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Re: Weight

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> " I have been reading all the posts about skinny kids and have a

> question. I have two kids one adhd-possibly bipolar, and one that

the doctorsuspects has ASD. Now both my kids have a weight problem.

My two year old with ASD symptoms is 42 pounds. I dont give them too

much to eat as a matter of fact the little guy eats very little but

drinks alot of liquid. Any idea if this is a vitamin problem , any

one else have big kids? "

Yes, my son was 89 pounds - very puffy & ill looking with dark

circles around his eyes - when we started the diet. He didn't eat

much for the first 1-2 weeks, except gfcf brownies & cookies. Now he

eats a variety of foods and looks great. He's grown 3 inches in 9

months, lost the owl-eyed look, and dropped to 79 pounds. He takes

SNT, CLO and extra zinc & calcium (when not on his chelation pills).

Recently, he forgot to take his pills before school. That afternoon

I got notes from 2 teachers that he had been very scattered and

complaining alot - the first notes like this since last school year.

So in our case, Dr. Rimland's recommendations to counter vitamin

deficiencies seem to work.

" My sons speech has improved from a 9 month old level to 12-15 month

old level in 6 weeks. I think that is remarkable!! He is also ALOT

calmer and doesent spend near as much time spinning or staring at the

wheels on his train.. I sure am proud of him... "

That's great news! Is your other son on the diet, too? How's he


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  • 1 year later...

Could you give us some info about what you now eat? Are you a meat eater or




> Reply-To: graves_support

> Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 04:02:43 -0000

> To: graves_support

> Subject: Weight


> I am now down to about 43kg and cannot and do not want to lose

> anymore. If you are on a gluten-free diet, what foods can you eat to

> help you put weight back on?




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I think I am rushing into the food changes too quickly as suggested.

I will get tested for gluten sensitivity and see what that brings.

I eat pretty healthily anyway - salads, vegies in stir frys, meat.

Don't eat enough fruit since the baby came along but am eating more

now. I think perhaps making small changes and continue to do so.

I'll start eating wholemeal bread instead of white. What is the best

milk to drink? I think the smoothies is a great idea and easy to

whip up.

I'll cut out eating things like bacon and sausages. Limit sweets

like biscuits and cakes.

I had a friend come over yesterday arvo for a coffee (I mainly only

drink decaf now) and she made choc chip cookies but I just had to


But this morning I was famished and and two bits of toast. I won't

fatten up on salads, fruits and veges!!

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I think I am rushing into the food changes too quickly as suggested.

I will get tested for gluten sensitivity and see what that brings.

I eat pretty healthily anyway - salads, vegies in stir frys, meat.

Don't eat enough fruit since the baby came along but am eating more

now. I think perhaps making small changes and continue to do so.

I'll start eating wholemeal bread instead of white. What is the best

milk to drink? I think the smoothies is a great idea and easy to

whip up.

I'll cut out eating things like bacon and sausages. Limit sweets

like biscuits and cakes.

I had a friend come over yesterday arvo for a coffee (I mainly only

drink decaf now) and she made choc chip cookies but I just had to


But this morning I was famished and and two bits of toast. I won't

fatten up on salads, fruits and veges!!

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I think I am rushing into the food changes too quickly as suggested.

I will get tested for gluten sensitivity and see what that brings.

I eat pretty healthily anyway - salads, vegies in stir frys, meat.

Don't eat enough fruit since the baby came along but am eating more

now. I think perhaps making small changes and continue to do so.

I'll start eating wholemeal bread instead of white. What is the best

milk to drink? I think the smoothies is a great idea and easy to

whip up.

I'll cut out eating things like bacon and sausages. Limit sweets

like biscuits and cakes.

I had a friend come over yesterday arvo for a coffee (I mainly only

drink decaf now) and she made choc chip cookies but I just had to


But this morning I was famished and and two bits of toast. I won't

fatten up on salads, fruits and veges!!

