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Yes, I'm been on anti-depressants for some time...but the medication most

useful to me has been Buspar. I wasn't aware I had an anxiety problem until I

tried Buspar, frankly. It's clear I must have a chemical imbalance that's

corrected by Buspar -- without it, I am incredibly high-strung, a truly


worrier. My experience has been, you'll know if you need them after you've

given them a chance. My psychiatrist tried several other regimens before my

current one, and I knew which worked and which didn't. Of all the medical

treatments I've tried and do, I consider Buspar the single largest improvement

to my

life...so does ....he noticed the difference first, I think, and can tell

almost as quickly as I can when I'm late with a dose.

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  • 9 months later...

In a message dated 11/24/2004 8:26:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

LestatL382@... writes:

> Right now with the holiday and my birthday coming up and no Snot I a

> have made a promise to him and myself that I am NOT going to sink

> into depression.


look gals...anyone that needs an additional listening ear...feel free to

write me a personal email at any time if you need to rant or rave or cry. The

holidays can be really difficult...and especially I think when our bodies are

trying to heal and recover. Anything I can do for anybody...let me know.


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In a message dated 11/24/2004 8:26:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

LestatL382@... writes:

> Right now with the holiday and my birthday coming up and no Snot I a

> have made a promise to him and myself that I am NOT going to sink

> into depression.


look gals...anyone that needs an additional listening ear...feel free to

write me a personal email at any time if you need to rant or rave or cry. The

holidays can be really difficult...and especially I think when our bodies are

trying to heal and recover. Anything I can do for anybody...let me know.


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In a message dated 11/24/2004 8:26:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

LestatL382@... writes:

> Right now with the holiday and my birthday coming up and no Snot I a

> have made a promise to him and myself that I am NOT going to sink

> into depression.


look gals...anyone that needs an additional listening ear...feel free to

write me a personal email at any time if you need to rant or rave or cry. The

holidays can be really difficult...and especially I think when our bodies are

trying to heal and recover. Anything I can do for anybody...let me know.


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In a message dated 11/24/2004 10:40:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dezign4you@... writes:

> That may sound silly to some but the last ten years of my life

> have been really difficult. Lots of drama, divorce (no kids thank

> god), family problems, death, etc. These are things everyone deals

> with but they seem to do a much better job at it than me. Things

> really affect me. I'm just so worn out and nothing really motivates

> me to get up in the morning anymore

Not silly at all. Before I was diagnosed, I went thru 10 years of the same

thing. Deaths, family illnesses, family problems...just one thing right after

the other. It can really wear you down. And I think hypo folks are actually

very sensitive souls. And so when you say it really affects you...I totally

understand. We just can't turn off our feelings and our emotions. I think too

that we don't say " no " often enough or loud enough and sometimes end up

giving far too much of ourselves.

So I think it's a bit natural after a lot of trauma to have some depression

and to feel unmotivated. But I think this also the time to look inward to see

what is really important to us and try to treat ourselves the best we can.

Remember that you are indeed valued and special I know I have found a lot

of comfort in really enjoying my daily routines and making them more

meaningful. This has been especially important as my hypo made it more

difficult to go

and do things outside the home. Things like special coffees and really

savoring that first cup in the morning.

Taking 30 minutes in the morning to read a devotional. Making sure I sit

outside on the porch for 15 minutes and watch the birds at the feeder. Bubble

baths. Having a vase of cut flowers in my home to admire. Taking time every day

to play with my cat. See what you can do to treat yourself special.


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In a message dated 11/24/2004 10:40:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dezign4you@... writes:

> I'm 31 years old and I feel like I'm all washed

> up

the operative word is " feel " . We can't always trust our feelings. But I

know that at 31, you have lots of time to heal and get better and have a

wonderful life. You can't see it right now..because your mind is clouded by


stuff. But just hang on...a better day is coming to you. I am sure of it.


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In a message dated 11/24/2004 10:22:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,

artisticgroom@... writes:

> I am having my usual holiday blahs. I hate them as I have NO family to

> spend them with

hey girl...count your blessings. sometimes it's better NOT to spend time

with family. :) I actually chose several years ago to stop all the holiday

gathering with extended family and have not regretted it one bit. I've done

everything I can to make my OWN christmas traditions...and to keep christmas as

simple as possible.

part of the holiday blahs folks get is because of all the dang expectations

we have of it. it's really ridiculous i think. maybe 40 years ago all families

got together, had great meals, nobody got drunk, and everyone loved each

other. but how often do you see that these days. And the $$$ you're supposed to

spend at christmas to satisfy the retailers. I hate it.

