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Re: Frustrated

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[Hi, -

I think we all understand your frustration; it's so difficult when we're

dealing with stuff we can't see, feel or smell, and all the experts have

different recommendations. My feeling about post RAI

precautions is similar to doing the LID - I'd rather be safe than sorry.]

Hi ,

The different and varied recommendations are what's most confusing to us I

think. Feels like the experts aren't all on the same page. Better safe

that sorry is the motto we're trying to follow, yes.

[i agree that 3 feet doesn't seem far enough to me after 24 hours, or even

48 hours. I maintained general precautions for a week, a little longer

from pregnant women and children.]

The dr. even told us this is how he'd handle himself if this was him. What

I didn't appreciate about him is that he kind of mocked what some folks do,

like stay in a hotel for weeks. I don't think it's professional or

courteous to mock what others feel is the safe or right thing to do. 3

feet just doesn't seem like enough, no. I printed out some info from the

list on post-RAI precautions for last night and slid it under her

door. She read it but I think was a bit overwhelmed so we haven't talked

about it yet. I wish we'd talked more about it before the isolation, but

she was in information overload and the hypo-ness was taking a real


[i was hospitalized for 3 days, which obviously made it easier (although

the staff at one hospital came in regularly and were in close contact with

me - but it was less than a minute in duration, and they wore radiation

badges). My endo stopped by to visit, but stood in the doorway.]

I can definitely see how, though lonely, isolation makes sense...in a

hospital thought her Nuc Med dr. stood close to her and didn't seem

concerned on her RAI day, 6/26...like it was nothing. told me the

Nuc Med dpt has a geiger device on the wall that moved when she walked by

after her 2 millicuries then after her 150 millicuries.

[After that, I maintained a separate bedroom and bathroom, but felt

comfortable enough to be at opposite ends in the same room and dine at

opposite ends of a long table.]

So do you think on day 4, 5...you were 6 feet or 10 feet away?

[it's the not knowing that makes it so difficult.]

Yes definitely but the different info makes it very confusing. While I

appreciate it, it's confusing too :)

.... from your next letter ....

Should the trash produces while in isolation or even out of isolation

and using the 3-6 foot rule, be held for 80+ days?

[Most hospitals are required to keep our radioactive trash for up to 90

days, and I was told to do the same at home with anything I brought out of

the hospital. Everything should be securely bagged and put out of reach

for 90 days, preferably in an attic or garage, but even on top of a high

armoire will be sufficient. Double bagging and tossing things out for

normal trash pickup does nothing to protect anyone who will be handling it.]

Ok, 90 days then. 3 months. Wonder why she wasn't told this? Another

confusing aspect of this. We want to do what's right and protect

others. I think we'll double-bag and sit it in the garage, or maybe the

attic. We'll see what thinks.

Thanks ,


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  • 4 years later...


Arline wrote:

" If you go to a urologist, she will look inside your

bladder and be able to tell you if you have something

called they call IC. As far as I know that is the only

way to find out. "

Actually, even if you do go through with this invasive procedure that can be

(and often is) extremely painful, there's no guarantee that it will lead to a

definitive diagnosis. For some, distinct ulcerations CAN be visualized. But

for others in just as much pain -- or even more -- the bladder wall looks

perfectly normal. IC, in most cases, is diagnosed by history and clinical

symptoms, not biopsies and invasive tests. And remember, even if some doctor

pronounces that you have IC, what have you really gained? Just a vague

descriptive name for pain that manifests in or is referred to the bladder -- no

true understanding of the CAUSE of that pain.

If you are, as it appears, so set on trying to get

some kind of definitive diagnosis for your pelvic pain

(something which, as you've discovered, is not all that easy to come by in most

cases), i will say again that the Pelvic and Sexual Health Clinic in Philly

would be one of the better options within relatively easy travelling distance of

you. There, not only do you have an excellent, excellent vulvar specialist

( Kellogg), who, among other things, understands the importance of

evaluating internal pelvic muscle status, but also a bladder specialist


Kind of one stop shopping for all your pelvic pain evaluation needs. . .:)

Arline also writes:

" There is a neurologist at Cornell named Dr. Latov who

has published in the Neurology Journals that all

patients with any kind of neuropathy should be tested

for Gluten Sensitivity. Your neurologist apparently

hasn't read it. "

I completely concur with her advice regarding testing

with Enterolab. It could well be that gluten intolerance/sensitivity is at the

root of many, if

not all, of your pelvic neurological symptoms, regardless of what diagnosis de

jour label is slapped on them. With Enterolab's testing, for a reasonable

price, you'll know one way or the other.


