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saw bones said.

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I just wish you all to know who struggle with over weight as I do, the saw

bones said to day that more then anything I have changed that helped lower my

A1C was exercise! He said in only the first 3 months any of his patients could

do as I done if they would only do some type of exercise every day for the rest

of there life. he said he continues to tell them how important just 30 minutes a

day of any kind of exercise could have a big change for there lives. he said the

meds help and the insulin does what it can, but with out any exercise the pills

or the insulin would be fighting a losing battle. I'm not sure if any one of you

hated exercise any more then I 3 months ago. you don't get to 300 pounds plus

with exercise in your daily life. I hated the thought of walking up the street

or across the yard. then my heart attacked up just one more time and that was

the time that got my head out of my butt. they told me again for probably the

115 times that some day soon I wouldn't pull through my ticker messing up. they

said more then likely it was high out of control sugar that was mostly causing

my trouble and the problems would get worse every time. I simply made up my mind

to do something about my A1C of 13 and 317 pounds. of course I have hard days

that I try to talk me self out of riding my no where bike or I try and not go

the time I wish to go, but I don't allow my self to be thrown off course. I made

up my mind 3 months ago to fix my problem by what ever means I could control.

use to if I worked real hard at eating right and doing the exercise of some kind

and then the scales said I didn't work hard enough? well I use to throw the tale

in when this news I heard. I told the saw bones to day that this still makes me

mad when the scales tells me I didn't try as hard as I should have. he said the

same thing those who know will tell you. don't give up! muscles are getting

bigger in your legs and arms and muscle weighs more then fat, so this week you

may gain one step in reverse, but the next week you not only get the step back

you lost, but 5 or more you gain. one back and five forward is a pretty fine

trade off if you ask me. this is why I don't give up when my scales won't say

what I wish to hear. as of Monday of this week I had 92 hours on the no where

bike and 117 hours total rode. this number will continue to grow and I will

continue to add it up. just like the pounds will drop off. maybe not as fast as

I would wish, but they will come off as long as I'm living in this body! I

realize now after more then half of my life gone by, that the one most important

one thing that I or you can do for our health is simply daily exercise. I have

read more then once in all kinds of fitness books that those have wrote that got

in shape and lost weight. they all say you should never spend more then a total

of 2 hours in a day sitting down on your back side. I had to keep track of this

one time to see if they were nuts or did I actually sit more then 2 hours a day?

well when I wrote down when I sat and for how long I was shocked to say the

least! I did sit for twice this amount and I was at the time working a eight

hour day with a stand up job at the time and still I found the time to sit on my

pig butt for 4 hours in a day. I've timed my pc time just like I'm doing here

and it always adds up to no less then 30 minutes or longer every time. now when

I'm not on my no where bike I just do all kinds of things that need to get done

that requires me to stand up and walk to and fro. if I have nothing to do, then

I just stand and walk in circles if nothing else. my legs are getting larger

from riding my bike and sitting legs burn no calories, but moving legs will burn

calories. do you sit and talk on the phone? most people do. then walk around as

you talk and get some extra exercise this way. like to sit on the couch and

watch TV? well most do. so stand up and you can still see it or listen to it,

but you might find it isn't as interesting when standing up. after I put in my 2

hours every day on my no where bike, some times I go sit on my bike and just

peddle. I don't turn it on or make the peddles tight. I simply sit there and

make the peddles turn around and around. I may only do this for ten or 15

minutes, but I do it maybe 3 or more times in a day. it all adds up?! get you

some small hand weights and just go fetch them through the day when you got a

minute and play with them. up and down a few times or just carry them around for

a few minutes. all this movement adds up and puts your muscles where they will

like it and demand you to do more. also I have noticed that the exercise also

helps me to not crave as much desire to over eat as once I done. eating smaller

portions isn't a thing I got to plan so much as it just comes more natural now.

I think the added exercise to my daily life is why. now I don't know what you do

when you exercise, but I listen to my Bose radio and I find some getty up and go

music that makes me get up and go! I love country music and lots of that slow

dancing holding my honey tight kind of music, but it isn't the kind of sounds

that I can exercise to and dig it. I need some sounds that will jump out of the

radio and try and slap me off my bike. I put the phone right by me and if I need

to answer it, then I do and I continue to ride. now if the door bell rings, then

it can ring on. I have even learned how to talk with my honey as I ride. not as

easy to talk and have enough air, but it can be done. I use to look and think of

any old excuse I could think of why I couldn't exercise and I'm here to tell you

no one on this list or 3 like it can have as many as did I have! now I have done

a complete turn about. I now can't hardly find a reason not to ride my no where

bike. I use to try and fit exercise in to my day. now I fit my day around my

exercise. riding my no where bike for 2 hours a day is just as important to me

as my insulin and my 3 meals that I do not wish to skip! this is the same

attitude that you got to find for your self if you and exercise are to become

buddies just like you need to be with your meter. I'm also here to tell you that

one of the greatest free medicine you can take for stress in your life is,

exercise! I've used it many times and it will slap stress down and stomp it's

head in the ground. people ask me why all of a sudden did I get with the program

and now I'm doing it like I should have many years ago? I never thought this

would be my answer that I'm here to tell you right now, but as God as my witness

it is the one whole truth of it. you got to just want it bad enough is all! how

bad do you want to lose weight? how much do you want to lower your A1C? how bad

do you want to stop your over eating habit? once you want it bad enough, then

you will have it just like 3 months ago I changed my life and I wanted it real

bad! I wanted it bad enough that I made it happen and I'm still making it

happen. no excuses, because I want no excuses.

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