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Re:STRANGE history with a twist,

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All these symptoms you are having and your daughters are classic Mercury

poisoning symptoms. Oxytocin is disrupted as well as Thyroid and adrenal, hence

the face blindness and moodblindness and inability to enjoy human contact. I'm

one of them too. Autism can have blessings as well as be a terrible curse. My

special interests are at my web pages. I submit them here in hopes they may

comfort you: Your daughter WILL contribute to society even if she says autistic

to the last day of her life on Earth! http://www.proofgodexists.org

http://www.poemsodarwinsgod.org http://www.gigglesfromheaven.org .

That was an amazingly honest doctor! Most doctors who can't treat us, blame us,

and don't admit we are just, " out of their league.

You might have gluten and/or casein problems causing your digestive problems and

your daughter might improve if these issues were addressed in her as gluten in

celiacs can damage the gut and interphere with the digestion of nutrients

necessary for the brain and nervous system to function correctly. These kind

of digestion problems keep showing up in folks with autism and hormone

problems. There has to be some connection. We seem to do better on high protein.

One really fun theory is we are really the last of the Neanderthals and are

trying to adapt to a Cro Magnon society, Cro Magnon facial expressions and

response, and the Cro Magnon diet. (Genesis 6:1-4, perhaps?) Thus we can't eat

much grain, can't handle as many toxins because we don't sweat as much (cold

climate adapted), want to hibernate in Winter (SAD and thyroid problems), tend

to be good at what ever kind of tinkering our society makes available to us

rather its inventing cave painting or Windows Vista, domesticating fire and

animals or getting us to the Moon. The more socially skilled Cro Magnons put up

with us because we keep coming up with good stuff and marry us often enough and

we marry each other often enough, that the Neanderthal genes stay in the gene

pool. :-) Then along comes Vaccinations. Our immune systems are not as good as

the Cro Magnons at handling all this extra immune assault rather it be mercury

or just the other junk in them, so we end up very sick genius's

Hensley <>< 8-)

STRANGE history with a twist,

Posted by: " Boopercat@... " Boopercat@... boopercat

Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:35 pm (PST)

Hi, Even though I subscribed months ago, I have to admit that I haven't had

time to read the digest or post. I am the single mom of a teenager with

autism....enough said. No, let's add to that, that my mom had her third stoke


past weekend and almost died. When it rains it pours huh.

My history is that a dr. in Atlanta (went there although I'm from Alabama)

told me I had adrenal fatigue. Sure enough saliva counts showed below normal

cortisol. She told me it would take 6 months to 2 years to recover. I love

when people tell me to " relieve the stress " as if I seek it out! LOL It's just

unavoidable in my situation. Long and short of it is that I have a WEIRD

problem and a WEIRD history.

Premature menopause at age 32...cause unknown. Everything down hill since

then for the past 13 years. I have not, since menopause, been able to take

almost ANY medication. What happens is that it helps at first, then I start

having strange symptoms but the two constants are fibromyalgia and breathing

difficulty. I have to go off the meds and then those two problems go away. I

started doing some salivia testing from ZRT lab to try to track some of this

craziness myself. I determined that when I would try to take HRT that my


would very quickly go from bottomed out numbers to through the roof. THe lab

said I probably had " slow clearance " , whatever that mean. Regardless, I think

whatever the problem is, is what is preventing me from taking meds. I don't

know how to help myself with this problem. Oh by the way, I was also told I


low thyroid but when I tried to take the meds they recommended...same problem!

I'm so upset and frustrated.

Yesterday I saw a new dr. I got nowhere with him. He didn't really try to

help and just said I was " out of his league " . We did blood work and I'm not

sure when I'll get the results.

Now here is the strangest twist of all.....this year I have been doing a lot

of studying about my daughters autism. I read in a book that when adults get

a mercury problem, that it usually manifests itself in endocrine

problems...especially the ovaries, thyroid, adrenal and pituitary. My daughter

has tested

positive for mercury poisoning and her only exposure was vaccinations. She

got the vaccines at the height of the mercury content. I think back to right

before my adrenals failed and I had just had a rhogham shot, dental work

(mercury fillings) and an MMR (required for grad school). I also had a TON of


in grad school. So my questions are these:

1. Has anyone ever heard of these problems being associated with heavy


2. Has anyone every heard of " slow clearance " or get fibromyalgia on meds?

3. Does anyone have digestion problems with these endocrine problems as I'm

having that as this time...TONS of gas, stomach bloating up after eating/

4. Any suggestions for me?

PLEASE forgive me for not reading all the files at this time. My life has

been in chaos so I am breaking with my normal good manners and just posting my

problems. THANK YOU!

