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Sounds good to me. From what they say the radioactive material is not

harmful. I wouldn't mind taking one if they offer it to me, though I

already know I would have to got to army hospital in San . Save my

money, outlet mall here we come. LOL.. Jolene

RE: Re: Ingrid




> * What is a PET scan and how bad is the prep for something


> htat. Please

> advise.




> Nonnie









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We did the un-hook!!!! Mission accomplished. I flushed, wife Ellen pulled

the needle.

Feel like crap ....(I thought the first round was not supposed to be so


All the best,


Israel News Radio - http://www.Israelnewsradio.net

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Podcast: http://www.israelnewsradio.net/podcast.html

Re: Ingrid



>> Marty, I too had a long drive each chemo day. It was about an hour

>> and 15 minutes. I found out from others that some are allowed to

>> unhook themselves and flush their own ports on the last day. Can you

>> ask and see if that can be done? It would save you a third day of

>> traveling. Just a thought. Just trying to be helpful. Ingrid






>>> >>

>>> >>

>>> >> In a message dated 5/2/2005 10:30:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

>>> >> lowenco@h... writes:

>>> >>

>>> >> Donelle, Thank YOU!!

>>> >> I had finished my last chemo last Thursday. Treatment twelve. Am

>>> >> feeling very tired this evening. Had a rough day trying to get

>> my

>>> >> regular chores done. Got up this morning and fed the horses and

>>> >> turned them out. Wanted so bad to go lay down again. Fought that

>>> > and

>>> >> went to store and bought stuff to make dinner. Had to do laundry

>>> >> then. By the time my husband came home I had dinner made but

>> could

>>> >> not tolerate the salad dressing in my soooo sore mouth. Gave up

>>> > then.

>>> >> Told my husband and son to clean stuff up when done and I needed

>>> > to

>>> >> lay down. Slept a couple of hours and now am just checking e-

>> mail

>>> > and

>>> >> going to go lay down again. Guess the low blood counts are doing

>>> > me

>>> >> in. Blood count was too low to do last chemo but I insisited

>> since

>>> > I

>>> >> wanted this done with. Did not want a shot to help with the

>> blood

>>> >> counts. Just thought time would make it better. Guess my

>>> > stubornness

>>> >> is now paying me back. (HUH) The docotr told me it might take a

>>> > month

>>> >> to feel better. Seems forever!!!!

>>> >> I know Janet has it rougher then me. When I feel down I think

>> how

>>> >> awful she must be feeling. I have found myself meeting so many

>> new

>>> >> friends over this illiness and I just never knew all the

>> suffering

>>> >> till now. I Pray so hard each day that all would get better.

>> Thak

>>> > YOU

>>> >> for all your support and Prayers. Ingrid

>>> >>

>>> >>

>>> >>

>>> >> Ingrid...hope you are feeling much perkier by now. Sorry for

>>> > taking so long

>>> >> to get back to you...but I have been praying for you and

>> everyone

>>> > on this

>>> >> list. Out of sight does NOT mean out of mind...in this case!!!

>>> > If this is

>>> >> your last chemo treatment, what happens next...do you know??

>>> >>

>>> >> Donelle

>>> >> Caregiver to Glenn

>>> >>

>>> >>

>>> >>

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PET is a nuclear thing. They inject a sugar that concentrates in the

cancer, and then gives off radiation so thay can see exactly where the

cancer is in a special x-ray.

It's an amzaingly good tool for diagnosis.

The prep is easy!!!! You drink a few cups of pretty tasteless stuff, then

they shoot some stuff into your vein. (kind of fun to hear the staff's

geiger counters go off when they get near to you!!) You wait one hour, then

into the " tube " (kind of like an MRI, but without so much noise) for about

half an hour. It's only claustrophobic during the time that your head is

actually inside of that tube-thing.

All the best,


Israel News Radio - http://www.Israelnewsradio.net

Audio Blog:


Podcast: http://www.israelnewsradio.net/podcast.html

Re: Re: Ingrid





>> In a message dated 5/4/2005 7:48:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>> lowenco@h... writes:


>> Donelle, I am not too sure what happens next. The ONC told me I

> go in

>> for follow up bloodwork on the 17th. I think they will do a

> tumor

>> count. Then I will see him (ONC) a week later. I think (chemo

> brain)

>> that I will see him again in three months. I asked about CT and

> Pet

>> Scans. He told me none of these tests are reliable. Honestly I

> don't

>> know what to think. I just keep hoping that it does not come

> back.

