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Meds and diet

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Our son who has just started the diet is also taking Ritalin and Zyrtec.

He's grade-school aged-- and I can tell when he hasn't had his meds.

Physically, I know he's feeling better, but his ADD behavior is still

pretty much the same. If it does change, great! But meanwhile, we'll

continue w/ his meds. (He's on the Zyrtec for a severe dust mite




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Evan was put on 1 ml Risperdal about two months after he started the diet.

I don't know what good the Risperdal is doing since he was improving on the

diet. I am afraid the Psychiatrist he sees through the Regional Center's

tell-video conferencing is giving all the credit to the meds and not the

diet. I may take him off the meds just to be sure. His teacher and aide,

along with our family know it is the diet but I may have to prove it to the

medical community. Now just how do we do that? ;-)

Betty from Central California

----- Original Message -----

> Do many of you give your child meds while doing the diet? I am

> trying ritalin with my son and wonder about starting the diet at the

> same time. Thanks, Beth

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DO NOT go cold turkey. Our DD was also on adult doses of meds for seizures.

Their bodies are dependant on them by that level. Just as you had to

gradually increase the dose, you HAVE to gradually decrease the dose. It

took almost a full year to get her off the meds and that was after a year of

being seizure free. Keep a log. When was her last seizure? What were the

circumstances? Can you find a trigger?

After she's been seizure free for year, then start tapering. Definitely get

a dr who is supportive of eventually getting her off. meds. I had to go

thru 3 until the 4th was helpful. We ended up controlling the seizures

through (ketogenic) diet. If you want to discuss more, I'd be glad to email

privately. dsmall@...

Cari In KY

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DO NOT go cold turkey. Our DD was also on adult doses of meds for seizures.

Their bodies are dependant on them by that level. Just as you had to

gradually increase the dose, you HAVE to gradually decrease the dose. It

took almost a full year to get her off the meds and that was after a year of

being seizure free. Keep a log. When was her last seizure? What were the

circumstances? Can you find a trigger?

After she's been seizure free for year, then start tapering. Definitely get

a dr who is supportive of eventually getting her off. meds. I had to go

thru 3 until the 4th was helpful. We ended up controlling the seizures

through (ketogenic) diet. If you want to discuss more, I'd be glad to email

privately. dsmall@...

Cari In KY

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Don't go off the seizure meds without a drs help. That type of medicine

builds up in their blood. If you go off of it you probably won't see any

seizures right away if the child still has them but down the road you will.

It takes 2-3 wks for depakote to reach the proper level in the blood.


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