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Oil of Oregano

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Kris, I can't or wouldn't even try to give a medical opinoin.

All I can say, is that I had a really bad toothache, and it had been

coming on for some time. I have no money to take care of it, and

there is no aid up in these parts and I got the Oil of Oregani in

desperation when the cloves no longer affected the pain much anymore.

After reading up on infection and how it gets into the pulp of the

tooth, and then eventually forms an abcess, I thought extraction was

ineveitable. Now, I am not so sure that I won't be able to get enough

of the infection out to save the tooth.....of course I am still going

to go to a dentist as soon as I can find a way.

If it were me, (and it's not) I would work on it with a very

aggressive Oil of Oregano therapy and push the appontment for

extraction forward a bit. However, you also don't state just what is

goin on. Do you have a bone infection? DO you ahve an abcess outside

of the tooth? Did the pulp already die, and then the infection got

into the jawbone but for some reason you had no pain? I dont' know

the answer to these quesitons, I only know from my own experience

that Oil of Oregano is potent stuff and is packing a wallop on

helping with my infected tooth. I hope I can save it......


> Hi


> I have a tooth infection (I am not hurting, but i am swollen over the

> tooth) and have a dentist's appointment for extraction of the tooth

> (with bridgework). Have I understood it right, that when using oil of

> oregano you can heal the tooth and avoid extraction or is it just for

> the toothache?


> regards, Kris




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The one I got is made for internal consumption. The particular brand

is: " Oreganol "

For myself, I feel that OIl of Oregano is MUCH better for the tooth

problems than clove, altohgh I used clove in the begining. It pretyt

much quit working as te prbelm progressed, but the O of O qujickly

began reversing this for me.

Still optimistic, in saving my tooth and gums,


> Is this oil of oregano and etheric oil? (like one uses externally for

> massage) or is it some other version?


> Kris




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> Hi Ingrid


> Thanks for the good advice. I will certainly try to get hold of the

> oil. I have taken an X-ray of the tooth. It is not dead, but the

> infection has got to the root of the tooth.

How do you tell if it is dead, and if it is in the root, do they

insist on root canal or extraction? M hope is to remove enogh

infection that the pulp will become healthy agian, but I dont' know

if that is feasible....still, I hope...maybe without enough knowledge

in this area.

> I have tried saltwater and

> propolis spray to no avail.



Right. Wait till you try Oil of Oregano! You might just be pleasantly

shocked. WHereas it s true everybody is different, the stuff simply

is working that well for me.

> I had a lot of pain in the whole area for

> some hours a while a go and that was it. It was like nerve pains

> but it

> was over nearly half of my mouth/gum area.

I had that too,,, It started about a month ago, and having no money

for the dentists and not knowing what else to do, I was foolshly just

using clove to abate the pain. Just before starting oil of oregano,

it was throbbing up to my temple, and doig thi for a number of days,

off and on, and I was worried I might have to go to emergency. I

could not eat a thing, and water just a few degrees warmer or cooler

than my mouth was excruciatingly painful. However, yesterday I ate

ice cream, ( and pelnty of it, LOL). No problems, The tooth is not

dead as there is still some sensitivity there, but I have to be

certain the infection is loosing ground. Will it be enough to save

it? Dunno.

> The problem as I have

> understood it that the bacteria inside the tooth is hard to get to.

> Could the oil possibly take it all out is really my concern.

I don't know. That is what I am hoping. My firends says she has heard

of some cases...I am choosing to think positively at this point, as I

feel I have nothing to loose! O of O has the ability to penetrate.

Please...go get yourself some.....then let us know how it is




> Kris




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