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Re: Sea Salt/lemonaide cleanse diet

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Here you go...this diet/cleanse can be done for just a day or two - or for

more than a month... I have yet to try it, but have a friend who does this

every time he comes back from a business trip to help clean out all the crap

he had to eat when at business lunches and dinners...

Has anyone used Bentonite

<http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/bentonite.html> before -

there is info below - sounds quite interesting.


Lemon Cleanse

Many diseases start in the intestines, so it is a good idea to do a

cleansing. We should be aware that one's healing process must go much

further including all levels of one's existence - not only the fisical... It

is no coincidence that you arrived at this Web site. Here you will find a

lot more in your search for health. Take your time... you might also enjoy



You start off first by drinking the sea salt and water...which is below.

More pages about


Treatments <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/treatment.html>

Fasting <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/fasting.htm>

Colon <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/coloncleanse.html>


Enemas <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/enema.htm>

Lemon <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/lemoncleanse.htm>




Colonic <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/irrigation.html>


Liver Cleanse <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/liver.html>

Kidney <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/kidney.html> Cleanse

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LEMON DRINK for your Master Cleanse

you need:

2 tablespoons FRESH squeezed lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2 lemon)

2 tablespoons genuine organic maple syrup, Grade B (the darker the better)*

1/10 teaspoon (a small pinch!) cayenne pepper, gradually increase (the more

BTUs the better)

300 - 500 ccm (10-14 oz) pure water

In a 300ccm (10-ounce) glass (to allow for 227ccm and mixing room): 2

tablespoons fresh (and organic, if possible) lemon or lime juice (absolutely

no canned or frozen juice). 2 tablespoons real (and organic, if possible)

grade B or C maple syrup. (Don't use Grade A maple syrup or maple-flavored

syrup. They are over-refined, which means that they are mostly refined

sugars and lack essential minerals.) A small pinch of cayenne pepper (to

taste). Spring or purified water, between room temperature and medium hot

(but not cold) - fill to 1/4 liter (8 oz). Mix all the ingredients by

thoroughly stirring or shaking, and drink. Or, in two 1 liter bottles: Juice

of 3 lemons, divided equally between the two bottles (about 85ccm or 3 oz

per bottle) An equal quantity of grade B or C maple syrup in each bottle

(about 85 ccm or 3 oz per bottle) A pinch of cayenne in each bottle Spring

or purified water (fill bottles to the top) Mix all the ingredients by

thoroughly shaking; then drink throughout the day. Use fresh lemons or limes

only, never canned or frozen lemon juice. Use organic and vine ripened when

possible. Also, mix your lemonade fresh just before drinking. Don't mix it

up in the morning for the whole day. You can, however, squeeze your lemons

in the morning and measure out the 2 tablespoons when needed.

* YL Clinic says you can use Agave instead of the maple syrup. Tom Woloshyn

(who studied with Stanley Burroughs himself) disagrees. Clinic says if you

have diabetes or hypoglycemia, use molasses. If you feel weak or have a

sugar imbalance you can add a scoop of Power Meal. Or you can try Master

Amino Acid Profile (MAP) for protein without any residuals or strain on the

body - more info here: http:/www.weightlossessentials.com/aminoacid.html



Drink an oral salt water enema upon arising. To do this, add 2 level

teaspoons of uniodized sea salt to a quart of lukewarm water (the one-quart

juice bottles in which most organic juices come work very well). Shake well,

then drink the entire quart. It's also good to massage the colon as well.

Make sure you use uniodized sea salt; regular or iodized salt will not have

the same beneficial effect. This oral enema will flush out your entire

digestive tract and colon from top to bottom, usually within an hour,

prompting you to eliminate several times, clearing out the plaque and debris

from the walls, and the parasites that have been living there.

Lemonade Drink:

Drink the lemonade mix every 1 to 2 hours. Take no other food, but do be

sure to drink plenty of purified water in addition to the lemonade drink.

