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In a message dated 2/20/02 11:30:37 AM Central Standard Time,

lisapooh312@... writes:

> Hi, I have just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Or actually they changed

> my long time diagnosis from RA to this. I have had it for years. I don't

> know when I have been without pain. It is just part of life. I think the

> hardest part is you don't look sick so everyone assumes you are fine.

> Besides fibro I have diabetes and a hearing loss. Sounds like I am a mess

> sometimes. :)


> Welcome Lisbet to the list. I have diabetes and there are others on this

> list that also have it. I have had fibro for years but it took many

> doctors and a bad fall to get it diagnosed. There are days and today is

> one of then where the pain is so bad that I can't cope so I am going to

> bed. I have been through the " you don't look sick, " on this list or

> another someone answered that with " what does sick look like. " I like that

> answer and the next time something is said to me I am going to use it.

> :-))

Take care,


Books may well be the only true magic

Alice Hoffman.

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  • 8 months later...

Dayna - Ken gave awesome information. So I won't repeat any of

that. Give me a call offline some time () - I am the

volunteer from the RSS division at MAGIC that takes calls, etc. Jodi

Zwain handles our emails. I can direct you to some good library

information you can order free from MAGIC that should help you as

well. My private email is magicrss@ mindspring.com.

> So, I'm new to the board and new to RSS. My 11 1/2 month old

> daughter was diagnosed with RSS last week. I am scrambling to find

> any and all info I can on RSS. I have a pending membership with


> MAGIC foundation and it seems as thought that is a step in the


> direction. ALyssa was an IUGR baby born at 35 weeks. Born at 2lbs

> 8oz she now weighs a whopping 12lb 2oz. I am curious what some

> suggestions might be for some high calorie, nutrient rich foods.

> She's not too crazy about her bottles and doesn't have that great


> an appetite. I made an appointment with a pediatric


> but the earliest appt. they had isn't until Jan. I'm going crazy

> with the waiting. I feel like I should be doing something, but I'm


> little overwhelmed and have no idea what that something is. I keep

> seeing the name Dr. H over and over and I am wondering who that


> Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated. I have tried


> list a photo in the photos section as well.


> Thanks!!

> Dayna, mom to Alyssa-born 11/13/01 at 2lbs 8oz, 14 inches,


> 12lbs 2oz 26 inches.

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Dayna - Ken gave awesome information. So I won't repeat any of

that. Give me a call offline some time () - I am the

volunteer from the RSS division at MAGIC that takes calls, etc. Jodi

Zwain handles our emails. I can direct you to some good library

information you can order free from MAGIC that should help you as

well. My private email is magicrss@ mindspring.com.

> So, I'm new to the board and new to RSS. My 11 1/2 month old

> daughter was diagnosed with RSS last week. I am scrambling to find

> any and all info I can on RSS. I have a pending membership with


> MAGIC foundation and it seems as thought that is a step in the


> direction. ALyssa was an IUGR baby born at 35 weeks. Born at 2lbs

> 8oz she now weighs a whopping 12lb 2oz. I am curious what some

> suggestions might be for some high calorie, nutrient rich foods.

> She's not too crazy about her bottles and doesn't have that great


> an appetite. I made an appointment with a pediatric


> but the earliest appt. they had isn't until Jan. I'm going crazy

> with the waiting. I feel like I should be doing something, but I'm


> little overwhelmed and have no idea what that something is. I keep

> seeing the name Dr. H over and over and I am wondering who that


> Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated. I have tried


> list a photo in the photos section as well.


> Thanks!!

> Dayna, mom to Alyssa-born 11/13/01 at 2lbs 8oz, 14 inches,


> 12lbs 2oz 26 inches.

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Dayna - Ken gave awesome information. So I won't repeat any of

that. Give me a call offline some time () - I am the

volunteer from the RSS division at MAGIC that takes calls, etc. Jodi

Zwain handles our emails. I can direct you to some good library

information you can order free from MAGIC that should help you as

well. My private email is magicrss@ mindspring.com.