>> Seems that the follow ups for now are so medival. I guess it's a

> wait

>> and see. And of course the always wondering for me. Thanks for

>> asking. Ingrid





>> I will, of course, keep you in my prayers...praying for some

> peace for you

>> so that you don't wonder too much...keep that brain and body

> functioning and

>> prayerfully you just stay NED...and be a SURVIVOR!!!! I love

> that word!!!


>> Lots of hugs and prayers, Donelle

>> Caregiver to Glenn




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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Thank you for the support. I feel that you truely are

understandsing what my feelings are right now. I had colon sugery

nine months ago. Went through six months of chemo. And now when I am

starting to feel closer to normal I am getting whammed again. Just

wish this nighmare would just stop for change. Need some good news

for a while. Thank YOU for your Prayers. Ingrid

> >>>I am a very active person with a very active

> life style. The thought of not being able to things really


> me. All I can do is put it in God's hands. Ingrid


> >>>>


> Ingrid, remember my Dad!! They took a whole lung, plus ribs and he

lived another 64 years and was very very active!! I mean, you've

never seen a man that could cast a fishing line over and over all day

long into the night like he could.


> You will, of course, be weak for awhile, but lady....you ARE going

to come through this fine. If they recommend any physical therapy

afterwards, go for it!!


> My treatments were very aggressive. And even though I do have alot

of lasting side effects for the rest of my life, by golly I know we

did everything we could to stop this monster from taking my life. You

will be doing the same....just exactly what you HAVE to do.


> I will be praying so hard for you:)


> J

> ----------


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I know, Ingrid. It gets so disheartening at times. I went through the

hysterectomy, radiation, chemos and thought I was all done on April 28th 2004. I

was just beginning to get back to feeling good again, doing my own shopping,

etc...when wham, June 28th the bowel blockage.

It's been a long hard road ever since then. I'm having to learn new ways to cope

with this disability now....and all the time, holding my breath that nothing

else comes along.

My thoughts, prayers and good hopes are with you:)

nancy j

Re: Ingrid

Thank you for the support. I feel that you truely are

understandsing what my feelings are right now. I had colon sugery

nine months ago. Went through six months of chemo. And now when I am

starting to feel closer to normal I am getting whammed again. Just

wish this nighmare would just stop for change. Need some good news

for a while. Thank YOU for your Prayers. Ingrid

> >>>I am a very active person with a very active

> life style. The thought of not being able to things really


> me. All I can do is put it in God's hands. Ingrid


> >>>>


> Ingrid, remember my Dad!! They took a whole lung, plus ribs and he

lived another 64 years and was very very active!! I mean, you've

never seen a man that could cast a fishing line over and over all day

long into the night like he could.


> You will, of course, be weak for awhile, but lady....you ARE going

to come through this fine. If they recommend any physical therapy

afterwards, go for it!!


> My treatments were very aggressive. And even though I do have alot

of lasting side effects for the rest of my life, by golly I know we

did everything we could to stop this monster from taking my life. You

will be doing the same....just exactly what you HAVE to do.


> I will be praying so hard for you:)


> J

> ----------


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Don't worry Ingrid,

keep the positive thoughts, our prayers are with you.

: )


Ingrid Lowe lowenco@...> wrote:

Thank you for the support. I feel that you truely are

understandsing what my feelings are right now. I had colon sugery

nine months ago. Went through six months of chemo. And now when I am

starting to feel closer to normal I am getting whammed again. Just

wish this nighmare would just stop for change. Need some good news

for a while. Thank YOU for your Prayers. Ingrid

> >>>I am a very active person with a very active

> life style. The thought of not being able to things really


> me. All I can do is put it in God's hands. Ingrid


> >>>>


> Ingrid, remember my Dad!! They took a whole lung, plus ribs and he

lived another 64 years and was very very active!! I mean, you've

never seen a man that could cast a fishing line over and over all day

long into the night like he could.


> You will, of course, be weak for awhile, but lady....you ARE going

to come through this fine. If they recommend any physical therapy

afterwards, go for it!!


> My treatments were very aggressive. And even though I do have alot

of lasting side effects for the rest of my life, by golly I know we

did everything we could to stop this monster from taking my life. You

will be doing the same....just exactly what you HAVE to do.


> I will be praying so hard for you:)


> J

> ----------


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Don't worry Ingrid,

keep the positive thoughts, our prayers are with you.

