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klonopin question

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For those of us who are using klonopin, what do you do when your current

dosage amt simply quits working. I'm up to 2 mg and do NOT feel comfortable

increasing it. Especially after reading the article about yellow dye. I've

got .5 mg tabs that are nice pretty yellow...... sigh...........

I realize that ultimately I need to make my own decisions, would like some

input though.

Both shrink and myself would like to seem me go back to klonopin as prn.

(as needed) rather than regularly. I've slowly worked up to needing this

amount over the past 18 months.

kc in AZ

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Hi, I'm on klonopin too. Went from xanax to klonopin. I'm only taking 1/2mg.

I'm coming down starting now. Have you taken it everyday for 18 months? This

is a drug that needs to be weaned down very slowly, like 10-20% decrease every

10 days of so. If you don't, the withdrawals are pretty terrible. I hope your

doctor has told you this.

c in az wrote: For those

of us who are using klonopin, what do you do when your current

dosage amt simply quits working. I'm up to 2 mg and do NOT feel comfortable

increasing it. Especially after reading the article about yellow dye. I've

got .5 mg tabs that are nice pretty yellow...... sigh...........

I realize that ultimately I need to make my own decisions, would like some

input though.

Both shrink and myself would like to seem me go back to klonopin as prn.

(as needed) rather than regularly. I've slowly worked up to needing this

amount over the past 18 months.

kc in AZ


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Hi, I'm on klonopin too. Went from xanax to klonopin. I'm only taking 1/2mg.

I'm coming down starting now. Have you taken it everyday for 18 months? This

is a drug that needs to be weaned down very slowly, like 10-20% decrease every

10 days of so. If you don't, the withdrawals are pretty terrible. I hope your

doctor has told you this.

c in az wrote: For those

of us who are using klonopin, what do you do when your current

dosage amt simply quits working. I'm up to 2 mg and do NOT feel comfortable

increasing it. Especially after reading the article about yellow dye. I've

got .5 mg tabs that are nice pretty yellow...... sigh...........

I realize that ultimately I need to make my own decisions, would like some

input though.

Both shrink and myself would like to seem me go back to klonopin as prn.

(as needed) rather than regularly. I've slowly worked up to needing this

amount over the past 18 months.

kc in AZ


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Hi, I'm on klonopin too. Went from xanax to klonopin. I'm only taking 1/2mg.

I'm coming down starting now. Have you taken it everyday for 18 months? This

is a drug that needs to be weaned down very slowly, like 10-20% decrease every

10 days of so. If you don't, the withdrawals are pretty terrible. I hope your

doctor has told you this.

c in az wrote: For those

of us who are using klonopin, what do you do when your current

dosage amt simply quits working. I'm up to 2 mg and do NOT feel comfortable

increasing it. Especially after reading the article about yellow dye. I've

got .5 mg tabs that are nice pretty yellow...... sigh...........

I realize that ultimately I need to make my own decisions, would like some

input though.

Both shrink and myself would like to seem me go back to klonopin as prn.

(as needed) rather than regularly. I've slowly worked up to needing this

amount over the past 18 months.

kc in AZ


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Thanks Mark. I only take it at night, don't feel like I can take it

during the day and still drive.

I'm one of the odd folks here who actually has HIGH cortisol problems.

I use Soma (muscle relaxer) as well and it does more for me than klonopin


I just really need to get this tyroid stuff in line, Have been advised that

weaning off klonpin iwht thyroid wacked is not a good idea.

kc in AZ

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I was weaning 1/2 tablet every couple weeks and got down to 1.5 mg. But

that's when I found out from the wonderful folks here, that weaning was not

a good idea.

I " thought " shrink was really gonna work with me, she still might, but am

afraid that she will cut me off cold turkey. Some days I don't think she's

the brightest bunny in the forest. I have agreed to see her primary who is

an integrative medicine dude. Hoping that that, along with only doing the

cytomel as she is asking will convince her to give me Armour.

I'll go behind her back if I have to.

Not sure how much I trust this shrink, I dont' trust any shrink for that


wow, I'm pretty negative today. sorry folks, will watch myself.

kc in AZ

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I'm on the .5s and mine are green. My doc has me mostly talked in to

going up to at least .75 to help me stay asleep if it is capable of

doing that - I don't know that it is because when I wake up it is

often b/c of low cortisol and hypogly which will wake me no matter now

much klono I'm on (within reason of course). What " yellow eye " are

you referring to? I have resisted increasing b/c I don't want to get

caught in the trap of needing more and more and then having a harder

time to wean off later which I intend to do. My doc and psydoc want

me on more of course. I don't think that now is the time for us to

quit it though b/c we have enough anxiety right now with our symptoms,

side-effects, etc. Try to hang in there and resist going up,

especially only on doc's advice, unless you need it. Are you taking

magnesium? It helps you relax and it's safe and natural.


> For those of us who are using klonopin, what do you do when your


> dosage amt simply quits working. I'm up to 2 mg and do NOT feel


> increasing it. Especially after reading the article about yellow

dye. I've

> got .5 mg tabs that are nice pretty yellow...... sigh...........


> I realize that ultimately I need to make my own decisions, would

like some

> input though.


> Both shrink and myself would like to seem me go back to klonopin as


> (as needed) rather than regularly. I've slowly worked up to

needing this

> amount over the past 18 months.