> So, I'm new to the board and new to RSS. My 11 1/2 month old

> daughter was diagnosed with RSS last week. I am scrambling to find

> any and all info I can on RSS. I have a pending membership with


> MAGIC foundation and it seems as thought that is a step in the


> direction. ALyssa was an IUGR baby born at 35 weeks. Born at 2lbs

> 8oz she now weighs a whopping 12lb 2oz. I am curious what some

> suggestions might be for some high calorie, nutrient rich foods.

> She's not too crazy about her bottles and doesn't have that great


> an appetite. I made an appointment with a pediatric


> but the earliest appt. they had isn't until Jan. I'm going crazy

> with the waiting. I feel like I should be doing something, but I'm


> little overwhelmed and have no idea what that something is. I keep

> seeing the name Dr. H over and over and I am wondering who that


> Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated. I have tried


> list a photo in the photos section as well.


> Thanks!!

> Dayna, mom to Alyssa-born 11/13/01 at 2lbs 8oz, 14 inches,


> 12lbs 2oz 26 inches.

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Hello Dayna!!

I´m Helén living in Stockholm, Sweden.

My son is 5 days younger than your daughter!! A wonderful boy with a

very strong presonality. He was born full term 41 cm tall and weight

2100 grams. He is now 62 cm and 4850 gr. I love to share your

experiences. / Helén mother of big girl Mica 13 years old and

wonderful Mattias 11,5 months old.

- In RSS-Support@y..., " daycarney " wrote:

> So, I'm new to the board and new to RSS. My 11 1/2 month old

> daughter was diagnosed with RSS last week. I am scrambling to find

> any and all info I can on RSS. I have a pending membership with


> MAGIC foundation and it seems as thought that is a step in the


> direction. ALyssa was an IUGR baby born at 35 weeks. Born at 2lbs

8oz she now weighs a whopping 12lb 2oz. I am curious what some

> suggestions might be for some high calorie, nutrient rich foods.

> She's not too crazy about her bottles and doesn't have that great


> an appetite. I made an appointment with a pediatric


> but the earliest appt. they had isn't until Jan. I'm going crazy

> with the waiting. I feel like I should be doing something, but I'm


> little overwhelmed and have no idea what that something is. I keep

> seeing the name Dr. H over and over and I am wondering who that


> Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated. I have tried


> list a photo in the photos section as well.


> Thanks!!

> Dayna, mom to Alyssa-born 11/13/01 at 2lbs 8oz, 14 inches,


> 12lbs 2oz 26 inches.

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Hello Dayna!!

I´m Helén living in Stockholm, Sweden.

My son is 5 days younger than your daughter!! A wonderful boy with a

very strong presonality. He was born full term 41 cm tall and weight

2100 grams. He is now 62 cm and 4850 gr. I love to share your

experiences. / Helén mother of big girl Mica 13 years old and

wonderful Mattias 11,5 months old.

- In RSS-Support@y..., " daycarney " wrote:

> So, I'm new to the board and new to RSS. My 11 1/2 month old

> daughter was diagnosed with RSS last week. I am scrambling to find

> any and all info I can on RSS. I have a pending membership with


> MAGIC foundation and it seems as thought that is a step in the


> direction. ALyssa was an IUGR baby born at 35 weeks. Born at 2lbs

8oz she now weighs a whopping 12lb 2oz. I am curious what some

> suggestions might be for some high calorie, nutrient rich foods.

> She's not too crazy about her bottles and doesn't have that great


> an appetite. I made an appointment with a pediatric


> but the earliest appt. they had isn't until Jan. I'm going crazy

> with the waiting. I feel like I should be doing something, but I'm


> little overwhelmed and have no idea what that something is. I keep

> seeing the name Dr. H over and over and I am wondering who that


> Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated. I have tried


> list a photo in the photos section as well.


> Thanks!!