: )


Ingrid Lowe lowenco@...> wrote:

Thank you for the support. I feel that you truely are

understandsing what my feelings are right now. I had colon sugery

nine months ago. Went through six months of chemo. And now when I am

starting to feel closer to normal I am getting whammed again. Just

wish this nighmare would just stop for change. Need some good news

for a while. Thank YOU for your Prayers. Ingrid

> >>>I am a very active person with a very active

> life style. The thought of not being able to things really


> me. All I can do is put it in God's hands. Ingrid


> >>>>


> Ingrid, remember my Dad!! They took a whole lung, plus ribs and he

lived another 64 years and was very very active!! I mean, you've

never seen a man that could cast a fishing line over and over all day

long into the night like he could.


> You will, of course, be weak for awhile, but lady....you ARE going

to come through this fine. If they recommend any physical therapy

afterwards, go for it!!


> My treatments were very aggressive. And even though I do have alot

of lasting side effects for the rest of my life, by golly I know we

did everything we could to stop this monster from taking my life. You

will be doing the same....just exactly what you HAVE to do.


> I will be praying so hard for you:)


> J

> ----------


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In a message dated 6/20/2005 9:28:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

lowenco@... writes:

Karima, We just got done hauling 80 bales of hay in this heat. I did

a slight share of it myself. So hard to beleive that this lung nodule

I have could possibly be cancer from my colon. Or any cancer for a

matter of fact. No shortness of breath or anything. I thought of that

the whole time I was moving the hay. I am Praying so hard it is

nothing. But have to go through the surgery to find out. And Of

course the lay-up. Nurse told me I will not be allowed to lift

anything over ten pounds for at least four to six weeks. Just wish

this did not have to happen. Guess I am just venting here. Am Praying

for all!!! Ingrid

Surely doesn't sound like that little nodule is anything serious... praying

hard for you Ingrid!!!


Caregiver to Glenn

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In a message dated 6/20/2005 9:28:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

lowenco@... writes:

Karima, We just got done hauling 80 bales of hay in this heat. I did

a slight share of it myself. So hard to beleive that this lung nodule

I have could possibly be cancer from my colon. Or any cancer for a

matter of fact. No shortness of breath or anything. I thought of that

the whole time I was moving the hay. I am Praying so hard it is

nothing. But have to go through the surgery to find out. And Of

course the lay-up. Nurse told me I will not be allowed to lift

anything over ten pounds for at least four to six weeks. Just wish

this did not have to happen. Guess I am just venting here. Am Praying

for all!!! Ingrid

Surely doesn't sound like that little nodule is anything serious... praying

hard for you Ingrid!!!


Caregiver to Glenn

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In a message dated 6/20/2005 9:28:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

lowenco@... writes:

Karima, We just got done hauling 80 bales of hay in this heat. I did

a slight share of it myself. So hard to beleive that this lung nodule

I have could possibly be cancer from my colon. Or any cancer for a

matter of fact. No shortness of breath or anything. I thought of that

the whole time I was moving the hay. I am Praying so hard it is

nothing. But have to go through the surgery to find out. And Of

course the lay-up. Nurse told me I will not be allowed to lift

anything over ten pounds for at least four to six weeks. Just wish

this did not have to happen. Guess I am just venting here. Am Praying

for all!!! Ingrid

Surely doesn't sound like that little nodule is anything serious... praying

hard for you Ingrid!!!


Caregiver to Glenn

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Hello Ingrid,

I've been reading your posts. I just wanted to let you know that

I'm praying your surgeon's will be guided well and successful with

what they're trying to do.

I don't know whether to ask for the node to be cancer and them

getting it all (which would explain the CEA jump) or for the node to

be non-cancerous and the CEA jump was an anomaly.

My brother and my father-in-law have had coronary bypass surgery. I

saw how long it took for them to be able to cough or laugh again

after having their chests messed with. They came through it just

fine, and so will you.

I just wanted to let you know I'm here praying for you. Good luck


Miracles happen!

Cliff H.

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Thank You so much Cliff. We all need all the Prayers we can get. I

will get through it because I don't really have a choice not too.

Just wish it was a month down the road and it was all done with

already. Thank You for the Prayers. I pray for you and all who

suffer . Ingrid

> Hello Ingrid,


> I've been reading your posts. I just wanted to let you know that

> I'm praying your surgeon's will be guided well and successful with

> what they're trying to do.


> I don't know whether to ask for the node to be cancer and them

> getting it all (which would explain the CEA jump) or for the node


> be non-cancerous and the CEA jump was an anomaly.


> My brother and my father-in-law have had coronary bypass surgery.


> saw how long it took for them to be able to cough or laugh again

> after having their chests messed with. They came through it just

> fine, and so will you.


> I just wanted to let you know I'm here praying for you. Good luck

> Thursday!


> Miracles happen!

> Cliff H.

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