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Thats a great question and I have been doing the same exact thing as far as

eating. I was wondering will this come off and will I return to eating like

a bird again cause it for sure I am NOT eating like a bird now. I was 5

months post op when I got pregnant and I am now in my 8th month and have gained


lbs. It seems like a lot but I guess its all the baby. Well, I keep telling

myself that. I am not freaking about gaining the 10 just wanta know if it

will come off easy or will I just keep eating like this. Not sure if this


you any but when I saw your email I thought ohhh thats me. LOL Can't wait to

hear what others have to say.


Lap RNY 7/22/02

8/19/03 Aiden will be here. :o)

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Well then, with those stats of how much everything weighs, i guess i shouldnt

feel bad!

I guess the thing that worries me the most is my appettite! I sure dont want

to eat like this after the baby is born. I'm hoping to get right back to

eating smaller portions and hopefully get the baby weight off and i was 12 # to


goal when i got prego!

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At 6 weeks pregnant, 19 months post-op lap rny, and down 227 lbs... I hear

you loud and clear!! You are not whiny!! :~)

My doc told me he would be happy if I gained a total of 15 pounds, so you

are in the exact perfect range for seven months pregnant! He wants me to

gain 15-25 lbs, so... don't worry... you seem to be doing fine...

NOW, remember this six months from now when I start freaking out about

thinking I have gained too much weight! LOL!! It will be your turn to " poo

poo " me! LOL!



Summersect@... said:





> Hi everyone

> I am almost 7 months along now and have gained 12 lbs so far. I guess I am

> really freaking out about this weight gain and although I know I need to

> gain

> some weight for a healthy baby, its really hard for me to see the scale

> moving

> in the opposite direction.


> I am 17 most post op lap rny. I wasnt planning on having any more

> children,

> and had just got the patch from my dr and well didnt get a chance to even

> put

> it on when i found out i was pregnant.


> I guess I'm wondering if 12 lbs is alot? is it normal ? I feel like my

> appettite has returned to what it was before the surgery. I feel like i

> can eat so

> much more and I'm wanting to eat stuff i wouldnt have before I got

> pregnant.

> I'm just scared!

> How hard is it for this weight to come off after I deliver? Will my

> appettite

> return to normal? Will i be able to eat smaller portions again?


> Sorry to sound so whiney, but after losing 130#, its scares me to death to

> think of gaining again!!


> Thanks for any input :)





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Perhaps having infertility issues and wanting a baby so badly was

the reason I honestly didn't think twice about how much weight I was

going to gain or how long it would take to lose it afterward. I had

previously lost 147# and gained 16# on fertility drugs and 18# total

in the pregnancy. I prayed for a healthy baby and after a premature

birth & rough start at 36 weeks, 6# 9 oz and a stay in NICU, I

couldn't have cared less IF the weight ever came off.

I lost the 18# within 2 weeks. I still haven't lost the fertility

drug weight and don't care if I ever do. Actually, we're thinking of

taking more fertility drugs to have another baby. At 37, having a

baby is more important to me than losing 24#. Perhaps after you see

the baby for the first time, the minimal weight gain (that should

come off easily IF you are eating healthy as you should be) won't be

of as much significance to you.



> I guess I'm wondering if 12 lbs is alot? NO

is it normal? yes

I feel like my appettite has returned to what it was before the

surgery. I feel like i can eat so much more and I'm wanting to eat

stuff i wouldnt have before I got pregnant <---read back through

many messages and you will see most everyone has the same issues as

you. I have a voracious appetite, but still can't hold much so I eat


> How hard is it for this weight to come off after I deliver? mine

came off easy- as I have read from many people on the list

Will my appettite return to normal? mine hasn't after 9 months

Will i be able to eat smaller portions again? I'm still eating what

I have been eating since surgery 3 years ago.