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Arline wrote:

" If you go to a urologist, she will look inside your

bladder and be able to tell you if you have something

called they call IC. As far as I know that is the only

way to find out. "

Actually, even if you do go through with this invasive procedure that can be

(and often is) extremely painful, there's no guarantee that it will lead to a

definitive diagnosis. For some, distinct ulcerations CAN be visualized. But

for others in just as much pain -- or even more -- the bladder wall looks

perfectly normal. IC, in most cases, is diagnosed by history and clinical

symptoms, not biopsies and invasive tests. And remember, even if some doctor

pronounces that you have IC, what have you really gained? Just a vague

descriptive name for pain that manifests in or is referred to the bladder -- no

true understanding of the CAUSE of that pain.

If you are, as it appears, so set on trying to get

some kind of definitive diagnosis for your pelvic pain

(something which, as you've discovered, is not all that easy to come by in most

cases), i will say again that the Pelvic and Sexual Health Clinic in Philly

would be one of the better options within relatively easy travelling distance of

you. There, not only do you have an excellent, excellent vulvar specialist

( Kellogg), who, among other things, understands the importance of

evaluating internal pelvic muscle status, but also a bladder specialist


Kind of one stop shopping for all your pelvic pain evaluation needs. . .:)

Arline also writes:

" There is a neurologist at Cornell named Dr. Latov who

has published in the Neurology Journals that all

patients with any kind of neuropathy should be tested

for Gluten Sensitivity. Your neurologist apparently

hasn't read it. "

I completely concur with her advice regarding testing

with Enterolab. It could well be that gluten intolerance/sensitivity is at the

root of many, if

not all, of your pelvic neurological symptoms, regardless of what diagnosis de

jour label is slapped on them. With Enterolab's testing, for a reasonable

price, you'll know one way or the other.


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Arline wrote:

" If you go to a urologist, she will look inside your

bladder and be able to tell you if you have something

called they call IC. As far as I know that is the only

way to find out. "

Actually, even if you do go through with this invasive procedure that can be

(and often is) extremely painful, there's no guarantee that it will lead to a

definitive diagnosis. For some, distinct ulcerations CAN be visualized. But

for others in just as much pain -- or even more -- the bladder wall looks

perfectly normal. IC, in most cases, is diagnosed by history and clinical

symptoms, not biopsies and invasive tests. And remember, even if some doctor

pronounces that you have IC, what have you really gained? Just a vague

descriptive name for pain that manifests in or is referred to the bladder -- no

true understanding of the CAUSE of that pain.

If you are, as it appears, so set on trying to get

some kind of definitive diagnosis for your pelvic pain

(something which, as you've discovered, is not all that easy to come by in most

cases), i will say again that the Pelvic and Sexual Health Clinic in Philly

would be one of the better options within relatively easy travelling distance of

you. There, not only do you have an excellent, excellent vulvar specialist

( Kellogg), who, among other things, understands the importance of

evaluating internal pelvic muscle status, but also a bladder specialist


Kind of one stop shopping for all your pelvic pain evaluation needs. . .:)

Arline also writes:

" There is a neurologist at Cornell named Dr. Latov who

has published in the Neurology Journals that all

patients with any kind of neuropathy should be tested

for Gluten Sensitivity. Your neurologist apparently

hasn't read it. "

I completely concur with her advice regarding testing

with Enterolab. It could well be that gluten intolerance/sensitivity is at the

root of many, if

not all, of your pelvic neurological symptoms, regardless of what diagnosis de

jour label is slapped on them. With Enterolab's testing, for a reasonable

price, you'll know one way or the other.


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I was so sick for so long and I wanted to get as much

information as I could so I ordered the first test

which is the full celiac screen (the most expensive).