Drink as much of this lemonade as you want, but make sure that you drink at

least twelve 1/4 liter (8 oz) glasses. The lemonade contains all the

vitamins and minerals you need. This can be combined with supplements for

colon cleansing such as Bentonite

<http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/bentonite.html> or Psyllium

<http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/psyllium.html> Seeds. You

don't have to start your fast on the morning of the first day. You can begin

later in the day, even if you've already eaten. Once you begin, however, eat

nothing more while you're on the fast. It's also a good idea to read Stanley

Burrough's book, The Master Cleanser. Note: Diabetics, refer to the special

instructions on page 19 of The Master Cleanser.

Note: Bentonite is the only product known to remove plaque from the walls of

the intestine and colon. The plaque in your stool will look like egg shells

on the outside of the bentonite " gel. " Bentonite works most effectively when

the colon is empty of food. It grabs the plaque which has been loosened by

the lemon juice and the resting/fasting process. The salt water enema pushes

out the bentonite gel and the plaque and debris that is stuck to it and in

it. The salt water further cleanses the walls as it passes through,

resulting in shiny clean walls.

Herbal Laxative:

Each evening you can drink an herbal laxative tea to help with elimination,

do this right before bed time.


Burroughs recommends a minimum of 10 days on this. You can safely do 40 days

or more.

First Day: Start with 4 oz. [1/8 liter] fresh squeezed orange juice mixed

with 4 oz. water. If it goes well, drink several more 8 oz. [1/4 liter]

glasses of fresh orange juice during the day. Sip slowly. Dilute with water

if needed.

Second Day: Drink several 8 oz. [1/4 liter] glasses of orange juice during

the day -- with extra water, if needed.

In the evening make a vegetable broth (no canned soup). Use seasonal leafy

and root vegetables such as: beets and beet tops, turnips and turnip greens,

kale, carrots, onions, parsley, celery, potatoes, okra, one or two inds of

legumes, squash, beans, a little salt, cayenne pepper and dehydrated

vegetables or veg. powder may be added for flavor (no MSG or hydrolyzed


Cook lightly. Drink the broth, eating only a few bites of the vegetables.

Third Day: Orange juice in the morning. At noon have some more soup with

some of the vegetables. No meat, fish, eggs, bread, pastries, tea, milk, or

coffee. For Dinner, have the vegetables in the soup.

Fourth Day: Orange juice or lemon and maple syrup in the morning. Fruits,

vegetables, seeds, nuts for lunch. Salad or fruit for dinner.

Fifth Day: Eat normally but no junk food, dairy, tea, coffee, white flour or

white rice, heavy animal proteins. If, after eating is resumed, distress or

gas occurs, go back to the lemonade diet for a few days until the system is

ready for food.

(Excerpt from " Healing for the Age of Enlightenment " by Stanley Burroughs

-Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanse - available through Essential Science


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Hi, you can get NON-iodine salt, I have some pink that I got if I ever

> wanted to do the salt/lemonade cleanse, it specifically says no

> iodine....not sure about the nickel.

HI KC, can you explain what a salt/lemonade cleanse is?



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In the past, when I was healthier, I often did cleansing fasts and

always felt better afterwards. Now, however, I'm really afraid it

would be too much of a strain on my adrenals so can't risk it. Do

you have adrenal problems and have you ever done a fast before?

I've used bentonite in an enema solution during fasts. I can't say I

noticed it had any particular benefit greater than the fasting and

enema procedure itself. I think its benefits are very subtle.



> Here you go...this diet/cleanse can be done for just a day or two -

or for

> more than a month... I have yet to try it, but have a friend who

does this

> every time he comes back from a business trip to help clean out

all the crap

> he had to eat when at business lunches and dinners...




> Has anyone used Bentonite

> <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/bentonite.html>

before -

> there is info below - sounds quite interesting.