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re: " How hard is it for this weight to come off after I deliver? " '

My PREGNANCY weight came off easy. I still have 16# fertility pounds

to lose plus 8# that I have recently gained (hmmmm, from sweetened

iced tea, REAL Pepsi's and Wintergreen Lifesavers). I feel most

certain IF I kick those bad habits, the 8# should come off easy. I

feel those fertility pounds are there to stay until I start

kickboxing and jogging again!! lol

After losing a whole entire person, those 24# don't seem like alot

to me and a sacrifice I gladly made to give my husband his " first "

born son; and my second.



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re: " How hard is it for this weight to come off after I deliver? " '

My PREGNANCY weight came off easy. I still have 16# fertility pounds

to lose plus 8# that I have recently gained (hmmmm, from sweetened

iced tea, REAL Pepsi's and Wintergreen Lifesavers). I feel most

certain IF I kick those bad habits, the 8# should come off easy. I

feel those fertility pounds are there to stay until I start

kickboxing and jogging again!! lol

After losing a whole entire person, those 24# don't seem like alot

to me and a sacrifice I gladly made to give my husband his " first "

born son; and my second.



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Hey... here is an excerpt from a book I have on pregnancy, week by week...

if this is half-way accurate, we are all going to be just fine in weight

gain! LOL

How is Pregnancy Weight Distributed?

7 lbs Maternal stores (fat, protein, and other nutrients)

4 lbs Increased fluid volume

2 lbs Breast enlargement

2 lbs Uterus

7.5 lbs Baby (oh, yeah, right!LOL)

2 lbs Amniotic fluid

1.5 lbs Placenta

Except for the 7.5 lb baby... does that sound right to you baby vets out

there?? :~) Does it stand to reason that if the baby is bigger, then

there will be more of the other stuff too?? OR am I just being silly?


Shrad655@... said:







> Thats a great question and I have been doing the same exact thing as far

> as

> eating. I was wondering will this come off and will I return to eating

> like

> a bird again cause it for sure I am NOT eating like a bird now. I was 5

> months post op when I got pregnant and I am now in my 8th month and have

> gained 10

> lbs. It seems like a lot but I guess its all the baby. Well, I keep

> telling

> myself that. I am not freaking about gaining the 10 just wanta know if it

> will come off easy or will I just keep eating like this. Not sure if this

> helped

> you any but when I saw your email I thought ohhh thats me. LOL Can't wait

> to

> hear what others have to say.


> Angie/NJ

> Lap RNY 7/22/02

> 8/19/03 Aiden will be here. :o)




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I am literally EXACTLY where you are. Started the pregnancy at

almost 5 months post-op - having lost about 90 lbs - weighed 209. I

lost another 17 after that and have gained exactly 12 of those lbs

back so far at 30 weeks pregnant. Your feelings about how much and

what you're eating are the same as mine. I have another 50 lbs to go

before I'm anywhere near my goal weight, so I'm worried too.

BUT on the other hand, I notice that MOST of this 12 lbs is the baby,

the amniotic fluid, the placenta and a gigantic uterus. Even if I

manage to gain a pound a week for the next 10 weeks, very little

permanent " damage " will be done because that will mainly be the baby

putting on weight. It's hard to remember that when I'm feeling huge,

but most of the weight should come off in the hospital after

delivery. The rest we will be able to work off once our " normal "

appetites return.

It's not like we've gained 30 lbs already!! 12 lbs is a very

reasonable weight gain by 7 months, so we are both doing fine. I'm

just trying to relax about it and eat when I'm hungry (ie all the


Del Buono

post-op 8-8-02

baby boy due 9-20-03

amanda @ delbuono.com

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, I hope my quick story here will be an inspiration for you

