babies are being kidnapped that is they were to kidnap him they would then know his name. I dont know i like the idea but then I dont. What is your guys opion? Mom to Brdley 8 3/4 months - Starband Re: Decorating We decorated Sophia's helmet about every two weeks just b/c I enjoyed it and the stickers lasted fine for that long. I put her name on the front which was great when we were out in public since she is a very social baby. I used Christmas in Dec, pastels January 1st, and Silver glitter butterflies for her finale as she graduates next Wed :)6 M old daughter - Dallas DocBand> > >> > > > > > My daughter Brooklyn was cast for her Starband today…what a> > > traumatic 30 min L! We choose the solid pink because many of the> > > transfers appeared distorted or stretched in pictures. I've > > browsed> > > the adorable photo gallery and see that many of you personally > > decorate> > > your child's helmet. I'm looking for tips and suggestions as to> > > the best method to decorate. Do stickers stay on while sleeping > > etc.? > > > Also if I wanted to peel them off and change "themes" is that> > > hard to do, will it leave a sticky residue? What about the few > I > > saw> > > with rhinestones…do they fall off? Painting? Thanks for the >

help!> > > > > > , Brooklyn's mommy> > > > > > WI> > >> >> > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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I know that when we had our home on the market, we took my dd's name off of her wall so someday when she is playing in the front yard some person doesnt know her name and call her over... I kinda fell the same way about the helmet. We left his name off. Kami Gardner <tinkmommyof3@...> wrote: I am really over protective too. I

just dont think that anyone would have the chance to take him b/c he in in my eye range 24/7 but I know it could happen. Right now we have his nickname on there which is "Boog". but I might not put it on there at all either Re: Decorating We decorated Sophia's helmet about every two weeks just b/c I enjoyed it and the stickers lasted fine for that long. I put her name on the front which was great when we were out in public since she is a very social baby. I used Christmas in Dec, pastels January 1st, and Silver glitter butterflies for her finale as she graduates next Wed :)6 M old daughter - Dallas DocBand> > >> > > > > > My daughter Brooklyn was cast for her Starband today…what a> > > traumatic 30 min L! We choose the solid pink because many of the> > > transfers appeared distorted or stretched in pictures. I've > > browsed> > > the adorable photo gallery and see that many of you personally > > decorate> > > your child's helmet. I'm looking for tips and suggestions as to> > > the best method to decorate. Do stickers stay on while sleeping > > etc.? > > > Also if I wanted to peel them off and change "themes" is that> > > hard to do, will it leave a sticky residue? What about the few > I > > saw> > > with rhinestones…do they fall off? Painting? Thanks for the >

help!> > > > > > , Brooklyn's mommy> > > > > > WI> > >> >> > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ---> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Never miss

a thing. Make your homepage.

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Everyone-

I am new to the group and this is my first post. I have been

lurking for a few weeks and I can't tell you how helpful you have

all been to me. My twin sons, Ian and , are being treated at

the CT in Oakbrook, IL. We live in Indiana, so it takes us around

3.5 hours to travel to CT each week. They were banded 2 weeks ago

and despite some red spots and heat rash the first week, they have

been doing very well and we are already beginning to see

correction. has right plagio and left tort and Ian has right

plagio and brachy and left tort.

I have finally gotten the chance to decorate the twins' bands. I am

using stickers and mod podge. I decorated 's last night and

after applying the stickers, applied a thin layer of mod podge and

let dry. The problem occured when I was trying to clean the band

later that night. I spray the alcohol on with a spray bottle and

use a toothbrush to scrub away the stink,however the alcohol tends

to run onto the outside of the band when doing this. This wasn't a

problem when the bands were not decorated, but I noticed that the

mod podge became sticky again and began to run when it was touched

by the alcohol. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did

you prevent it from happening. Did you apply a varnish over the mod


Thanks for any help that you can provide and thank you for this


Ian, 6 months, brachy & plagio, left tort, Doc Band

, 6 months, plagio, left tort, Doc Band

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Hello. I didn't use Mod Podge over the stickers on my Daughter's

band. But, I wanted to suggest that maybe you just try not using the

spray bottle, if you want to use the mod podge. If you just dip the

toothbrush (or a cloth) into the alchohol and clean the inside of the

band that way, then you should be able to avoid the Alchohol running

to the outside of the band.

Jen :)

(3 1/2 yrs), tort resolved, Hanger Band Grad

(6 yrs)


> Hi Everyone-

> I am new to the group and this is my first post. I have been

> lurking for a few weeks and I can't tell you how helpful you have

> all been to me. My twin sons, Ian and , are being treated at

> the CT in Oakbrook, IL. We live in Indiana, so it takes us around

> 3.5 hours to travel to CT each week. They were banded 2 weeks ago

> and despite some red spots and heat rash the first week, they have

> been doing very well and we are already beginning to see

> correction. has right plagio and left tort and Ian has


> plagio and brachy and left tort.


> I have finally gotten the chance to decorate the twins' bands. I


> using stickers and mod podge. I decorated 's last night and

> after applying the stickers, applied a thin layer of mod podge and

> let dry. The problem occured when I was trying to clean the band

> later that night. I spray the alcohol on with a spray bottle and

> use a toothbrush to scrub away the stink,however the alcohol tends

> to run onto the outside of the band when doing this. This wasn't a

> problem when the bands were not decorated, but I noticed that the

> mod podge became sticky again and began to run when it was touched

> by the alcohol. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did

> you prevent it from happening. Did you apply a varnish over the


> podge?