Kristi in Alabama

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All these symptoms you are having and your daughters are classic Mercury

poisoning symptoms. Oxytocin is disrupted as well as Thyroid and adrenal, hence

the face blindness and moodblindness and inability to enjoy human contact. I'm

one of them too. Autism can have blessings as well as be a terrible curse. My

special interests are at my web pages. I submit them here in hopes they may

comfort you: Your daughter WILL contribute to society even if she says autistic

to the last day of her life on Earth! http://www.proofgodexists.org

http://www.poemsodarwinsgod.org http://www.gigglesfromheaven.org .

That was an amazingly honest doctor! Most doctors who can't treat us, blame us,

and don't admit we are just, " out of their league.

You might have gluten and/or casein problems causing your digestive problems and

your daughter might improve if these issues were addressed in her as gluten in

celiacs can damage the gut and interphere with the digestion of nutrients

necessary for the brain and nervous system to function correctly. These kind

of digestion problems keep showing up in folks with autism and hormone

problems. There has to be some connection. We seem to do better on high protein.

One really fun theory is we are really the last of the Neanderthals and are

trying to adapt to a Cro Magnon society, Cro Magnon facial expressions and

response, and the Cro Magnon diet. (Genesis 6:1-4, perhaps?) Thus we can't eat

much grain, can't handle as many toxins because we don't sweat as much (cold

climate adapted), want to hibernate in Winter (SAD and thyroid problems), tend

to be good at what ever kind of tinkering our society makes available to us

rather its inventing cave painting or Windows Vista, domesticating fire and

animals or getting us to the Moon. The more socially skilled Cro Magnons put up

with us because we keep coming up with good stuff and marry us often enough and

we marry each other often enough, that the Neanderthal genes stay in the gene

pool. :-) Then along comes Vaccinations. Our immune systems are not as good as

the Cro Magnons at handling all this extra immune assault rather it be mercury

or just the other junk in them, so we end up very sick genius's

Hensley <>< 8-)

STRANGE history with a twist,

Posted by: " Boopercat@... " Boopercat@... boopercat

Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:35 pm (PST)

Hi, Even though I subscribed months ago, I have to admit that I haven't had

time to read the digest or post. I am the single mom of a teenager with

autism....enough said. No, let's add to that, that my mom had her third stoke


past weekend and almost died. When it rains it pours huh.

My history is that a dr. in Atlanta (went there although I'm from Alabama)

told me I had adrenal fatigue. Sure enough saliva counts showed below normal

cortisol. She told me it would take 6 months to 2 years to recover. I love

when people tell me to " relieve the stress " as if I seek it out! LOL It's just

unavoidable in my situation. Long and short of it is that I have a WEIRD

problem and a WEIRD history.

Premature menopause at age 32...cause unknown. Everything down hill since

then for the past 13 years. I have not, since menopause, been able to take

almost ANY medication. What happens is that it helps at first, then I start

having strange symptoms but the two constants are fibromyalgia and breathing

difficulty. I have to go off the meds and then those two problems go away. I

started doing some salivia testing from ZRT lab to try to track some of this

craziness myself. I determined that when I would try to take HRT that my


would very quickly go from bottomed out numbers to through the roof. THe lab

said I probably had " slow clearance " , whatever that mean. Regardless, I think

whatever the problem is, is what is preventing me from taking meds. I don't

know how to help myself with this problem. Oh by the way, I was also told I


low thyroid but when I tried to take the meds they recommended...same problem!

I'm so upset and frustrated.

Yesterday I saw a new dr. I got nowhere with him. He didn't really try to

help and just said I was " out of his league " . We did blood work and I'm not

sure when I'll get the results.

Now here is the strangest twist of all.....this year I have been doing a lot

of studying about my daughters autism. I read in a book that when adults get

a mercury problem, that it usually manifests itself in endocrine

problems...especially the ovaries, thyroid, adrenal and pituitary. My daughter

has tested

positive for mercury poisoning and her only exposure was vaccinations. She

got the vaccines at the height of the mercury content. I think back to right

before my adrenals failed and I had just had a rhogham shot, dental work

(mercury fillings) and an MMR (required for grad school). I also had a TON of


in grad school. So my questions are these:

1. Has anyone ever heard of these problems being associated with heavy


2. Has anyone every heard of " slow clearance " or get fibromyalgia on meds?

3. Does anyone have digestion problems with these endocrine problems as I'm

having that as this time...TONS of gas, stomach bloating up after eating/

4. Any suggestions for me?

PLEASE forgive me for not reading all the files at this time. My life has

been in chaos so I am breaking with my normal good manners and just posting my

problems. THANK YOU!