So just try to stop with the holiday blahs. Spice up some apple cider and

smell the aroma. and make ya a pot of chili for your christmas meal (yea,

that's what I have on Christmas day for dinner). And don't forget to soak your

tired feet.


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In a message dated 11/24/2004 11:53:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,

MamaMaha@... writes:

> How about 67yo & actually " being " all washing up? What's there to

> look forward to at this age with no money & falling apart

> physically? Lots of time to heal & get better & have a wonderful

> life? Doing what? With who? For what? With what?


I think we have to find the joy in the everyday simple things. Is there

nothing you enjoy about your life? Nothing that you're thankful for? Nothing

that you can count as blessings in your life?


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In a message dated 11/24/2004 11:53:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,

MamaMaha@... writes:

> How about 67yo & actually " being " all washing up? What's there to

> look forward to at this age with no money & falling apart

> physically? Lots of time to heal & get better & have a wonderful

> life? Doing what? With who? For what? With what?


I think we have to find the joy in the everyday simple things. Is there

nothing you enjoy about your life? Nothing that you're thankful for? Nothing

that you can count as blessings in your life?


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In a message dated 11/24/2004 11:53:34 PM Eastern Standard Time,

MamaMaha@... writes:

> How about 67yo & actually " being " all washing up? What's there to

> look forward to at this age with no money & falling apart

> physically? Lots of time to heal & get better & have a wonderful

> life? Doing what? With who? For what? With what?


I think we have to find the joy in the everyday simple things. Is there

nothing you enjoy about your life? Nothing that you're thankful for? Nothing

that you can count as blessings in your life?


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I'm in the same boat. The holidays are the worst time of the year for me

and I recently crashed and am back to maybe square 2 as opposed to 1. I

told my husband I would really like some Zoloft to get me through to January

I agree just a PRN anti-anxiety would be great, but those are very hard to

get. Xanax is it and it sometimes puts me to sleep. I have a love/hate

relationship with Zoloft. I love the way I feel, but I gain weight like mad


How can I hardly eat anything, have diarrhea all the time, and still be


-- Re: Anti-depressants

In a message dated 11/24/2004 5:33:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dezign4you@... writes:

> I'm really

> suffering from a bad bout of depression and I was wondering if anyone

> else has tried taking Zoloft just to get them through for awhile

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I'm in the same boat. The holidays are the worst time of the year for me

and I recently crashed and am back to maybe square 2 as opposed to 1. I

told my husband I would really like some Zoloft to get me through to January

I agree just a PRN anti-anxiety would be great, but those are very hard to

get. Xanax is it and it sometimes puts me to sleep. I have a love/hate

relationship with Zoloft. I love the way I feel, but I gain weight like mad


How can I hardly eat anything, have diarrhea all the time, and still be


-- Re: Anti-depressants

In a message dated 11/24/2004 5:33:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dezign4you@... writes:

> I'm really

> suffering from a bad bout of depression and I was wondering if anyone

> else has tried taking Zoloft just to get them through for awhile

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When I was first diagnosed with hypo the Dr put me on birth control

and it caused severe depression. I was put on prozac which not only

caused anxiety but the weird prozac dreams.

I did find this book called something like The Feel Good book by a Dr

who's last name is Burns. He goes over depression and treatments.

Like excercise medications etc.

Right now with the holiday and my birthday coming up and no Snot I a

have made a promise to him and myself that I am NOT going to sink

into depression.


> I'm in the same boat. The holidays are the worst time of the year

for me

> and I recently crashed and am back to maybe square 2 as opposed to

1. I

> told my husband I would really like some Zoloft to get me through

to January

> I agree just a PRN anti-anxiety would be great, but those are

very hard to

> get. Xanax is it and it sometimes puts me to sleep. I have a


> relationship with Zoloft. I love the way I feel, but I gain weight

like mad



> Jen


> How can I hardly eat anything, have diarrhea all the time, and

still be

> fat!!!!


> -- Re: Anti-depressants


> In a message dated 11/24/2004 5:33:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> dezign4you@y... writes:


> > I'm really

> > suffering from a bad bout of depression and I was wondering if


> > else has tried taking Zoloft just to get them through for awhile

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When I was first diagnosed with hypo the Dr put me on birth control

and it caused severe depression. I was put on prozac which not only

caused anxiety but the weird prozac dreams.