> Dayna, mom to Alyssa-born 11/13/01 at 2lbs 8oz, 14 inches,


> 12lbs 2oz 26 inches.

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Hello Dayna!!

I´m Helén living in Stockholm, Sweden.

My son is 5 days younger than your daughter!! A wonderful boy with a

very strong presonality. He was born full term 41 cm tall and weight

2100 grams. He is now 62 cm and 4850 gr. I love to share your

experiences. / Helén mother of big girl Mica 13 years old and

wonderful Mattias 11,5 months old.

- In RSS-Support@y..., " daycarney " wrote:

> So, I'm new to the board and new to RSS. My 11 1/2 month old

> daughter was diagnosed with RSS last week. I am scrambling to find

> any and all info I can on RSS. I have a pending membership with


> MAGIC foundation and it seems as thought that is a step in the


> direction. ALyssa was an IUGR baby born at 35 weeks. Born at 2lbs

8oz she now weighs a whopping 12lb 2oz. I am curious what some

> suggestions might be for some high calorie, nutrient rich foods.

> She's not too crazy about her bottles and doesn't have that great


> an appetite. I made an appointment with a pediatric


> but the earliest appt. they had isn't until Jan. I'm going crazy

> with the waiting. I feel like I should be doing something, but I'm


> little overwhelmed and have no idea what that something is. I keep

> seeing the name Dr. H over and over and I am wondering who that


> Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated. I have tried


> list a photo in the photos section as well.


> Thanks!!

> Dayna, mom to Alyssa-born 11/13/01 at 2lbs 8oz, 14 inches,


> 12lbs 2oz 26 inches.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 4/16/03 10:41:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

vhunnius@... writes:

> At five months!? I've never HEARD of that! What did the doctors say?




We were believed-especially when he looked at the nurse and said " oh Sh&


Thank you for the welcome.

The Grammas & Keion

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In a message dated 4/16/03 10:41:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

vhunnius@... writes:

> At five months!? I've never HEARD of that! What did the doctors say?




We were believed-especially when he looked at the nurse and said " oh Sh&


Thank you for the welcome.

The Grammas & Keion

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In a message dated 4/16/03 10:41:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

vhunnius@... writes:

> At five months!? I've never HEARD of that! What did the doctors say?




We were believed-especially when he looked at the nurse and said " oh Sh&


Thank you for the welcome.

The Grammas & Keion

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Welcome. I am Jacquie H married to Jeff and mother of 3. Greggory is 7 yrs old

and HF austic. Alec is 5 yrs old and autistic, bipolar, adhd and probably ODD.

Yessenia is 9 months and right now the focus of all my attention and worry.

Jacquie H

Re: new here

In a message dated 4/16/03 6:21:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

myfishruleWJG@... writes:


OK it is later so here goes-lol

We are Gloria and Earline and we are raising G's grandson. He will be 2

in a few weeks and was diagnosed 3 months ago with Autism.

When he came to us for good at 3 months we had no idea what was

happening. He was a screamer, arched himself away from all human contact. The

only time he seemed happy was when he was in semidarkness lying on his back

watching the ceiling fan go around. Lots of things seemed out of sync but

being 48 and 57 we figured we were being overly concerned as older moms. We

gave him lots of TLC and took him in for his check ups and prayed but we knew.

At 5 months he started saying sentences-I love you, ready to go now, go

Yankees-seriously. He did this off and on until he was a year old then

nothing-no mama,dada,just silence. He babbles some now but at times is mute

for long periods Keion is in speech therapy and OT. He is at the 6 months

level in speech and has fine motor problems and sensory issues from he!!-lol

He is a runner and screamer,will run and gallop ,screaming as if in absolute


Keion is addicted to Baby Einstein videos, music especially jazz or

classical,door locks,green vegetables ,anything that spins or twirls ,water

and strings.He does not like loud people,bright lights,sweets,hot weather or

clothes! lol

His birthmom has not seen him since he was 2 months old-a sad case but

not a bad person-his father is out of the picture and has serious problems as

well so it looks like we will be raising lil man.

