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is chelation always necessary after amalgam removal? Andy?

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I'd really like to get all of my amalgam fillings (4) out of my mouth,

but we want to have a couple more kids. DH will never let me chelate

(I have minor health problems, but nothing serious), and I'm not sure

I want to, anyway. So...how dangerous is it to get all of my amalgams

removed without chelating? Would waiting, say, 6 months after amalgam

removal before trying to conceive be long enough, or should I just

plan to leave the fillings in place until we are done having kids?

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> I'd really like to get all of my amalgam fillings (4) out of my mouth,

> but we want to have a couple more kids. DH will never let me chelate

> (I have minor health problems, but nothing serious), and I'm not sure

> I want to, anyway. So...how dangerous is it to get all of my amalgams

> removed without chelating? Would waiting, say, 6 months after amalgam

> removal before trying to conceive be long enough, or should I just

> plan to leave the fillings in place until we are done having kids?




I am not a doctor but I think waiting only 6 months would be dangerous.

I think it takes 9-12 months for blood levels to lower significantly

and sometimes blood levels are highest months after removal... I don't

think it is a good idea when the body is still detoxing. It is probably

worse than trying to conceive with amalgams in.

The worst thing you could do would be to remove your fillings without

safety precautions. Your levels will be much higher then.

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> I'd really like to get all of my amalgam fillings (4) out of my mouth,

> but we want to have a couple more kids. DH will never let me chelate

> (I have minor health problems, but nothing serious), and I'm not sure

> I want to, anyway.

So...how dangerous is it to get all of my amalgams

> removed without chelating?

TK--- this will depend entirely on the individual and many factors, no

one will be able to answer this with any certenty

Would waiting, say, 6 months after amalgam

> removal before trying to conceive be long enough

TK--- I [beleive] the waiting period is longer but can't remember what

is recommended - you can look this up in the omnibasu archives if

someone can't remember as it has been discussed.

, or should I just

> plan to leave the fillings in place until we are done having kids?




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In the Autism One Radio interview, Andy says that, before trying to conceive,

one should wait 18 months after amalgam removal and 6 months after taking



TK tk200192071@...> wrote:

TK--- I [beleive] the waiting period is longer but can't remember what

is recommended - you can look this up in the omnibasu archives if

someone can't remember as it has been discussed.

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