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snow and ice

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No, a snow cone machine is not the same as shaved ice -- but it's close

-- close enough. Snow is little round pebbles of ice. Shave is just

what it sounds like - a finer texture - sort of the yuppie version. It

packs nicely. Either would work for our purpose but as an ice gourmand

I strongly prefer shaved. I will suck on ice cubes and eat ice chips

when the good stuff is not available.

Dorit: I was sorry to hear you had another painful experience with your

Dad. Sharon has a good idea -- that you get a vaccine against his words

by getting a preparatory talk with someone before you see him. And you

may have to get decontaminated afterwards too. Working through these

issues is very painful - and a lifelong process. It is really

unfortunate that your dietitian could not be more supportive - and that

your moving plans are not working out. However these things are

probably unrelated. It just seems as if they are when they happen one

after another. You are fortunate to have a therapist and Ido to help you


: some very wise words in the sharing of your experiences. I was

tempted to write something similar (but it would not have been as well

written) but you have said it all. I think Dorit is relatively young

(in your 20's, right?). I was well over 40 before I realized that I was

the one giving my mother the power to hurt me. And that I had the right

and the ability to take that power away. I am not sure when I stopped

seeking her approval but it has made a world of difference. I think it

is totally normal for a child to seek their parents' love, attention and

approval. But once we become adults - I mean true adults, not 18 or 21

- then what we think about ourselves is what really matters. This is a

difficult journey for sure. I see lots of survivors on this list.

DebF Happy Birthday to your son! My 17 y/o baby boy is flying off to

summer college all by himself today. I am proud and happy to see him go

but sad that another phase of his growing up is over. This is his first

big trip away from home by himself. I am sure he will be fine but there

are times when I wish he was a toddler so I could pick him up and hold

him and tell him how much I love him and take him everywhere with me. I

still hug him and tell him I love him but it is different. This

parenting thing is very complex. Oh well, I will wait for the

grandchildren to spoil.

My on again/off again relationship is " ON " at the moment so I am having

a good weekend. Hoping for good scale news on Monday.

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