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Want to Start ALA chelation need help/advice.

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Hey everybody,

Long story short I've been on DMPS and DMSA 3x a day for 3 days with

11 days off. No frequent chelation. The DMPS was 150mg tablets and

the DMSA was 270mg. Both were the same protocol.

During the first chelation (DMPS) my tongue turned yellow and has

stayed that way since. I've also had a ton of increasing food

allergies with leaky gut problems as shown by a lactulose/mannitol


Now, I'm not sure how much mercury was removed with the first two

drugs which I finished in Dec. '06.

Now I'm worried my gut is not going to heal because of displaced

mercury. Is this likely? Is this keeping my tongue yellow? I've

also had a stool test and a blood test which showed " negative " for

candida, but it did show my good bacteria was low, and the neutral

was high, for instance the e. coli one. But no dysbiosis bacteria

(the bad kind).

So I'm a bit confused, if I should chelate with ALA using Andy's

protocol? Is it worth it? Will help my gut heal? I'm worried that

doing chelation again will open up a can of worms like it did

before. I'm trying to get a career going here and don't want to get

my health derailed again. (i'm 24yr old male).

So, if I do decide to do this I was going to start with the 12.5mg

ALA every 3 hours, 3 days on, 4 days off. Does this sound okay?

And what should I expect when doing this?

I'm just paranoid I'm going to make myself worse, or my gut/leaky

gut worse by doing this. But on the other hand my tongue is wacked

and I know my gut isn't where it should be, and I'm rotating a ton

of foods every 4 days to try and avoid any new food allergies.

Other than that, I'm able to work out, etc.

I was also thinking about taking Modifilan on top of that.

If anyone could offer advice/info I would greatly appreciate it.


ps. I almost forgot that my doc had me do a liver/gallbladder

cleanse in March '07 which completely destroyed my liver, raising

the enzymes, etc. This finally started getting better after taking

milk thistle. I was curious, if the first rounds of DMPS and DMSA

dumped mercury into my liver? Thus when I did the flush it released

the mercury, damaging it? I just thought of this the other day

after reading how mercury can be redistributed.

Sorry for the long post.

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