> SeaLady


> Lemon Cleanse

> Many diseases start in the intestines, so it is a good idea to do a

> cleansing. We should be aware that one's healing process must go


> further including all levels of one's existence - not only the

fisical... It

> is no coincidence that you arrived at this Web site. Here you will

find a

> lot more in your search for health. Take your time... you might

also enjoy

> it.

> BeiYin




> You start off first by drinking the sea salt and water...which is






> More pages about

> Cleansing:


> Treatments



> Fasting <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/fasting.htm>


> Colon


> Cleanse


> Enemas <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/enema.htm>


> Lemon


> Cleanse


> Self-Colonics

> <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/selfcolonics.html>


> Colonic


> Irrigation


> Liver Cleanse



> Kidney <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/kidney.html>



> Parasite


> Cleanse


> Healing <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/crisis.htm> Crisis


> Links <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/links.html>


> Equipment








> <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/equipment.html>






> BeiYin's health Testimonial:


> _____



> Index page <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/index.htm>


> Introduction <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/intro.htm>


> What can be done <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/2dx.htm>


> Cleansing



> Ozone <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/ozone/index.htm>


> Sauna <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/sauna/index.htm>


> Alimentation



> Supplements



> Going beyond <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/beyond.htm>


> Posts <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/posts/index.htm>


> Epilog <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/epilog.htm>


> LEMON DRINK for your Master Cleanse

> you need:


> 2 tablespoons FRESH squeezed lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2


> 2 tablespoons genuine organic maple syrup, Grade B (the darker the


> 1/10 teaspoon (a small pinch!) cayenne pepper, gradually increase

(the more

> BTUs the better)

> 300 - 500 ccm (10-14 oz) pure water


> In a 300ccm (10-ounce) glass (to allow for 227ccm and mixing

room): 2

> tablespoons fresh (and organic, if possible) lemon or lime juice


> no canned or frozen juice). 2 tablespoons real (and organic, if


> grade B or C maple syrup. (Don't use Grade A maple syrup or maple-


> syrup. They are over-refined, which means that they are mostly


> sugars and lack essential minerals.) A small pinch of cayenne

pepper (to

> taste). Spring or purified water, between room temperature and

medium hot

> (but not cold) - fill to 1/4 liter (8 oz). Mix all the ingredients


> thoroughly stirring or shaking, and drink. Or, in two 1 liter

bottles: Juice

> of 3 lemons, divided equally between the two bottles (about 85ccm

or 3 oz

> per bottle) An equal quantity of grade B or C maple syrup in each


> (about 85 ccm or 3 oz per bottle) A pinch of cayenne in each

bottle Spring

> or purified water (fill bottles to the top) Mix all the

ingredients by

> thoroughly shaking; then drink throughout the day. Use fresh

lemons or limes

> only, never canned or frozen lemon juice. Use organic and vine

ripened when

> possible. Also, mix your lemonade fresh just before drinking.

Don't mix it

> up in the morning for the whole day. You can, however, squeeze

your lemons

> in the morning and measure out the 2 tablespoons when needed.


> * YL Clinic says you can use Agave instead of the maple syrup. Tom


> (who studied with Stanley Burroughs himself) disagrees. Clinic

says if you

> have diabetes or hypoglycemia, use molasses. If you feel weak or

have a

> sugar imbalance you can add a scoop of Power Meal. Or you can try


> Amino Acid Profile (MAP) for protein without any residuals or

strain on the

> body - more info here:


> <http://www.weightlossessentials.com/aminoacid.html>



> Drink an oral salt water enema upon arising. To do this, add 2


> teaspoons of uniodized sea salt to a quart of lukewarm water (the


> juice bottles in which most organic juices come work very well).

Shake well,

> then drink the entire quart. It's also good to massage the colon

as well.

> Make sure you use uniodized sea salt; regular or iodized salt will

not have

> the same beneficial effect. This oral enema will flush out your


> digestive tract and colon from top to bottom, usually within an


> prompting you to eliminate several times, clearing out the plaque

and debris

> from the walls, and the parasites that have been living there.