I did find this book called something like The Feel Good book by a Dr

who's last name is Burns. He goes over depression and treatments.

Like excercise medications etc.

Right now with the holiday and my birthday coming up and no Snot I a

have made a promise to him and myself that I am NOT going to sink

into depression.


> I'm in the same boat. The holidays are the worst time of the year

for me

> and I recently crashed and am back to maybe square 2 as opposed to

1. I

> told my husband I would really like some Zoloft to get me through

to January

> I agree just a PRN anti-anxiety would be great, but those are

very hard to

> get. Xanax is it and it sometimes puts me to sleep. I have a


> relationship with Zoloft. I love the way I feel, but I gain weight

like mad



> Jen


> How can I hardly eat anything, have diarrhea all the time, and

still be

> fat!!!!


> -- Re: Anti-depressants


> In a message dated 11/24/2004 5:33:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> dezign4you@y... writes:


> > I'm really

> > suffering from a bad bout of depression and I was wondering if


> > else has tried taking Zoloft just to get them through for awhile

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Holiday blahs.. Yes, I get them horribly. After just going through my half

century birthday with NO calls of even a card from any family member, and now

yesterday having an argument with the director of my grandmother's nursing home

when I tried opt reach her, I am having my usual holiday blahs. I hate them as I

have NO family to spend them with. Holidays are alot of work for a groomer, I

had an overload of dogs today and was so tired when I got home I laid down for

one of those now rare naps. Slept for 4 hours! Nursing home said my grandmother

was " in activities " and unavailable for a phone call. I asked if she was

spending holidays with my sister, well they can;t tell me that. Even though they

have a copy of my Power of Attorney, which they say they don't have on record.

Frustration is just a small thing, and my fury with these people is getting

larger. Guess I better go watch a movie and pet my cats, and just be glad I am

alive and semi well.

I HATE holidays! LOL

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



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Version: 6.0.799 / Virus Database: 543 - Release Date: 11/19/2004

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Holiday blahs.. Yes, I get them horribly. After just going through my half

century birthday with NO calls of even a card from any family member, and now

yesterday having an argument with the director of my grandmother's nursing home

when I tried opt reach her, I am having my usual holiday blahs. I hate them as I

have NO family to spend them with. Holidays are alot of work for a groomer, I

had an overload of dogs today and was so tired when I got home I laid down for

one of those now rare naps. Slept for 4 hours! Nursing home said my grandmother

was " in activities " and unavailable for a phone call. I asked if she was

spending holidays with my sister, well they can;t tell me that. Even though they

have a copy of my Power of Attorney, which they say they don't have on record.

Frustration is just a small thing, and my fury with these people is getting

larger. Guess I better go watch a movie and pet my cats, and just be glad I am

alive and semi well.

I HATE holidays! LOL

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.799 / Virus Database: 543 - Release Date: 11/19/2004

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Holiday blahs.. Yes, I get them horribly. After just going through my half

century birthday with NO calls of even a card from any family member, and now

yesterday having an argument with the director of my grandmother's nursing home

when I tried opt reach her, I am having my usual holiday blahs. I hate them as I

have NO family to spend them with. Holidays are alot of work for a groomer, I

had an overload of dogs today and was so tired when I got home I laid down for

one of those now rare naps. Slept for 4 hours! Nursing home said my grandmother

was " in activities " and unavailable for a phone call. I asked if she was

spending holidays with my sister, well they can;t tell me that. Even though they

have a copy of my Power of Attorney, which they say they don't have on record.

Frustration is just a small thing, and my fury with these people is getting

larger. Guess I better go watch a movie and pet my cats, and just be glad I am

alive and semi well.

I HATE holidays! LOL

*Artistic Grooming * Hurricane, WV

Fat cat? Diabetes? Listowner for overweight or hypothyroid cats



Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.799 / Virus Database: 543 - Release Date: 11/19/2004

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How about 67yo & actually " being " all washing up? What's there to

look forward to at this age with no money & falling apart

physically? Lots of time to heal & get better & have a wonderful

life? Doing what? With who? For what? With what?


> In a message dated 11/24/2004 10:40:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> dezign4you@y... writes:


> > I'm 31 years old and I feel like I'm all washed

> > up


> the operative word is " feel " . We can't always trust our

feelings. But I

> know that at 31, you have lots of time to heal and get better and

have a

> wonderful life. You can't see it right now..because your mind is

clouded by hypo

> stuff. But just hang on...a better day is coming to you. I am

sure of it.