Kristi in Alabama

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All these symptoms you are having and your daughters are classic Mercury

poisoning symptoms. Oxytocin is disrupted as well as Thyroid and adrenal, hence

the face blindness and moodblindness and inability to enjoy human contact. I'm

one of them too. Autism can have blessings as well as be a terrible curse. My

special interests are at my web pages. I submit them here in hopes they may

comfort you: Your daughter WILL contribute to society even if she says autistic

to the last day of her life on Earth! http://www.proofgodexists.org

http://www.poemsodarwinsgod.org http://www.gigglesfromheaven.org .

That was an amazingly honest doctor! Most doctors who can't treat us, blame us,

and don't admit we are just, " out of their league.

You might have gluten and/or casein problems causing your digestive problems and

your daughter might improve if these issues were addressed in her as gluten in

celiacs can damage the gut and interphere with the digestion of nutrients

necessary for the brain and nervous system to function correctly. These kind

of digestion problems keep showing up in folks with autism and hormone

problems. There has to be some connection. We seem to do better on high protein.

One really fun theory is we are really the last of the Neanderthals and are

trying to adapt to a Cro Magnon society, Cro Magnon facial expressions and

response, and the Cro Magnon diet. (Genesis 6:1-4, perhaps?) Thus we can't eat

much grain, can't handle as many toxins because we don't sweat as much (cold

climate adapted), want to hibernate in Winter (SAD and thyroid problems), tend

to be good at what ever kind of tinkering our society makes available to us

rather its inventing cave painting or Windows Vista, domesticating fire and

animals or getting us to the Moon. The more socially skilled Cro Magnons put up

with us because we keep coming up with good stuff and marry us often enough and

we marry each other often enough, that the Neanderthal genes stay in the gene

pool. :-) Then along comes Vaccinations. Our immune systems are not as good as

the Cro Magnons at handling all this extra immune assault rather it be mercury

or just the other junk in them, so we end up very sick genius's

Hensley <>< 8-)

STRANGE history with a twist,

Posted by: " Boopercat@... " Boopercat@... boopercat

Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:35 pm (PST)

Hi, Even though I subscribed months ago, I have to admit that I haven't had

time to read the digest or post. I am the single mom of a teenager with

autism....enough said. No, let's add to that, that my mom had her third stoke


past weekend and almost died. When it rains it pours huh.

My history is that a dr. in Atlanta (went there although I'm from Alabama)

told me I had adrenal fatigue. Sure enough saliva counts showed below normal

cortisol. She told me it would take 6 months to 2 years to recover. I love

when people tell me to " relieve the stress " as if I seek it out! LOL It's just

unavoidable in my situation. Long and short of it is that I have a WEIRD

problem and a WEIRD history.

Premature menopause at age 32...cause unknown. Everything down hill since

then for the past 13 years. I have not, since menopause, been able to take

almost ANY medication. What happens is that it helps at first, then I start

having strange symptoms but the two constants are fibromyalgia and breathing

difficulty. I have to go off the meds and then those two problems go away. I

started doing some salivia testing from ZRT lab to try to track some of this

craziness myself. I determined that when I would try to take HRT that my


would very quickly go from bottomed out numbers to through the roof. THe lab

said I probably had " slow clearance " , whatever that mean. Regardless, I think

whatever the problem is, is what is preventing me from taking meds. I don't

know how to help myself with this problem. Oh by the way, I was also told I


low thyroid but when I tried to take the meds they recommended...same problem!

I'm so upset and frustrated.

Yesterday I saw a new dr. I got nowhere with him. He didn't really try to

help and just said I was " out of his league " . We did blood work and I'm not

sure when I'll get the results.

Now here is the strangest twist of all.....this year I have been doing a lot

of studying about my daughters autism. I read in a book that when adults get

a mercury problem, that it usually manifests itself in endocrine

problems...especially the ovaries, thyroid, adrenal and pituitary. My daughter

has tested

positive for mercury poisoning and her only exposure was vaccinations. She

got the vaccines at the height of the mercury content. I think back to right

before my adrenals failed and I had just had a rhogham shot, dental work

(mercury fillings) and an MMR (required for grad school). I also had a TON of


in grad school. So my questions are these:

1. Has anyone ever heard of these problems being associated with heavy


2. Has anyone every heard of " slow clearance " or get fibromyalgia on meds?

3. Does anyone have digestion problems with these endocrine problems as I'm

having that as this time...TONS of gas, stomach bloating up after eating/

4. Any suggestions for me?

PLEASE forgive me for not reading all the files at this time. My life has

been in chaos so I am breaking with my normal good manners and just posting my

problems. THANK YOU!

Kristi in Alabama

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I do have incredibly bad stomach/gas/upset/bloating, though I have had

it before I was diagnosed with all these endocrine disorders. However,

I notice it has gotten worse with all the TONS of supplement I am

taking and wonder if that is exacerbating it.