> Lemonade Drink:

> Drink the lemonade mix every 1 to 2 hours. Take no other food, but

do be

> sure to drink plenty of purified water in addition to the lemonade


> Drink as much of this lemonade as you want, but make sure that you

drink at

> least twelve 1/4 liter (8 oz) glasses. The lemonade contains all


> vitamins and minerals you need. This can be combined with

supplements for

> colon cleansing such as Bentonite

> <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/bentonite.html> or


> <http://www.falconblanco.com/health/cleansing/psyllium.html>

Seeds. You

> don't have to start your fast on the morning of the first day. You

can begin

> later in the day, even if you've already eaten. Once you begin,

however, eat

> nothing more while you're on the fast. It's also a good idea to

read Stanley

> Burrough's book, The Master Cleanser. Note: Diabetics, refer to

the special

> instructions on page 19 of The Master Cleanser.


> Note: Bentonite is the only product known to remove plaque from

the walls of

> the intestine and colon. The plaque in your stool will look like

egg shells

> on the outside of the bentonite " gel. " Bentonite works most

effectively when

> the colon is empty of food. It grabs the plaque which has been

loosened by

> the lemon juice and the resting/fasting process. The salt water

enema pushes

> out the bentonite gel and the plaque and debris that is stuck to

it and in

> it. The salt water further cleanses the walls as it passes through,

> resulting in shiny clean walls.


> Herbal Laxative:

> Each evening you can drink an herbal laxative tea to help with


> do this right before bed time.



> Burroughs recommends a minimum of 10 days on this. You can safely

do 40 days

> or more.

> First Day: Start with 4 oz. [1/8 liter] fresh squeezed orange

juice mixed

> with 4 oz. water. If it goes well, drink several more 8 oz. [1/4


> glasses of fresh orange juice during the day. Sip slowly. Dilute

with water

> if needed.

> Second Day: Drink several 8 oz. [1/4 liter] glasses of orange

juice during

> the day -- with extra water, if needed.


> In the evening make a vegetable broth (no canned soup). Use

seasonal leafy

> and root vegetables such as: beets and beet tops, turnips and

turnip greens,

> kale, carrots, onions, parsley, celery, potatoes, okra, one or two

inds of

> legumes, squash, beans, a little salt, cayenne pepper and


> vegetables or veg. powder may be added for flavor (no MSG or


> protein).

> Cook lightly. Drink the broth, eating only a few bites of the


> Third Day: Orange juice in the morning. At noon have some more

soup with

> some of the vegetables. No meat, fish, eggs, bread, pastries, tea,

milk, or

> coffee. For Dinner, have the vegetables in the soup.

> Fourth Day: Orange juice or lemon and maple syrup in the morning.


> vegetables, seeds, nuts for lunch. Salad or fruit for dinner.

> Fifth Day: Eat normally but no junk food, dairy, tea, coffee,

white flour or

> white rice, heavy animal proteins. If, after eating is resumed,

distress or

> gas occurs, go back to the lemonade diet for a few days until the

system is

> ready for food.

> (Excerpt from " Healing for the Age of Enlightenment " by Stanley


> -Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanse - available through Essential


> Publishing.)


> back to index


> cleansing | BeiYin's Poetry


> | FalconBlanco <http://falconblanco.com/fbgb/index.htm> |


> <http://falconblanco.com/health/index.htm> Health Testimonial

| Healing

> Our Planet <http://falconblanco.com/peace/index.htm>




> Hi, you can get NON-iodine salt, I have some pink that I got if I


> > wanted to do the salt/lemonade cleanse, it specifically says no

> > iodine....not sure about the nickel.


> HI KC, can you explain what a salt/lemonade cleanse is?