> Thanks for any help that you can provide and thank you for this

> group!



> Ian, 6 months, brachy & plagio, left tort, Doc Band

> , 6 months, plagio, left tort, Doc Band


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Hi -

My son has a DocBand and I have it painted and stickered and mod

podged and I just have to be super careful not to get the alcohol

near the outside of it at all. I don't use a spray bottle, I just

dip the toothbrush in the bottle of alcohol, then I dab it really

quick on a paper towel so it doesn't drip, then go at the foam in

sections. I scrub it 3 times and it's not too bad, smell wise. Also,

try not to get caught in the rain either! The mod podge doesn't

really become sticky again (well actually, I didn't even touch it

because I didn't want to make it worse), but it can get visible

streaks in it from the water. Of course, I have it over the whole

helmet and in 3-5 coats at a time, so that might be why.

I've heard people say they put clear nail polish over the stickers,

but you'd still have to be careful with the alcohol I would think.

Good luck!

Jake-18m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DocBand 2/11/08)



> Hi Everyone-

> I am new to the group and this is my first post. I have been

> lurking for a few weeks and I can't tell you how helpful you have

> all been to me. My twin sons, Ian and , are being treated


> the CT in Oakbrook, IL. We live in Indiana, so it takes us around

> 3.5 hours to travel to CT each week. They were banded 2 weeks ago

> and despite some red spots and heat rash the first week, they have

> been doing very well and we are already beginning to see

> correction. has right plagio and left tort and Ian has


> plagio and brachy and left tort.


> I have finally gotten the chance to decorate the twins' bands. I


> using stickers and mod podge. I decorated 's last night and

> after applying the stickers, applied a thin layer of mod podge and

> let dry. The problem occured when I was trying to clean the band

> later that night. I spray the alcohol on with a spray bottle and

> use a toothbrush to scrub away the stink,however the alcohol tends

> to run onto the outside of the band when doing this. This wasn't


> problem when the bands were not decorated, but I noticed that the

> mod podge became sticky again and began to run when it was touched

> by the alcohol. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did

> you prevent it from happening. Did you apply a varnish over the


> podge?


> Thanks for any help that you can provide and thank you for this

> group!



> Ian, 6 months, brachy & plagio, left tort, Doc Band

> , 6 months, plagio, left tort, Doc Band


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I didn't use mod podge over the stickers and they stayed on pretty

long, so if you think using the mod podge is too much work, try using

nothing you will be surprised at how long the stickers asctaully stay


I go to the CT in Oakbrook too, who is your PT? Ours is Ginny, she

is great, we have also met with TJ as well.

My son is going to graduate from his band in 3 weeks, so excited!

But I have a bunch of extra boy stickers if you are interested in

them, just let me know.


> Hi Everyone-

> I am new to the group and this is my first post. I have been

> lurking for a few weeks and I can't tell you how helpful you have

> all been to me. My twin sons, Ian and , are being treated at

> the CT in Oakbrook, IL. We live in Indiana, so it takes us around

> 3.5 hours to travel to CT each week. They were banded 2 weeks ago

> and despite some red spots and heat rash the first week, they have

> been doing very well and we are already beginning to see

> correction. has right plagio and left tort and Ian has


> plagio and brachy and left tort.


> I have finally gotten the chance to decorate the twins' bands. I


> using stickers and mod podge. I decorated 's last night and

> after applying the stickers, applied a thin layer of mod podge and

> let dry. The problem occured when I was trying to clean the band

> later that night. I spray the alcohol on with a spray bottle and

> use a toothbrush to scrub away the stink,however the alcohol tends

> to run onto the outside of the band when doing this. This wasn't a

> problem when the bands were not decorated, but I noticed that the

> mod podge became sticky again and began to run when it was touched

> by the alcohol. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did

> you prevent it from happening. Did you apply a varnish over the


> podge?


> Thanks for any help that you can provide and thank you for this

> group!



> Ian, 6 months, brachy & plagio, left tort, Doc Band

> , 6 months, plagio, left tort, Doc Band


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I never used modge podge - I just put the stickers on and as they "wore out" I'd replace as needed... I bought several of the same sticker so i alwyas had them on hand. :-)

Jen and Luli - 27 months

Left tort - Right Plagio - Hanger Band Grad - CA



Hi Everyone-

I am new to the group and this is my first post. I have been

lurking for a few weeks and I can't tell you how helpful you have

all been to me. My twin sons, Ian and , are being treated at

the CT in Oakbrook, IL. We live in Indiana, so it takes us around

3.5 hours to travel to CT each week. They were banded 2 weeks ago

and despite some red spots and heat rash the first week, they have

been doing very well and we are already beginning to see

correction. has right plagio and left tort and Ian has right

plagio and brachy and left tort.

I have finally gotten the chance to decorate the twins' bands. I am

using stickers and mod podge. I decorated 's last night and

after applying the stickers, applied a thin layer of mod podge and

let dry. The problem occured when I was trying to clean the band

later that night. I spray the alcohol on with a spray bottle and

use a toothbrush to scrub away the stink,however the alcohol tends

to run onto the outside of the band when doing this. This wasn't a

problem when the bands were not decorated, but I noticed that the

mod podge became sticky again and began to run when it was touched

by the alcohol. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did

you prevent it from happening. Did you apply a varnish over the mod


Thanks for any help that you can provide and thank you for this


Ian, 6 months, brachy & plagio, left tort, Doc Band

, 6 months, plagio, left tort, Doc Band

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