It tests for gluten sensitivity, etc., and also for

milk sensitivity, fat malabsorption (damage to the

small intestine), a gene test for Celiac and or Gluten

Sensitivity. I think it is about $350.00 if I remember

correctly. It is the test that is really a bargain for

all the information you get. I also ordered the yeast

sensitvity test, and the egg and soy sensitivity I

believe. It has been several years ago now.

The first test (the big one) I mentioned gives a lot

of information. Some people just can't scrape that

money up and only order the gluten sensitivity test by

itself. I think it is $99.00 plus postage. It at least

will tell you an important result and if one can then

she can look further into it for the other answers. If

possible order the first test, the big one.


--- Carolyn52192@... wrote:

> arline


> which tests do you order?




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I was so sick for so long and I wanted to get as much

information as I could so I ordered the first test

which is the full celiac screen (the most expensive).

It tests for gluten sensitivity, etc., and also for

milk sensitivity, fat malabsorption (damage to the

small intestine), a gene test for Celiac and or Gluten

Sensitivity. I think it is about $350.00 if I remember

correctly. It is the test that is really a bargain for

all the information you get. I also ordered the yeast

sensitvity test, and the egg and soy sensitivity I

believe. It has been several years ago now.

The first test (the big one) I mentioned gives a lot

of information. Some people just can't scrape that

money up and only order the gluten sensitivity test by

itself. I think it is $99.00 plus postage. It at least

will tell you an important result and if one can then

she can look further into it for the other answers. If

possible order the first test, the big one.


--- Carolyn52192@... wrote:

> arline


> which tests do you order?




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> time on AOL Music.




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I was so sick for so long and I wanted to get as much

information as I could so I ordered the first test

which is the full celiac screen (the most expensive).

It tests for gluten sensitivity, etc., and also for

milk sensitivity, fat malabsorption (damage to the

small intestine), a gene test for Celiac and or Gluten

Sensitivity. I think it is about $350.00 if I remember

correctly. It is the test that is really a bargain for

all the information you get. I also ordered the yeast

sensitvity test, and the egg and soy sensitivity I

believe. It has been several years ago now.

The first test (the big one) I mentioned gives a lot

of information. Some people just can't scrape that

money up and only order the gluten sensitivity test by

itself. I think it is $99.00 plus postage. It at least

will tell you an important result and if one can then

she can look further into it for the other answers. If

possible order the first test, the big one.


--- Carolyn52192@... wrote:

> arline


> which tests do you order?




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> time on AOL Music.




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I appreciate the info, $99 is not bad, I think I will do that. Is it a stool sample? how many times do you need to do this?


CWho's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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I appreciate the info, $99 is not bad, I think I will do that. Is it a stool sample? how many times do you need to do this?


CWho's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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Yes, it is a stool sample and you need do it only


I want to add if the gluten test is positive you

should have the other tests as well for the

information it gives--dairy, kind of gluten gene, how

much damage, etc. The dairy test is almost as

important as the gluten test in my opinion.


--- Carolyn52192@... wrote:

> Arline,


> I appreciate the info, $99 is not bad, I think I

> will do that. Is it a

> stool sample? how many times do you need to do this?



> thanks!


> C




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> time on AOL Music.




> 48)




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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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  • 6 months later...

Hi Peggy. .. You are in my thoughts and prayers as well. Always. So you're covered for "whatever"...lol.

I've seen those long lines of gridlock on TV when people are evacuating. THAT is scary to me.

Keep the board posted, I'll be watching.

The birthday party went great. Lysa had the back yard decorated with banners, balloons, posters, flowers and colorful table covers. She put water and soda into an old turtle "sand box" (cleaned of course!). So cute.

The food was yummy, just what I love, fat hot dogs, 3 different salads, huge bowls of watermelon/cantaloupe, baked beans and the cake was so pretty and I forgot to get a picture of it. I'm sure there is one. Hannah was taking pictures with my camera, her camera and the camcorder so there are pictures someplace.

I'll get some entered of what I have in a day or so. Lysa is having a disk made for what Hannah took. Boy oh boy! Nobody will forget when I turned 70.

Marly (granddaughter) put a tiara on my head and gave me a magic wand and I was the Princess for the day! How sweet! She was the princess on her last b'day and wanted me to be the same.