> Thanks,

> Barb





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Thanks, that is quite a bit of info! I've been making my own glass of

lemonade with fresh lemons (from my tree), sea salt, and liquid

stevia. Guess I could start adding cayenne.



> Here you go...this diet/cleanse can be done for just a day or two -

or for

> more than a month... I have yet to try it, but have a friend who does


> every time he comes back from a business trip to help clean out all

the crap

> he had to eat when at business lunches and dinners...

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My DH just finished this cleanse. He used pure maple syrup - it is the nutrient

base; I wouldn't suggest stevia instead of maple syrup. He did very well on it

and even recovered part of his hearing on it! The maple syrup is important,

though. He was on it for 3-4 weeks.

Cathy C.

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But natural clay, especially the form known as " bentonite clay " , has not

only been used medicinally for hundreds of years by indigenous cultures

around the planet, but has, in recent years, been increasingly used by

practitioners of alternative medicine as a simple but effective internal

cleanser to help in preventing and alleviating various health problems

<http://www.healingdaily.com/conditions.htm> .

Clay is one of the most effective natural


intestinal detoxifying agents available to us and has been used for hundreds

of years by native tribes around the globe.

Taken internally, liquid bentonite supports the intestinal

<http://www.healingdaily.com/colon-kidney-detoxification.htm> system in the

elimination of toxins


xins-in-the-environment.htm> . Liquid bentonite is inert which means it

passes through the body undigested.

Bentonite clay is made up of a high number of tiny platelets, with negative

electrical charges on their flat surfaces and positive charges on their


When bentonite clay absorbs water


m> and swells up, it is stretched open like a highly porous sponge. Toxins


xins-in-the-environment.htm> are drawn into these spaces through electrical

attraction and bound. In fact, according to the Canadian Journal of

Microbiology (2), bentonite clay can reportedly absorb pathogenic viruses,

as well as herbicides

<http://www.healingdaily.com/detoxification-diet/pesticides.htm> and

pesticides. The bentonite is eventually eliminated from the body with the

toxins bound to its multiple surfaces.

Technically, the clay first adsorbs toxins (heavy metals, free radicals,

pesticides), attracting them to its extensive surface area where they adhere

like flies to sticky paper; then it absorbs the toxins, taking them in the

way a sponge mops up a kitchen counter mess.

According to Knishinsky, benefits reported by people using liquid clay for a

period of two to four weeks include: improved intestinal regularity; relief

from chronic constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and ulcers; a surge in

physical energy; clearer complexion; brighter, whiter eyes; enhanced

alertness; emotional uplift; improved tissue and gum repair; and increased

resistance to infections. " Clay works on the entire organism. No part of the

body is left untouched by its healing energies, " he notes.


In the past, when I was healthier, I often did cleansing fasts and

always felt better afterwards. Now, however, I'm really afraid it

would be too much of a strain on my adrenals so can't risk it. Do

you have adrenal problems and have you ever done a fast before?

I've used bentonite in an enema solution during fasts. I can't say I

noticed it had any particular benefit greater than the fasting and

enema procedure itself. I think its benefits are very subtle.


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But natural clay, especially the form known as " bentonite clay " , has not

only been used medicinally for hundreds of years by indigenous cultures

around the planet, but has, in recent years, been increasingly used by

practitioners of alternative medicine as a simple but effective internal

cleanser to help in preventing and alleviating various health problems

<http://www.healingdaily.com/conditions.htm> .

Clay is one of the most effective natural


intestinal detoxifying agents available to us and has been used for hundreds

of years by native tribes around the globe.

Taken internally, liquid bentonite supports the intestinal

<http://www.healingdaily.com/colon-kidney-detoxification.htm> system in the

elimination of toxins


xins-in-the-environment.htm> . Liquid bentonite is inert which means it

passes through the body undigested.