Ladies this is a marvelous list the courage and love here is amazing. We read

what is going on and it brings us great comfort and helps us be less afraid.

Sometimes we get very discouraged but then we come here and get some wisdom,

laughter and even share some tears and hey it is good medicine for our

souls.-be proud of yourselves.

The Grammas & Keion

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Welcome Gramma's! Glad you are liking it here. :-) From the sounds of it

Keion is very lucky to have the two of you looking out for him! Where are

you located? We have people here from literally all over the world! Any

question's, or needs to vent or celebrate are welcome here.

Sue in Waterford, MI

Wife to Mark

Mom to: , HFA, 13

9 1/2, AS/ADD

IM: smgaska1

Autism, the hardest puzzle to put together.

Re: new here

> In a message dated 4/16/03 6:21:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> myfishruleWJG@... writes:



> >


> OK it is later so here goes-lol

> We are Gloria and Earline and we are raising G's grandson. He will be


> in a few weeks and was diagnosed 3 months ago with Autism.

> When he came to us for good at 3 months we had no idea what was

> happening. He was a screamer, arched himself away from all human contact.


> only time he seemed happy was when he was in semidarkness lying on his


> watching the ceiling fan go around. Lots of things seemed out of sync but

> being 48 and 57 we figured we were being overly concerned as older moms.


> gave him lots of TLC and took him in for his check ups and prayed but we


> At 5 months he started saying sentences-I love you, ready to go now, go

> Yankees-seriously. He did this off and on until he was a year old then

> nothing-no mama,dada,just silence. He babbles some now but at times is


> for long periods Keion is in speech therapy and OT. He is at the 6 months

> level in speech and has fine motor problems and sensory issues from


> He is a runner and screamer,will run and gallop ,screaming as if in


> bliss.

> Keion is addicted to Baby Einstein videos, music especially jazz or

> classical,door locks,green vegetables ,anything that spins or twirls


> and strings.He does not like loud people,bright lights,sweets,hot weather


> clothes! lol

> His birthmom has not seen him since he was 2 months old-a sad case


> not a bad person-his father is out of the picture and has serious problems


> well so it looks like we will be raising lil man.

> Ladies this is a marvelous list the courage and love here is amazing. We


> what is going on and it brings us great comfort and helps us be less


> Sometimes we get very discouraged but then we come here and get some


> laughter and even share some tears and hey it is good medicine for our

> souls.-be proud of yourselves.

> The Grammas & Keion




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Guest guest

Welcome Gramma's! Glad you are liking it here. :-) From the sounds of it

Keion is very lucky to have the two of you looking out for him! Where are

you located? We have people here from literally all over the world! Any

question's, or needs to vent or celebrate are welcome here.

Sue in Waterford, MI

Wife to Mark

Mom to: , HFA, 13

9 1/2, AS/ADD

IM: smgaska1

Autism, the hardest puzzle to put together.

Re: new here

> In a message dated 4/16/03 6:21:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> myfishruleWJG@... writes:



> >


> OK it is later so here goes-lol

> We are Gloria and Earline and we are raising G's grandson. He will be


> in a few weeks and was diagnosed 3 months ago with Autism.

> When he came to us for good at 3 months we had no idea what was

> happening. He was a screamer, arched himself away from all human contact.


> only time he seemed happy was when he was in semidarkness lying on his


> watching the ceiling fan go around. Lots of things seemed out of sync but

> being 48 and 57 we figured we were being overly concerned as older moms.


> gave him lots of TLC and took him in for his check ups and prayed but we


> At 5 months he started saying sentences-I love you, ready to go now, go

> Yankees-seriously. He did this off and on until he was a year old then

> nothing-no mama,dada,just silence. He babbles some now but at times is


> for long periods Keion is in speech therapy and OT. He is at the 6 months

> level in speech and has fine motor problems and sensory issues from


> He is a runner and screamer,will run and gallop ,screaming as if in


> bliss.