Be safe!

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

� Frustrated

Thanks Dale and Bruce I should look for another one I am just so frustrated have had this stupid disease so many years too old and too many other diseases for a transplant.� It is like why bother what can they do.� I cannot breathe half the type my nose is so dry and blocked if I take my O2 off I breathe so clear and nice then of course it drops put it back on and block up.� Any suggestions I know this sounds crazy and probably is I am on liquid and use the humidifier would using it without be better like I said it really sounds crazy but anything is worth a try.� My dr wrote a prescrip. for saline water and I rinse my nose with that.� It sounds like I am feeling sorry for myself� but when you reach the point that you cant do anything and walking to the other room is a chore why bother.� Thanks for listening.� Oh yeah I have xanax for when I am really freaking out and it helps but no one wants to be around me as they wear off� because I am so grouchy and I don't want to be loaded all the time.� The pul.� also said� it is a slow long suffering disease no duh how encouraging.


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Geeta ... I know you are frustrated...waiting for your vacation to get underway!

I've been waiting 'till you get to CA to post much.

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

� Frustrated> > > > > Thanks Dale and Bruce I should look for another one I am just so frustrated have had this stupid disease so many years too old and too many other diseases for a transplant.� It is like why bother what can they do.� I cannot breathe half the type my nose is so dry and blocked if I take my O2 off I breathe so clear and nice then of course it drops put it back on and block up.� Any suggestions I know this sounds crazy and probably is I am on liquid and use the humidifier would using it without be better like I said it really sounds crazy but anything is worth a try.� My dr wrote a prescrip. for saline water and I rinse my nose with that.� It sounds like I am feeling sorry for myself� but when you reach the point that you cant do anything and walking to the other room is a chore why bother.� Thanks for listening.� Oh yeah I have xanax for when I am really freaking out and it helps but no one wants to be around me as they wear off� because I am so grouchy and I don't want to be loaded all the time.� The pul.� also said� it is a slow long suffering disease no duh how encouraging.> Amy>

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Geeta ... I know you are frustrated...waiting for your vacation to get underway!

I've been waiting 'till you get to CA to post much.

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

� Frustrated> > > > > Thanks Dale and Bruce I should look for another one I am just so frustrated have had this stupid disease so many years too old and too many other diseases for a transplant.� It is like why bother what can they do.� I cannot breathe half the type my nose is so dry and blocked if I take my O2 off I breathe so clear and nice then of course it drops put it back on and block up.� Any suggestions I know this sounds crazy and probably is I am on liquid and use the humidifier would using it without be better like I said it really sounds crazy but anything is worth a try.� My dr wrote a prescrip. for saline water and I rinse my nose with that.� It sounds like I am feeling sorry for myself� but when you reach the point that you cant do anything and walking to the other room is a chore why bother.� Thanks for listening.� Oh yeah I have xanax for when I am really freaking out and it helps but no one wants to be around me as they wear off� because I am so grouchy and I don't want to be loaded all the time.� The pul.� also said� it is a slow long suffering disease no duh how encouraging.> Amy>

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Geeta ... I know you are frustrated...waiting for your vacation to get underway!

I've been waiting 'till you get to CA to post much.

MamaSher, age 70. IPF 3-06, OR. NasturtiumsDon't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

� Frustrated> > > > > Thanks Dale and Bruce I should look for another one I am just so frustrated have had this stupid disease so many years too old and too many other diseases for a transplant.� It is like why bother what can they do.� I cannot breathe half the type my nose is so dry and blocked if I take my O2 off I breathe so clear and nice then of course it drops put it back on and block up.� Any suggestions I know this sounds crazy and probably is I am on liquid and use the humidifier would using it without be better like I said it really sounds crazy but anything is worth a try.� My dr wrote a prescrip. for saline water and I rinse my nose with that.� It sounds like I am feeling sorry for myself� but when you reach the point that you cant do anything and walking to the other room is a chore why bother.� Thanks for listening.� Oh yeah I have xanax for when I am really freaking out and it helps but no one wants to be around me as they wear off� because I am so grouchy and I don't want to be loaded all the time.� The pul.� also said� it is a slow long suffering disease no duh how encouraging.> Amy>

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