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Re: Armour/HC and chelating, Olif

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> I have posted my problems with Armour and HC on the NTH lists, so I

apologize for a double post, but I don't know how I can chelate with

my problems on HC and Armour.


> I am on 30 mg HC spread in 5 doses. My body seems to constantly be

>demanding it.


> I am trying to start Armour. At just 1/4 grain, my demand for HC is

>rising. By evening I am getting flu-like symptoms and low cortisol



How often do you take the doses of Armour. When I was taking an

armour like product (called Thyroid in Canada) I was taking it in the

morning and afternoon, at least 2 doses, maybe more (it was so long

ago I can't recall for sure).

When I was taking Cytomel (T3) I was taking small bits with every HC

dose and it was still bashing the heck out of my adrenals. T4

(synthroid) has a long half life and can be taken at 24 h intervals.

T3 has a short half life and should be dosed at small intervals or

released continuously. This is most important for someone with poor

adrenal response, as I proved to myself.

You may find that the BEST thing is to try compounded sustained

release T3. When I switched from cytomel to SRT3 it felt soooooooooo

much better.

Teitelbaum (From Fatigued to Fantastic, p 45) says that he starts his

patients on 1/4 grain armour per day and increases to 1/2 grain after

one week. Then he will increase by 1/4 - 1/2 grain each 2-6 weeks

until he finds the dose where the patient feels the best. If you

decide to try SRT3 a doctor or pharmacist can calculate how much to

start with and how much to increase how often.

> There are likely multiple things taxing my adrenals- mercury,

>thyroid, probably a virus (I am getting tested for various

>bacteria/viruses right now), and who knows what else.

One possibility is that you are coming down with an infection. I

found that I would feel fairly strange for some days before I finally

realized that I had a viral infection. Taking the cortisol in the

daytime masks the symptoms and then the symptoms show up in the

evening and are worse in the morning before the first cortisol dose.

> I just don't know how I can start chelating when I am having

>problems with my adrenals even while starting just a tiny amount of



IMHO it is ok to delay chelation while you find the answers to some of

these problems.

> I am going to call the doctor tomorrow to explain that my HC demands

>are increasing with Armour. I wonder if he will tell me not to take

>the Armour...I need the Armour though, because my thyroid is low.

>What I really need is a doctor who really understands all of this,

>and while mine prescribes Armour and HC, his understanding could be

>much better! He isn't even sure about cortisol being needed to get

>the thyroid hormone into the cells.


Most doctors do not have any understanding of the interactions between

thyroid and adrenal hormones. At least yours prescribes them and is

willing to discuss things with you. Hopefully together you will

develope a positive working relationship (and he will learn along the

way). If not it would be good to find a practitioner who has a better


> I am 2 1/2 months post amalgam removal, and my body is probably

>going to start dumping soon, if it hasn't already, which might

>explain my HC demands.


Yes, at about 2 1/2 months post amalgam removal there will be added

stress. Instead of increasing HC try all of the stress busting

tactics that you can think of. Have an afternoon nap and take good

care of yourself. Think about how fortunate it is that you have found

the cause of your health problems and picture yourself getting better

and better every day.


> Any ideas are welcomed!


> Thanks,

> Olif




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