and take your worries away. I was 8 months post op when I got

pregnant and 10 pounds from my goal weight of 150. In the beginning

of my pregnancy I got down to 152 and when I had him I weighed about

167. As of yesterday, I weighed 150 and my son is only a week and a

half old. So yes, the weight will come off. I'm sure if you nurse,

that will help too. So don't worry about being able to eat more, or

gaining some weight. In the end, having a healthy baby is all that


Typically, most women gain between 20-30 pounds. With WLS moms, I

know this number varies depending on when you get pregnant. I have

heard of WLS patients on here not gain anything, and then some

gaining but a few pounds, and others gain 20+. So if you only have

gained 12 pounds, I would say you are doing great! You need to

remember too that all of your body fluids increase, you have a baby

and a placenta, and your breasts have increased as well--this all

adds up. So I doubt you have gained more than a couple of pounds of

maternal fat stores. Just don't stress.

Becky Soodsma

> Hi everyone

> I am almost 7 months along now and have gained 12 lbs so far. I

guess I am

> really freaking out about this weight gain and although I know I

need to gain

> some weight for a healthy baby, its really hard for me to see the

scale moving

> in the opposite direction.


> I am 17 most post op lap rny. I wasnt planning on having any more


> and had just got the patch from my dr and well didnt get a chance

to even put

> it on when i found out i was pregnant.


> I guess I'm wondering if 12 lbs is alot? is it normal ? I feel

like my

> appettite has returned to what it was before the surgery. I feel

like i can eat so

> much more and I'm wanting to eat stuff i wouldnt have before I got


> I'm just scared!

> How hard is it for this weight to come off after I deliver? Will

my appettite

> return to normal? Will i be able to eat smaller portions again?


> Sorry to sound so whiney, but after losing 130#, its scares me to

death to

> think of gaining again!!


> Thanks for any input :)





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OMG I was feeling the same way with my pregnancy. I am 22 weeks pregnant and

was 5 months out when I got pregnant. We were not trying mind you the double

protection did not work. We did want # 3 but we were going to wait. God had

other plans for us. I have not gained one LB yet but I have a DR's

appointment on the 23rd. I am eating like a pig, at least I think so. I called


surgeon and told him I was freaking out and I feel I stretched my pouch. He


I didn't and asked me how much I have bee eating. I can eat up to 4 ounces at

a time and I eat 4 to 5 times a day at my OBGYN's request. He told me by now

I could have gained 15 to 20 LBS and since I have not gained anything I

should be OK. What scares me is will it come off easily after I have the baby.


am so happy that there are other women out there that feel the same way I do.

Thank you all. I do love this site. It is great to know I am not alone.


EDD 11/21/03

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OMG I was feeling the same way with my pregnancy. I am 22 weeks pregnant and

was 5 months out when I got pregnant. We were not trying mind you the double

protection did not work. We did want # 3 but we were going to wait. God had

other plans for us. I have not gained one LB yet but I have a DR's

appointment on the 23rd. I am eating like a pig, at least I think so. I called


surgeon and told him I was freaking out and I feel I stretched my pouch. He


I didn't and asked me how much I have bee eating. I can eat up to 4 ounces at

a time and I eat 4 to 5 times a day at my OBGYN's request. He told me by now

I could have gained 15 to 20 LBS and since I have not gained anything I

should be OK. What scares me is will it come off easily after I have the baby.


am so happy that there are other women out there that feel the same way I do.

Thank you all. I do love this site. It is great to know I am not alone.


EDD 11/21/03

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OMG I was feeling the same way with my pregnancy. I am 22 weeks pregnant and

was 5 months out when I got pregnant. We were not trying mind you the double

protection did not work. We did want # 3 but we were going to wait. God had

other plans for us. I have not gained one LB yet but I have a DR's

appointment on the 23rd. I am eating like a pig, at least I think so. I called


surgeon and told him I was freaking out and I feel I stretched my pouch. He


I didn't and asked me how much I have bee eating. I can eat up to 4 ounces at

a time and I eat 4 to 5 times a day at my OBGYN's request. He told me by now

I could have gained 15 to 20 LBS and since I have not gained anything I

should be OK. What scares me is will it come off easily after I have the baby.


am so happy that there are other women out there that feel the same way I do.