> All these symptoms you are having and your daughters are

classic Mercury poisoning symptoms. Oxytocin is disrupted as well as

Thyroid and adrenal, hence the face blindness and moodblindness and

inability to enjoy human contact. I'm one of them too. Autism can have

blessings as well as be a terrible curse. My special interests are at

my web pages. I submit them here in hopes they may comfort you: Your

daughter WILL contribute to society even if she says autistic to the

last day of her life on Earth! http://www.proofgodexists.org

http://www.poemsodarwinsgod.org http://www.gigglesfromheaven.org .


> That was an amazingly honest doctor! Most doctors who can't treat

us, blame us, and don't admit we are just, " out of their league.


> You might have gluten and/or casein problems causing your digestive

problems and your daughter might improve if these issues were

addressed in her as gluten in celiacs can damage the gut and

interphere with the digestion of nutrients necessary for the brain and

nervous system to function correctly. These kind of digestion

problems keep showing up in folks with autism and hormone problems.

There has to be some connection. We seem to do better on high protein.


> One really fun theory is we are really the last of the

Neanderthals and are trying to adapt to a Cro Magnon society, Cro

Magnon facial expressions and response, and the Cro Magnon diet.

(Genesis 6:1-4, perhaps?) Thus we can't eat much grain, can't handle

as many toxins because we don't sweat as much (cold climate adapted),

want to hibernate in Winter (SAD and thyroid problems), tend to be

good at what ever kind of tinkering our society makes available to us

rather its inventing cave painting or Windows Vista, domesticating

fire and animals or getting us to the Moon. The more socially skilled

Cro Magnons put up with us because we keep coming up with good stuff

and marry us often enough and we marry each other often enough, that

the Neanderthal genes stay in the gene pool. :-) Then along comes

Vaccinations. Our immune systems are not as good as the Cro Magnons at

handling all this extra immune assault rather it be mercury or just

the other junk in them, so we end up very sick genius's

> Hensley <>< 8-)

> STRANGE history with a twist,

> Posted by: " Boopercat@... " Boopercat@... boopercat

> Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:35 pm (PST)

> Hi, Even though I subscribed months ago, I have to admit that I

haven't had

> time to read the digest or post. I am the single mom of a teenager


> autism....enough said. No, let's add to that, that my mom had her

third stoke this

> past weekend and almost died. When it rains it pours huh.


> My history is that a dr. in Atlanta (went there although I'm from


> told me I had adrenal fatigue. Sure enough saliva counts showed

below normal

> cortisol. She told me it would take 6 months to 2 years to

recover. I love

> when people tell me to " relieve the stress " as if I seek it out!

LOL It's just

> unavoidable in my situation. Long and short of it is that I have a


> problem and a WEIRD history.


> Premature menopause at age 32...cause unknown. Everything down

hill since

> then for the past 13 years. I have not, since menopause, been able

to take

> almost ANY medication. What happens is that it helps at first,

then I start

> having strange symptoms but the two constants are fibromyalgia and


> difficulty. I have to go off the meds and then those two problems

go away. I

> started doing some salivia testing from ZRT lab to try to track

some of this

> craziness myself. I determined that when I would try to take HRT

that my counts

> would very quickly go from bottomed out numbers to through the

roof. THe lab

> said I probably had " slow clearance " , whatever that mean.

Regardless, I think

> whatever the problem is, is what is preventing me from taking

meds. I don't

> know how to help myself with this problem. Oh by the way, I was

also told I had

> low thyroid but when I tried to take the meds they

recommended...same problem!

> I'm so upset and frustrated.


> Yesterday I saw a new dr. I got nowhere with him. He didn't really

try to

> help and just said I was " out of his league " . We did blood work

and I'm not

> sure when I'll get the results.


> Now here is the strangest twist of all.....this year I have been

doing a lot

> of studying about my daughters autism. I read in a book that when

adults get

> a mercury problem, that it usually manifests itself in endocrine

> problems...especially the ovaries, thyroid, adrenal and pituitary.

My daughter has tested

> positive for mercury poisoning and her only exposure was

vaccinations. She

> got the vaccines at the height of the mercury content. I think

back to right

> before my adrenals failed and I had just had a rhogham shot,

dental work

> (mercury fillings) and an MMR (required for grad school). I also

had a TON of stress

> in grad school. So my questions are these:


> 1. Has anyone ever heard of these problems being associated with


> metals?

> 2. Has anyone every heard of " slow clearance " or get fibromyalgia

on meds?

> 3. Does anyone have digestion problems with these endocrine

problems as I'm

> having that as this time...TONS of gas, stomach bloating up after


> 4. Any suggestions for me?


> PLEASE forgive me for not reading all the files at this time. My

life has

> been in chaos so I am breaking with my normal good manners and

just posting my

> problems. THANK YOU!


> Kristi in Alabama



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