> Keion is addicted to Baby Einstein videos, music especially jazz or

> classical,door locks,green vegetables ,anything that spins or twirls


> and strings.He does not like loud people,bright lights,sweets,hot weather


> clothes! lol

> His birthmom has not seen him since he was 2 months old-a sad case


> not a bad person-his father is out of the picture and has serious problems


> well so it looks like we will be raising lil man.

> Ladies this is a marvelous list the courage and love here is amazing. We


> what is going on and it brings us great comfort and helps us be less


> Sometimes we get very discouraged but then we come here and get some


> laughter and even share some tears and hey it is good medicine for our

> souls.-be proud of yourselves.

> The Grammas & Keion




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Guest guest

Welcome Gramma's! Glad you are liking it here. :-) From the sounds of it

Keion is very lucky to have the two of you looking out for him! Where are

you located? We have people here from literally all over the world! Any

question's, or needs to vent or celebrate are welcome here.

Sue in Waterford, MI

Wife to Mark

Mom to: , HFA, 13

9 1/2, AS/ADD

IM: smgaska1

Autism, the hardest puzzle to put together.

Re: new here

> In a message dated 4/16/03 6:21:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> myfishruleWJG@... writes:



> >


> OK it is later so here goes-lol

> We are Gloria and Earline and we are raising G's grandson. He will be


> in a few weeks and was diagnosed 3 months ago with Autism.

> When he came to us for good at 3 months we had no idea what was

> happening. He was a screamer, arched himself away from all human contact.


> only time he seemed happy was when he was in semidarkness lying on his


> watching the ceiling fan go around. Lots of things seemed out of sync but

> being 48 and 57 we figured we were being overly concerned as older moms.


> gave him lots of TLC and took him in for his check ups and prayed but we


> At 5 months he started saying sentences-I love you, ready to go now, go

> Yankees-seriously. He did this off and on until he was a year old then

> nothing-no mama,dada,just silence. He babbles some now but at times is


> for long periods Keion is in speech therapy and OT. He is at the 6 months

> level in speech and has fine motor problems and sensory issues from


> He is a runner and screamer,will run and gallop ,screaming as if in


> bliss.

> Keion is addicted to Baby Einstein videos, music especially jazz or

> classical,door locks,green vegetables ,anything that spins or twirls


> and strings.He does not like loud people,bright lights,sweets,hot weather


> clothes! lol

> His birthmom has not seen him since he was 2 months old-a sad case


> not a bad person-his father is out of the picture and has serious problems


> well so it looks like we will be raising lil man.

> Ladies this is a marvelous list the courage and love here is amazing. We


> what is going on and it brings us great comfort and helps us be less


> Sometimes we get very discouraged but then we come here and get some


> laughter and even share some tears and hey it is good medicine for our

> souls.-be proud of yourselves.

> The Grammas & Keion




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Hi Gloria, Earline and Keion, I am living in Sydney Australia. You guys

hit it on the button when you said,

> Ladies this is a marvelous list the courage and love here is amazing. We read

what is going on and it brings us great comfort and helps us be less afraid.

Sometimes we get very discouraged but then we come here and get some wisdom,

laughter and even share some tears and hey it is good medicine for our

souls.-be proud of yourselves.

This is a great bunch of people and they have helped me immensely.

Welcome to the group and enjoy.


Mum to 5 (NT)

2.4 (ASD)

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> Welcome..you've find the right place non-judgemental

> support and friendship..there is no other group on the

> entire internet like this one.

Man, you all are so good for my ego this week!


Hey, if your head is big NOW, listen to this:

I dreamt about you and Marc last night.

Very, very strange.

Penny :-D

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Guest guest

I have to agree with this!



I have learned more about autism, and what to do to

help , from all of the wonderful people here

than any *professional* could ever advise!


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Guest guest

I have to agree with this!



I have learned more about autism, and what to do to

help , from all of the wonderful people here

than any *professional* could ever advise!