Thank you all. I do love this site. It is great to know I am not alone.


EDD 11/21/03

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I hear you!! My doc PROMISES me that I won't be as hungry after the baby

is born, unless I am breast feeding... and I will be... then he said I

would be just as hungry and eating nearly as much, but losing weight, too.

That sounds weird to me! LOL! I guess I haven't a choice but to wait and

see, huh! :~)


Summersect@... said:





> Well then, with those stats of how much everything weighs, i guess i

> shouldnt

> feel bad!

> I guess the thing that worries me the most is my appettite! I sure dont

> want

> to eat like this after the baby is born. I'm hoping to get right back to

> eating smaller portions and hopefully get the baby weight off and i was 12

> # to my

> goal when i got prego!





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I can tell you that from my own personal experience that your

appetite will return to VERY close to what it was before you got

pg....if you don't nurse. If you nurse you're going to need more

calories for milk production. So if I had to guess, your appetite

will return to normal after you're finished nursing.

I didn't nurse with my first and my appetite returned to normal right

away. Now that I'm pg with my second (32 weeks 3 days) I am eating

anything and everything that doesn't eat me first, just like I did

the first time around. I will be nursing this time, so I'm guessing I

won't get back to normal right away.

With my first pg I lost 40 lbs throughout (I was about 9 months post

op when I got pg and still had plenty to lose). And now with my

second pg, I have gained a total of 14 lbs (prior getting pg I was

only about 20 lbs or so to my goal weight). My dr couldn't be

happier. He said it's right on target and that should come right off

after delivery, but understands why it bothers me so much. At least

he understands. :o)

I hope that might help put your mind at ease a little.


Tessa Louise 8/6/02

Kendra Leanne edd 9/9/03

WLS 3/8/01

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I can tell you that from my own personal experience that your

appetite will return to VERY close to what it was before you got

pg....if you don't nurse. If you nurse you're going to need more

calories for milk production. So if I had to guess, your appetite

will return to normal after you're finished nursing.

I didn't nurse with my first and my appetite returned to normal right

away. Now that I'm pg with my second (32 weeks 3 days) I am eating

anything and everything that doesn't eat me first, just like I did

the first time around. I will be nursing this time, so I'm guessing I

won't get back to normal right away.

With my first pg I lost 40 lbs throughout (I was about 9 months post

op when I got pg and still had plenty to lose). And now with my

second pg, I have gained a total of 14 lbs (prior getting pg I was

only about 20 lbs or so to my goal weight). My dr couldn't be

happier. He said it's right on target and that should come right off

after delivery, but understands why it bothers me so much. At least

he understands. :o)

I hope that might help put your mind at ease a little.


Tessa Louise 8/6/02

Kendra Leanne edd 9/9/03

WLS 3/8/01

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I can tell you that from my own personal experience that your

appetite will return to VERY close to what it was before you got

pg....if you don't nurse. If you nurse you're going to need more

calories for milk production. So if I had to guess, your appetite

will return to normal after you're finished nursing.

I didn't nurse with my first and my appetite returned to normal right

away. Now that I'm pg with my second (32 weeks 3 days) I am eating

anything and everything that doesn't eat me first, just like I did

the first time around. I will be nursing this time, so I'm guessing I

won't get back to normal right away.

With my first pg I lost 40 lbs throughout (I was about 9 months post

op when I got pg and still had plenty to lose). And now with my

second pg, I have gained a total of 14 lbs (prior getting pg I was

only about 20 lbs or so to my goal weight). My dr couldn't be

happier. He said it's right on target and that should come right off

after delivery, but understands why it bothers me so much. At least

he understands. :o)

I hope that might help put your mind at ease a little.


Tessa Louise 8/6/02

Kendra Leanne edd 9/9/03

WLS 3/8/01

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