> Cindi

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I don't have any family nearby to spend the holidays with either.

And I don't even like my own company anymore. I've gotten everything

so simplified because I'm been so sick, that now I'm bored. The days

are so looooonnnggg! And there's so much I can't do anymore. Sighhhh!


> In a message dated 11/24/2004 10:22:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> artisticgroom@v... writes:


> > I am having my usual holiday blahs. I hate them as I have NO

family to

> > spend them with


> hey girl...count your blessings. sometimes it's better NOT to

spend time

> with family. :) I actually chose several years ago to stop all

the holiday

> gathering with extended family and have not regretted it one bit.

I've done

> everything I can to make my OWN christmas traditions...and to keep

christmas as

> simple as possible.


> part of the holiday blahs folks get is because of all the dang


> we have of it. it's really ridiculous i think. maybe 40 years ago

all families

> got together, had great meals, nobody got drunk, and everyone

loved each

> other. but how often do you see that these days. And the $$$

you're supposed to

> spend at christmas to satisfy the retailers. I hate it.


> So just try to stop with the holiday blahs. Spice up some apple

cider and

> smell the aroma. and make ya a pot of chili for your christmas

meal (yea,

> that's what I have on Christmas day for dinner). And don't forget

to soak your

> tired feet.

> Cindi




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Amen Cindi! I am so glad that I don't spend holidays anymore with people I

don't really like! lol. I used to have to 'suffer' through it because it was

my hubby's family (not current hubby, his live too far away), but man, I worked

like a slave, and not anybody was happy that came. Those of us who lived here

love my cooking, but his family was the pits. Ughhh! Nothing ever suited them,

and they'd gripe if ya hung them with a new rope. Those days are just so over.

This year, I'm doing things different. My son and daughter in law came into

town today from Dallas, and dinner is tomorrow at her mom's house. I don't have

to kill myself trying to make everything perfect, and cook on top of that.

(something I'm very thankful for). I love her mom and dad and we have such a

good time together, and we all get to visit with the grandbabies, and each

other, and I'm so looking forward to it. My son likes certain things that we

always have, so those things I'm making and taking tomorrow for dinner.

My poor son and daughter in law used to have early lunch with her mom and dad,

then rush to our house for a later meal, dragging those kids behind and they had

to be worn out! By the time they made it to our house, the babies were tired,

needed naps, and were just cross. Not much fun for any of us. I'm hoping we do

this again next year! Their house is two or three times the size of mine. We

even talked my mom into coming over too, and I plan to stuff my face, enjoy the

company that I've chosen to be with, and have a wonderful day. If Mom decides

not to come, I'll drop off a plate of food for her and my brother on my way



Re: Re: Anti-depressants

In a message dated 11/24/2004 10:22:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,

artisticgroom@... writes:

> I am having my usual holiday blahs. I hate them as I have NO family to

> spend them with

hey girl...count your blessings. sometimes it's better NOT to spend time

with family. :) I actually chose several years ago to stop all the holiday

gathering with extended family and have not regretted it one bit. I've done

everything I can to make my OWN christmas traditions...and to keep christmas


simple as possible.

part of the holiday blahs folks get is because of all the dang expectations

we have of it. it's really ridiculous i think. maybe 40 years ago all


got together, had great meals, nobody got drunk, and everyone loved each

other. but how often do you see that these days. And the $$$ you're supposed


spend at christmas to satisfy the retailers. I hate it.

So just try to stop with the holiday blahs. Spice up some apple cider and

smell the aroma. and make ya a pot of chili for your christmas meal (yea,

that's what I have on Christmas day for dinner). And don't forget to soak


tired feet.


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> How about 67yo & actually " being " all washing up? What's there to

> look forward to at this age with no money & falling apart

> physically? Lots of time to heal & get better & have a wonderful

> life? Doing what? With who? For what? With what?

> C


Folks ......... try to help people . That just comes to my mind . I

think it's the most wonderful goal in life . Or help animals . Go to

a refuge , and take a dog out for a walk , even if you can't adopt

him .

Make the world a better place . Try to get the poison out of our

life , our earth .

Visit people in hospitals who are sick and have noone either and

can't get out .

Help kids with their homework who can't find help in their families .

I don't know .