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Guest guest

I have to agree with this!



I have learned more about autism, and what to do to

help , from all of the wonderful people here

than any *professional* could ever advise!


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Beverly,

I think the amount we gain while pregnant is individual. Some people seem to

struggle to put the pounds on while pregnant. Other people (like me) really

have to watch it while pregnant. Most people seem to lose it after they have

the baby. Most people report almost immediately going back to their

pre-pregnancy appetites and stomach capacity. At least that is what happened to


Good luck,

Shoshannah K

open proximal roux ny 3/6/01

Mom to A.J. 11/6/95

Mom to Jillian Alise 7/3/03

Rockville, land

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Hi Beverly,

I was 10 pounds from goal weight when I got pregnant with my son. I

got down to 152 (2 pounds from goal) in the beginning of my

pregnancy, and the day I had him I weighed 167. As of this morning

I weighed 146 (which I reached about 5 days ago...just maintaining

right now). My son was only born on July 5th. I am nursing right

now, so that is probably helping with the weight loss. Needless to

say, all of my 12's fit me great, and at least half are loose on my,

which is even better. If you eat healthy and take care of yourself,

I wouldn't be concerned about losing weight after the baby is born.

I would only be concerned if you make poor food choices on a

frequent basis. Good luck to you and your hubby on conceiving, and

congrats on the weight loss!

Becky Soodsma

Lap 03/04/02

Mommy to Lawrence July 5, 2003, Selena Marie 06/30/96 and

Leanne 08/03/93

> Hi Everyone!!


> I am new here and have a million and one questions. I am post-


> Open RNy 4/10/02, started out at 335, now at 162, almost at my

> personal!! Anyway, My husband and I want to start trying to get

> pregnant. We figured I would quit my BC pills in September,

that's 1

> 1/2 years post op for me, kind of what my surgeon recommends. I

> wasn't concerned about gaining baby weight at all until recently.


> am very proud with how well I have done losing the weight and am

> really concerned as to how much weight I will gain and what kind


> difficulty I should expect to have in losing that weight after the

> baby is born. It has been terrifying me lately!!! I can only


> it being due to September not being to far off. Any help in this

> matter would be greatly appreciated!!!


> Thanks Bunches!!!

> Beverly Popolo

> Pittsburgh, PA

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Hi Beverly,

I was 10 pounds from goal weight when I got pregnant with my son. I

got down to 152 (2 pounds from goal) in the beginning of my

pregnancy, and the day I had him I weighed 167. As of this morning

I weighed 146 (which I reached about 5 days ago...just maintaining

right now). My son was only born on July 5th. I am nursing right

now, so that is probably helping with the weight loss. Needless to

say, all of my 12's fit me great, and at least half are loose on my,

which is even better. If you eat healthy and take care of yourself,

I wouldn't be concerned about losing weight after the baby is born.

I would only be concerned if you make poor food choices on a

frequent basis. Good luck to you and your hubby on conceiving, and

congrats on the weight loss!

Becky Soodsma

Lap 03/04/02

Mommy to Lawrence July 5, 2003, Selena Marie 06/30/96 and

Leanne 08/03/93

> Hi Everyone!!


> I am new here and have a million and one questions. I am post-


> Open RNy 4/10/02, started out at 335, now at 162, almost at my

> personal!! Anyway, My husband and I want to start trying to get

> pregnant. We figured I would quit my BC pills in September,

that's 1

> 1/2 years post op for me, kind of what my surgeon recommends. I

> wasn't concerned about gaining baby weight at all until recently.


> am very proud with how well I have done losing the weight and am

> really concerned as to how much weight I will gain and what kind


> difficulty I should expect to have in losing that weight after the

> baby is born. It has been terrifying me lately!!! I can only


> it being due to September not being to far off. Any help in this

> matter would be greatly appreciated!!!


> Thanks Bunches!!!

> Beverly Popolo

> Pittsburgh, PA

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