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all low profile/absorption issues

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I just visited a doctor today, who is familiar (somewhat) with Andy's method of

chelation. He is also open-minded, it seems. He has one big question about what

we would call an " all low presentation. " That is how my hair test is, so I fail

the counting rules. He wants to know why an all low presentation doesn't simply

mean there are absorption issues, instead of mercury toxicity.

Does Andy's book address this? Both of my books are with my ND (which isn't the

doctor I saw today).

Does Andy have a business number where this doc can call and chat with him? He

is definitely open to mercury toxicity, says he has it himself, but is skeptical

on using " cell mineral transportation derangement " in a hair analysis to

diagnose it, especially in an all low presentation like mine.



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Olif, go to Andy's website (I think it's www.noamalgam.com). You

can get information you need there. I know Andy does classes &

maybe your doctor will be interested in going out for them. There's

brochures for the classes and for ordering books for the office that

Andy would send to him.

I understand your frustration. It's one thing to gather an

understanding of what's gone on with mercury toxicity when you have

a hard copy of the book to refer to, but quite another thing to try

to relate that information to a doctor, especially when detoxing!

As to hair analysis, I haven't seen a doctor yet who believes

there's much value in getting them done.

I don't meet counting rules, either, and my toxic metals came out in

green zones, but there were telltale things like high Ca, Mg, low

Lithium, Ns & K much lower than Ca & Mg, and some of the ratios

were " off " . I'd been on a detox-type, allergy restrictive diet &

lots of supplements for 2 years before having the initial hair test

& amalgams removed. I'm doing another one this month, since the

previous test is over 2 years old.



> I just visited a doctor today, who is familiar (somewhat) with

Andy's method of chelation. He is also open-minded, it seems. He has

one big question about what we would call an " all low presentation. "

That is how my hair test is, so I fail the counting rules. He wants

to know why an all low presentation doesn't simply mean there are

absorption issues, instead of mercury toxicity.


> Does Andy's book address this? Both of my books are with my ND

(which isn't the doctor I saw today).


> Does Andy have a business number where this doc can call and chat

with him? He is definitely open to mercury toxicity, says he has it

himself, but is skeptical on using " cell mineral transportation

derangement " in a hair analysis to diagnose it, especially in an all

low presentation like mine.


> Thanks,

> Olif




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>He wants to know why an all low presentation doesn't simply mean there are

absorption issues, instead of >mercury toxicity.

>Does Andy's book address this? Both of my books are with my ND (which isn't the

doctor I saw today).

Hi Olif,

This is an important and interesting question. I hope we can find a definitive

answer. It seems in the tests that I have seen so far an ALL-low profile has

correlated with people with known or suspected digestion and absorption

problems, like food intolerances and allergies like Caelic.

However, if it were just absoption problems, one might find the metals a lot

higher. Instead In all the ALL-low tests I have seen so far (and it is not

thousands like Andy!) the metals are very low. Meaning the body just isn't

getting them out.

Very good question and worth pursuing.



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> I just visited a doctor today, who is familiar (somewhat) with

Andy's method of chelation. He is also open-minded, it seems. He has

one big question about what we would call an " all low presentation. "

That is how my hair test is, so I fail the counting rules.

Many " all low " tests do meet the counting rules. If you have

5 or less over the midline, then it meets counting rule 1 and the

probability of mercury toxicity is very, very high.

If the test is " all low " , but has more than 5 over the midline

toxicity is still possible, but less certain, and a trial of

chelation can be helpful in deciding whether the person is toxic.

He wants to know why an all low presentation doesn't simply mean there

are absorption issues, instead of mercury toxicity.

As explained above, an all low presentation that does not meet the

counting rules is less certain, but a trial of chelation can be

helpful to verify. Or you could do a fractionated urine porphyrins


The introduction to the Hair Test book explains how Andy came

up with the counting rules. If you have a fax number, I can fax

you pages 1 and 2 that explain this. If that isn't compelling

enough for your doctor, I don't know what will be.

In a nutshell, Andy started with the intuitive ideas of experienced

alternative doctors as to which hair tests were toxic and which were

not. He developed statistical rules to distinguish between the tests

they labeled as toxic vs normal. Then he verified that tests that

count as toxic are associated with abnormal health histories, and

that those people get better and their hair tests normalize when

they do proper chelation.


> Does Andy's book address this? Both of my books are with my ND

(which isn't the doctor I saw today).


> Does Andy have a business number where this doc can call and chat

with him? He is definitely open to mercury toxicity, says he has it

himself, but is skeptical on using " cell mineral transportation

derangement " in a hair analysis to diagnose it, especially in an all

low presentation like mine.

> Thanks,

> Olif




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