I just mean .... if you feel like that .... you know what I mean ....

whether you are 20 or 80 years old , turn to other people and try do

do good .

There was a patient in another thyroid group who was very alone too ,

had noone to spend holidays with either . He did .... he listened on

the phone to people who called this kind of help line ..... Today he

is married , lives with his two kids , and is on Armour ! Some folks

may remember him . He is a wonderful person .

And concerning age .... there is this story of the old elephants .

They killed all the old elephants in Africa , because they had the

big ivory ( hope that's the right word ? ) their " teeth " , eh ! Then

there were no old elephants any more . Otherwise the herds were

healthy , could reproduce , ... ! But it was the old elephants who

knew the way !!! They were the ones who could cross Africa and find

their way to the water places . Noone had thought of that ! Without

them the herds were lost !

WE NEED THE OLD ELEPHANTS ! Everybody has an important place on

earth !!


( 50 years old , so sick that I can not go out since years any more ,

and so poor that I can't heat my place in winter )

I love you all !


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> How about 67yo & actually " being " all washing up? What's there to

> look forward to at this age with no money & falling apart

> physically? Lots of time to heal & get better & have a wonderful

> life? Doing what? With who? For what? With what?

> C


Folks ......... try to help people . That just comes to my mind . I

think it's the most wonderful goal in life . Or help animals . Go to

a refuge , and take a dog out for a walk , even if you can't adopt

him .

Make the world a better place . Try to get the poison out of our

life , our earth .

Visit people in hospitals who are sick and have noone either and

can't get out .

Help kids with their homework who can't find help in their families .

I don't know .

I just mean .... if you feel like that .... you know what I mean ....

whether you are 20 or 80 years old , turn to other people and try do

do good .

There was a patient in another thyroid group who was very alone too ,

had noone to spend holidays with either . He did .... he listened on

the phone to people who called this kind of help line ..... Today he

is married , lives with his two kids , and is on Armour ! Some folks

may remember him . He is a wonderful person .

And concerning age .... there is this story of the old elephants .

They killed all the old elephants in Africa , because they had the

big ivory ( hope that's the right word ? ) their " teeth " , eh ! Then

there were no old elephants any more . Otherwise the herds were

healthy , could reproduce , ... ! But it was the old elephants who

knew the way !!! They were the ones who could cross Africa and find

their way to the water places . Noone had thought of that ! Without

them the herds were lost !

WE NEED THE OLD ELEPHANTS ! Everybody has an important place on

earth !!


( 50 years old , so sick that I can not go out since years any more ,

and so poor that I can't heat my place in winter )

I love you all !


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In a message dated 11/25/2004 4:35:02 AM Eastern Standard Time,

susanne@... writes:

> ( 50 years old , so sick that I can not go out since years any more ,

> and so poor that I can't heat my place in winter )

> I love you all !


it's hard for me to go out too...i want too more than i have in recent

years...but I get SO tired and weak sometimes. i just need to build up some


but your advice was great, gal. Helping somebody else in some way always

gets us to stop being so focused on ourselves. And yes, I know this thyroid

disease can be the pits at times...but ladies...there are a whole lot of other

things that would be worse to me to have. So I'm gonna accept what i have and

work around it.

again, great advice.


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In a message dated 11/25/2004 4:35:02 AM Eastern Standard Time,

susanne@... writes:

> ( 50 years old , so sick that I can not go out since years any more ,

> and so poor that I can't heat my place in winter )

> I love you all !


it's hard for me to go out too...i want too more than i have in recent

years...but I get SO tired and weak sometimes. i just need to build up some


but your advice was great, gal. Helping somebody else in some way always

gets us to stop being so focused on ourselves. And yes, I know this thyroid

disease can be the pits at times...but ladies...there are a whole lot of other

things that would be worse to me to have. So I'm gonna accept what i have and

work around it.

again, great advice.


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In a message dated 11/25/2004 4:35:02 AM Eastern Standard Time,

susanne@... writes:

> ( 50 years old , so sick that I can not go out since years any more ,

> and so poor that I can't heat my place in winter )

> I love you all !


it's hard for me to go out too...i want too more than i have in recent

years...but I get SO tired and weak sometimes. i just need to build up some


but your advice was great, gal. Helping somebody else in some way always

gets us to stop being so focused on ourselves. And yes, I know this thyroid

disease can be the pits at times...but ladies...there are a whole lot of other

things that would be worse to me to have. So I'm gonna accept what i have and

work around it.

again, great advice.


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