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Re: Low T4/High T3

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High T3 can mean the T3 isn't getting into the cells and is just

accumulating due to low cortisol. Was that Free T3 or T3 you are talking


I think Val can answer this better with potential RT3 issues but I don't

think it has to do with being on Armour perse and I personally wouldn't

suggest Synthroid which is just T4 because it won't address why the T3 is

high and not getting to the cells. If it is an RT3 issue, the Synthroid can

make it worse.


Low T4/High T3

Does anyone have any thoughts on why my T3 would be so high and my T4

so low? I started Armour in Oct. '07 and have been working my way up.

My TSH is 5.68 and my T4 at the bottom of the range, but my T3 over the

range (don't have the actual numbers in front of me) so my endo wants

to put me on 50mg Synthroid every other day in addition to the 2 grains

of Armour I'm on. He says that is the problem with being on Armour,

the high T3 to T4 radio. I get my ferritin checked in 6 weeks, but it

had been slowly coming up (was at 7 in Dec). Should I start on the


Thanks for any advice!!



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--- karlie0766 wrote:

> Does anyone have any thoughts on why my T3 would be

> so high and my T4

> so low? I started Armour in Oct. '07 and have been

> working my way up.


Are you taking the ARmour prior to testing?

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>>My TSH is 5.68 and my T4 at the bottom of the range, but my T3 over the

range (don't have the actual numbers in front of me) so my endo wants

to put me on 50mg Synthroid every other day in addition to the 2 grains

of Armour I'm on. He says that is the problem with being on Armour,

the high T3 to T4 radio.<<

UGH run from this doctor. He does nto understand thyroid replacement AT ALL.

Unfortunately docotrs such as this are MUCH more common than ones that

understand adrenals and thyroid interaction. Have you had adrneal saliva testing

done? The first thing that would come to mind on this low dose of Armoru and

over range T3 is low cortisol. Cortisol is needed for the T3 to enter the cells

so when it is low the T3 jkist builds in the blood looking really high and the

TSH stays high as the body is still screaming for more T3. Adding T4 to this

will onmly make matters worse! The trick is to replace the cortiosl you are

missing and then your T3 will go down, and probably reflect that you are

actually still quite hypothyroid on this dose and neeed more Amroru but you need

cortisl replacement first.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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