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Success Story, my summary!

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Dear Fellow Stalwart Comrades (Friends),

I would like to share my story with you who are so diligent to get

your lives back. This is a warfare....fighting for yourself,

fighting your medical history, your medical future, your medical

practitioners, your friends and family who don't understand..... Yes

it is hard. So since I took my last 1.25mg of hc over a week ago

while on 3.5 grains of Armour, I would like to just say it like it is

and offer some hope for those who are just behind me. That's you!!

I have Graves with RAI in 1992 at age 42. I am now 57. The typical

programme....$ynthroid, Leventhroid, Levoxyl, Unithroid, Cytomel,

Slow Released T3: profound depression at times (lots of SSRIs),

general depression otherwise along with all the hypo and hyper

symptoms all at once, but mostly not being able to sleep because of

it all, year in and year out. Fibromyalgia rearing its ugly head as


How can a person have soooo many things all at once?

Struggle, struggle, struggle; Suffer, suffer, suffer. Why can't a

person just have a thyroid condition....why does everything else have

to be involved????? My whole focus was on trying something else to

make me better and those something elses eventually finished me off

to the point that I was dying last spring and summer. I could only

sleep two hours and I could not stand to put a bite of food in my

mouth and actually swallow it. This developed after the time

released T3 was added to my Unithroid for about two years. I knew

something was grossly wrong and switched doctors again. I found an

old time doc who was quite fine with replacing my Unithroid of .88

with Armour...90mg to start!!. Also, use this Elavil too she said.

I thot I was having a heart attack if I moved and nearly fainted if I

did. Of course we who are educated know why that happened: adrenal

exhaustion. Before that, it must have been adrenal fatigue for most

of my life, but so many things were against, I just lost function

with this final blow. I had tried to get on Armour once before and

landed in the hospital. Did anyone figure out what was wrong???

They just criticized Armour!

Thanks to the Internet last summer, I found out that it was not just

my thyroid, it was my ADRENALS too. After I figured that out, I

found STTM and that validated it. My saliva test showed Stage 7

adrenal failure. That also means for a menopausal woman that she will

not be producing estrogen and progesterone------a total disaster.

Then I found a more up to date doc from searching the website about

the book, From Fatigue to Fantastic. She allowed me to add

hydrocortisone because she had a signed copy of Dr. Jefferies book!

But when I still was getting no where as far as feeling better and

had risked! going up to 27.5mg, she said it was time to get off of

it! I had not even made the switch to Armour yet! So wrong doc.

Then I found a doc from a website who worked with me and got me up to

50mg......that was also wrong! So the journey was tough and I surely

was responsible for my own health! But thanks to Val, Deborah Su and

Janie from STTM, I was well supported and able to get on both hc and

Armour. Could not have done it without them. So as of August last

year, I was on 50mg of hc and about 180 of Armour and I was doing so

poorly, even with the right things. It was too much of hc....that is

also bad. Val helped me see it and I wanted to get it down with the

hopes of getting off of it like everyone else.

How does one get down from that much hc? This is what came across my

path at that time: Energy Medicine. Some of you may want to look

into it....along with the splendid help from Deborah Su and Val and

others helping me to get on and off hc and on Armour, this is what

has been the basis of my recovery along with a person who helped me

with it.

I for one have taken every pill and potion known to man as I gained

knowledge about what makes the body work.( And the best supplement I

have ever used is Ambrotose, by Mannatech and I give it credit for

keeping my body from deteriorating completely.) But the point I am

trying to get at is that even though using correct meds and

supplements, the part that never got addressed that was broken, was

the EMOTIONAL component to the body not functioning well. I firmly

believe that if I had known what I know now about the emotional

foundation for wellness, I would not have lost my thyroid function to

an autoimmune process (Graves). The immune system can be helped or

hindered by the emotional state we are in. (Like Graves and Hashi's

is autoimmune.) It is all intertwined. We can't just ONLY focus on

hc and Armour and supplements and leave that unaided. I just did not

know how to do that having tried a few counselors and felt it a

waste, yet knowing instinctively I needed help there.

So this is where energy medicine comes in. My biggest educational

foundation for this is from the site: emofree.com The technique is

called EFT...some of you have heard of it I am sure.

I feel this information is just as valuable as STTM and this site! In

fact I wish it had a worthy slot along with the other things there.

It shows you how to neutralize the emotional impact of things that

happen/ed in our lives....you can learn and do the technique

yourself! It is free! Why not look this over so you can cover this

likely missing part of your thyroid situation? I know that it was the

answer for me letting the ability of the correct meds really work in

my body. I would think that if some emotional things were hindering

the thyroid and adrenal meridians (energy pathways) in your body, you

might want to fix those and not leave them undone! For myself anyway,

I think the emotional baggage I carried around made me get sick

decades ago. It also kept me sick along with malpractice by the docs.

So please forgive me for getting on my bandwagon, but I just have to

share what I know helped me! Sometimes you just know that you know

that you know! I also know that you who are always learning about our

conditions have extreme fortitude and persistence! Don't give up

seeking all the avenues that make the body function, mentally or

physically. Please don't skip the emotional component! If you are

reading this, you have plenty of emotional baggage from your journey

to this place.

So that last straw for me getting 'well' was the emotional stuff. As

crazy as it sounds, it allowed me to get off the hc. Twice I cut the

hc in HALF and never missed a beat. Find a person to help you with

energy medicine in any form, and/or go to the EFT website to find

that person if needed and also become educated yourself. If your

body is working well with the energy pathways (meridians), you can be

in balance, mentally and physically even if you are missing parts!

So I will end it here with hopes that all of you will take heart and

continue doing whatever it takes to be well, even if the emotional

thing is outside another box that I am asking you to consider.


One Who Suffered

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So, how are you feeling now and how much HC and Armour are you on?


-----Original Message-----

Dear Fellow Stalwart Comrades (Friends),

So this is where energy medicine comes in. My biggest educational

foundation for this is from the site: emofree.com The technique is

called EFT...some of you have heard of it I am sure.

So I will end it here with hopes that all of you will take heart and

continue doing whatever it takes to be well, even if the emotional

thing is outside another box that I am asking you to consider.



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