> kc in AZ


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Went back and looked at my pills and I had green, blue, and yellow,

all 1mg so I have been taking more than I thought b/c I thought that

they were 1/2mg and I was splitting them sometimes, thinking that I

was only taking 1/4. I took 1 1/4 last night as my local doc

suggested and slept better, but still woke up at 3AM, and before 6AM

and then had a real hard time getting up at 7AM. Still, I'll take

that any day over waking up at 3AM and never getting back to sleep.

The little dance that we have to do with these meds to achieve some

kind of sleep is awful. Maybe one of the biggest drawbacks of

treating with HC b/c it is so self-defeating to try to heal the

adrenals without sleeping enough which the adrenals need to heal.


> I'm on the .5s and mine are green. My doc has me mostly talked in to

> going up to at least .75 to help me stay asleep if it is capable of

> doing that - I don't know that it is because when I wake up it is

> often b/c of low cortisol and hypogly which will wake me no matter now

> much klono I'm on (within reason of course). What " yellow eye " are

> you referring to? I have resisted increasing b/c I don't want to get

> caught in the trap of needing more and more and then having a harder

> time to wean off later which I intend to do.

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, must be different brands. My .5 are yellow and I was referring to

yellow dye, I evidently mistyped.

Then of course we have the pretty blue AmbienER. Those do nothing either.

When I look at what's going on with my life, I think I'm having adrenal

rushes, and NOT hot flashes. Accupuncture has really helped me in that

area and we can start focusing on that again.

This healing with food boook that talks about the amino's is actually not

bad. It references Peatfield, Broda and EVEN talks about SERIPOHS

to treat high cortisol. I was so excited to see that in print. You guys

are the first to ever mention it to me.

I am finding that a high dose of GABA and 5-HTP helped me calm down last

night. Still didn't sleep really well, but didn't have the hot flashes

very badly either.

Am sticking with a couple eggs cooked in coconut oil for bedtime snack.

Tropical traditions has Virgin Coconut oil on sale till the end of this

week. I'm finding that I'm using it enough to buy large amounts.

It's been GREAT for my skin and I love the taste. Some of the food for

healing books I've been reading talk about some sort of acid that's in it

that is healthy for our bodies.

I'll go back to trying to use more magnesium at night as well.

Thanks .

kc in aZ

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, must be different brands. My .5 are yellow and I was referring to

yellow dye, I evidently mistyped.

Then of course we have the pretty blue AmbienER. Those do nothing either.

When I look at what's going on with my life, I think I'm having adrenal

rushes, and NOT hot flashes. Accupuncture has really helped me in that

area and we can start focusing on that again.

This healing with food boook that talks about the amino's is actually not

bad. It references Peatfield, Broda and EVEN talks about SERIPOHS

to treat high cortisol. I was so excited to see that in print. You guys

are the first to ever mention it to me.

I am finding that a high dose of GABA and 5-HTP helped me calm down last

night. Still didn't sleep really well, but didn't have the hot flashes

very badly either.

Am sticking with a couple eggs cooked in coconut oil for bedtime snack.

Tropical traditions has Virgin Coconut oil on sale till the end of this

week. I'm finding that I'm using it enough to buy large amounts.

It's been GREAT for my skin and I love the taste. Some of the food for

healing books I've been reading talk about some sort of acid that's in it

that is healthy for our bodies.

I'll go back to trying to use more magnesium at night as well.

Thanks .

kc in aZ

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I'm using coconut oil a lot too, in eggs, and in quinoa and rice, but

I use it earlier in the day b/c I read (here I think) that it can be

stimulating. With your sleep issues you might want to consider that

and use a little mag at night.


Am sticking with a couple eggs cooked in coconut oil for bedtime snack.

> Tropical traditions has Virgin Coconut oil on sale till the end of this

> week. I'm finding that I'm using it enough to buy large amounts.


> It's been GREAT for my skin and I love the taste. Some of the food


> healing books I've been reading talk about some sort of acid that's

in it

> that is healthy for our bodies.


> I'll go back to trying to use more magnesium at night as well.


> Thanks .


> kc in aZ


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,, hmmmmmmm coconut oil stimulates??? okay.... lets see, maybe I

can go back to cooking the eggs in butter.

When it warms up, I'll just do hard boiled eggs with sea salt.... Would

the sea salt be a stimulant??

Thsi all HAS to be nutrition cause the pills just don't work.

Until I see what's gonna happen to adrenals and have next doc appt, am not

going to push my shrink for more cytomel.

kc in AZ

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Keep using the coconut oil (cold pressed, extra virgin)- everyone

swears by it's healthful properties - just use it earlier in the day

to be safe. I've also heard to take vitamin D and definitely DHEA

earlier in the day for the same reason. Other vits like C and the Bs

I think are safe any time of day and mag is good at night because it

relaxes blood vessels and softens the bowels for the next day. TMI I

know but that's what I've learned here. People here drink sea salt

round the clock so I think you're OK with that.


> ,, hmmmmmmm coconut oil stimulates??? okay.... lets see,

maybe I

> can go back to cooking the eggs in butter.


> When it warms up, I'll just do hard boiled eggs with sea salt....


> the sea salt be a stimulant??


> Thsi all HAS to be nutrition cause the pills just don't work.


> Until I see what's gonna happen to adrenals and have next doc appt,

am not

> going to push my shrink for more cytomel.


> kc in AZ


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