Bentonite clay is made up of a high number of tiny platelets, with negative

electrical charges on their flat surfaces and positive charges on their


When bentonite clay absorbs water


m> and swells up, it is stretched open like a highly porous sponge. Toxins


xins-in-the-environment.htm> are drawn into these spaces through electrical

attraction and bound. In fact, according to the Canadian Journal of

Microbiology (2), bentonite clay can reportedly absorb pathogenic viruses,

as well as herbicides

<http://www.healingdaily.com/detoxification-diet/pesticides.htm> and

pesticides. The bentonite is eventually eliminated from the body with the

toxins bound to its multiple surfaces.

Technically, the clay first adsorbs toxins (heavy metals, free radicals,

pesticides), attracting them to its extensive surface area where they adhere

like flies to sticky paper; then it absorbs the toxins, taking them in the

way a sponge mops up a kitchen counter mess.

According to Knishinsky, benefits reported by people using liquid clay for a

period of two to four weeks include: improved intestinal regularity; relief

from chronic constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and ulcers; a surge in

physical energy; clearer complexion; brighter, whiter eyes; enhanced

alertness; emotional uplift; improved tissue and gum repair; and increased

resistance to infections. " Clay works on the entire organism. No part of the

body is left untouched by its healing energies, " he notes.


In the past, when I was healthier, I often did cleansing fasts and

always felt better afterwards. Now, however, I'm really afraid it

would be too much of a strain on my adrenals so can't risk it. Do

you have adrenal problems and have you ever done a fast before?

I've used bentonite in an enema solution during fasts. I can't say I

noticed it had any particular benefit greater than the fasting and

enema procedure itself. I think its benefits are very subtle.


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But natural clay, especially the form known as " bentonite clay " , has not

only been used medicinally for hundreds of years by indigenous cultures

around the planet, but has, in recent years, been increasingly used by

practitioners of alternative medicine as a simple but effective internal

cleanser to help in preventing and alleviating various health problems

<http://www.healingdaily.com/conditions.htm> .

Clay is one of the most effective natural


intestinal detoxifying agents available to us and has been used for hundreds

of years by native tribes around the globe.

Taken internally, liquid bentonite supports the intestinal

<http://www.healingdaily.com/colon-kidney-detoxification.htm> system in the

elimination of toxins


xins-in-the-environment.htm> . Liquid bentonite is inert which means it

passes through the body undigested.

Bentonite clay is made up of a high number of tiny platelets, with negative

electrical charges on their flat surfaces and positive charges on their


When bentonite clay absorbs water


m> and swells up, it is stretched open like a highly porous sponge. Toxins


xins-in-the-environment.htm> are drawn into these spaces through electrical

attraction and bound. In fact, according to the Canadian Journal of

Microbiology (2), bentonite clay can reportedly absorb pathogenic viruses,

as well as herbicides

<http://www.healingdaily.com/detoxification-diet/pesticides.htm> and

pesticides. The bentonite is eventually eliminated from the body with the

toxins bound to its multiple surfaces.

Technically, the clay first adsorbs toxins (heavy metals, free radicals,

pesticides), attracting them to its extensive surface area where they adhere

like flies to sticky paper; then it absorbs the toxins, taking them in the

way a sponge mops up a kitchen counter mess.

According to Knishinsky, benefits reported by people using liquid clay for a

period of two to four weeks include: improved intestinal regularity; relief

from chronic constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and ulcers; a surge in

physical energy; clearer complexion; brighter, whiter eyes; enhanced

alertness; emotional uplift; improved tissue and gum repair; and increased

resistance to infections. " Clay works on the entire organism. No part of the

body is left untouched by its healing energies, " he notes.


In the past, when I was healthier, I often did cleansing fasts and

always felt better afterwards. Now, however, I'm really afraid it

would be too much of a strain on my adrenals so can't risk it. Do

you have adrenal problems and have you ever done a fast before?

I've used bentonite in an enema solution during fasts. I can't say I

noticed it had any particular benefit greater than the fasting and

enema procedure itself. I think its benefits are very subtle.


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