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Re: My 3 year old with Down Syndrome and severe Hoshimotos

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I would order the proper labs for her yourself through our list of labs

in the LINKS section of this site. Free T4 and Free T4 and Reverse T3 as

well as a full iron panel and possibyl an AM cortils unless oyu think

you can egt her to spit in the tibes for a cortisol test. YES I ahve

seen serious adrneal issues in very young choldren! Particularly ones

like yours with development problems.









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Guest guest

I would order the proper labs for her yourself through our list of labs

in the LINKS section of this site. Free T4 and Free T4 and Reverse T3 as

well as a full iron panel and possibyl an AM cortils unless oyu think

you can egt her to spit in the tibes for a cortisol test. YES I ahve

seen serious adrneal issues in very young choldren! Particularly ones

like yours with development problems.









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Guest guest

I would order the proper labs for her yourself through our list of labs

in the LINKS section of this site. Free T4 and Free T4 and Reverse T3 as

well as a full iron panel and possibyl an AM cortils unless oyu think

you can egt her to spit in the tibes for a cortisol test. YES I ahve

seen serious adrneal issues in very young choldren! Particularly ones

like yours with development problems.









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I am trying to think of he Dr.'s name in Indiana. I belive he is pretty far north so maybe not too far from you. I want to Micheals. He is listed on the good doctor list. Do you know how to find that? Good luck, S

To: RT3_T3 Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 2:48:07 PMSubject: My 3 year old with Down Syndrome and severe Hoshimotos

I have a 3 1/2 yr. old daughter who has Down Syndrome and also SEVERE Hoshimotos syndrome (diagnosed over a year ago). She is currently under the care of a "traditional" pediatric endocrinologist who prescribed Levothyroxine (generic Synthroid) and she's been on this medication for over a year now. We see this doctor every 6 mos to check her labs...and of course, just like me, "everything is normal". But I know that with my own nightmare experience, almost 20 doctors and 6 years later, I'm finally getting my own RT3/T3 and Hypo issues treated, my fear is that my daughter is suffering and I don't know what to do. She cannot communicate and is developmentally delayed anyway with having Down Syndrome. Her hair isn't growing, actually falling out, she has horribly dry skin, very fatigued, a lot of the same issues I have (and probably more, but cannot communicate them to me)and it has nothing to do with diet...her diet is excellent. It scares me to death

to think that she could be going through what I am/or went through. She's a developing child with other issues that take precedence. Like I said, her doctor says "she's fine"...but I KNOW BETTER, I'VE HEARD THAT STORY MILLIONS OF TIME MYSELF! And all along, I wasn't fine! Any advice? I live in Chicago, if anyone knows of a pediatric endocrinologist that "thinks outside the box", a referral would be great. But any advice until I find a new doctor for her? I'm at a loss and very very worried. Thanks so much!!Deanna

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